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Help! Doggie Toenail Bloodbath!

Guest WoobiesMom

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Guest WoobiesMom

So, I get through all but two of Woobie's nails without incident and I'm doing the last two on his back foot and he jerks just as I'm snipping one of those dreaded black nails where you can't really see the quick. I estimate I chopped probably 2-3 mm higher than I should and the darned thing just would not stop bleeding! I held the styptic pencil on it (while sitting on him to keep him still!) for about 2 minutes and it just gushed blood. So finally, I cleaned it as best I could with alcohol swabs and wrapped up up in gauze and taped it to catch the blood. That was about 20 minutes ago and the blood has only seeped through the gauze in a small area. I guess that means the bleeding has slowed down or stopped.


Any suggestions for making sure that it doesn't get infected and for stopping a big bleeder in the future (hopefully this won't happen again! grr). Should I get the styptic powder instead? Damn, we were getting so good at this, chicken treats, clicker, he trusts me, I just take a tiny bit off the tips, keeps them in good trim, and now this! Shoot!

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I had read somewhere cornstarch or flour just a dab of it. I cant verify thats true, but I am pretty sure it was on here. I could definately be wrong. So basically Im of no help. :rolleyes:


Sorry you cut too far, it happens to everyone Im sure. Thats why Rivens get done at a groomers, so I can be mad at them and not myself LOL.

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I had read somewhere cornstarch or flour just a dab of it. I cant verify thats true, but I am pretty sure it was on here. I could definately be wrong. So basically Im of no help. :rolleyes:


Sorry you cut too far, it happens to everyone Im sure. Thats why Rivens get done at a groomers, so I can be mad at them and not myself LOL.



According to the pet first aid class I took a couple of weeks ago, cornstarch or a bar of soap pressed against the nail should stop the bleeding. I'm not sure they would work any better than a styptic pencil though, but maybe worth a try.

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I use the powder and it always works. I lick my finger and dab it in to get a glob on my finger and then just PRESS the bloody spot for at least a min or so. Then add a bit more powder for coverage, again more pressure. Mine is Kwik Stop brand.


I also used it on Diesel's ear that River caught with her teeth and must have got a vein cuz it just wouldn't stop (and oy, him shaking his head sent blood everywhere!) And got the idea to use it on that and it worked GREAT there too!


Tip for cutting black nails:

Start with just clipping off the triangular point on the nail. Then start 'slicing' off layers of nail in thin slices (you can only do this if you have a still dog). You will be able to see that the nail is transparent within the blackness (still black, but you'll see what I mean when you do it). If you have white streaks and can't see after slicing, just wet your finger and touch the nail. When you get to the point where you see a white dot getting closer while slicing, stop just before you get to it. That's the quick. If you don't see the white dot, keep going. Think thinly sliced ham from the deli.


I also use clippers that are shaped like scissors while in my hand, not the guillotine kind - which may or may not be easier for this. Also I just replaced my clippers after about 2 years because they seemed to be getting too dull for slicing nicely.


Jaida's nails are all black and River & Diesel both have some black nails. I find with both my BCs I only cut off the teeniest tip of their rear legs, no slicing at all, because they both keep those pretty short from running across the driveway daily at mock speed.

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Guest WoobiesMom

Thanks for all the replies. Luckily, it did stop bleeding. Can't imagine having to cauterize it! Ouch! :rolleyes:


I'm keeping it covered up so nothing can get in there and start up an infection. I found pictures online of what you're describing for trimming the black nails. I normally only take the tiniest slip off the back nails, he just wiggled at the last moment and whammo! :D

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I also use a dremel but you can still cut the quick with it (I have!) and when you use a dremel, you can't see the white spot in black nails I was describing. So now I mostly use my dremel to smooth out the nails after I'm done so there's not edges to hurt my bare feet when the dogs are excited and step on my toes with their scratchy nails!

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Thanks for posting about this. The other day I hurt Dylan somehow when I was clipping a black toenail. There was no blood whatsoever, so not sure what happened. He is great about having his toenails clipped and I want to keep it that way too ! Hope Woobie wasn't too traumatised ! Raising River - thank you so much for writing out that description of cutting black nails. That is a huge help. I always trim little by little, but never knew how to spot the quick.

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Anyone have any tips for nails that are so hard they're broken every set of clippers we (and the vet) have bought? Penny's nails are like cement.. and worse.. black cement LOL. And she faints if she hears the dremel... so she just has huge long nails :rolleyes:


Good note tho... all of Shadow's claws are nice clear ones! Woo!

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first time Lance's nails were clipped a qwick was cut. He yelped, it sucked. I haven't had to clip them since then. They grow slow enough that he wears them down. Actually, truth be told, I had my mom clip his nails that one time. I've never actually done it. But when I do need to next time I will buy a good sharp clipper. the cheap one I have is a piece of.. cheap clippers that seem to crush through the nail rather than slice...


Lance's nails are exactly half clear, half black.

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In a pinch, cayenne pepper (ground) will stop a bleeding nail almost instantly. It stings a little, and the dogs make odd faces if they lick it, but it saved me from having a huge mess had I run out to the barn to get the Blood Stop from the horse first aid box. It works on people, too- I tried it on an under-the-nail paper cut. Stings a bit, but stopped the bleeding!

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Guest WoobiesMom

Kewl! I'll keep that in mind. I do have that on hand (not a baker, so no flour or cornstarch on hand). It's good for cholesterol and arthritis as well. I mix about a half teaspoon with a packet of Emergen C in a water bottle.

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Black toe nails aren't any fun to clip. Most of Black Jack's are black so I just clip what I have to and leave them alone.


Sorry poor Woobie had to go through that, but we all have done it before.

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