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Dogs that hide?

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Hi guys, i have never really thought about it before (dont know why) but it has just occured to me that Bailey is the only dog I have ever known to hide most of the time. That is when we're not busy playing. He's either always in the footwell of the computer desk or under our low coffee table (its in a corner with the sofa one side and a chair the other so its completely blocked off under there apart from a small opening between chair and sofa). IS this a BC thing or is he just a really insecure dog? Understandable with a dog-hating-cat on the loose :D:rolleyes:


Claire x

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Sounds like, if you don't supply him with a "den" in the form of a crate, he's going to select a location for his cosy, secure, nobody-can-step-on-me spot.


My dogs do this at the computer desk and I have to look first and be careful before I roll the chair back or stand up.


My Celt also sometimes likes the corner behind the rocking chair. He can have a private place and still keep an eye on the rabbit.


I sure hope you are feeling better!

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Yeah I'm fine thank you... poor Bailey got a bit left out for a while whilst I tried to sort my head out. I feel so guilty for that!


He has a crate but will only go to it if he REALLY wants be left alone or if he has food. I know what you mean about the computer chair, the amount of times Bailey has nearly been run over.....


EDIT: Bailey is apx 4 or 5, he has always been like this (well since we got him 1.5 years ago), like I said I've just never thought about it before

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Oreo always had her "den" places that she'd sleep when nothing else was going on - most notably under the stairs. If that door was left open, you could bet your money she'd be under there.


Personally, if I was going to have a nap, I'd choose a nice corner and not the middle of the floor too. :rolleyes: (Some dogs and cats disagree... Zeeke thinks the best place to be is in the middle of the room, stretched out as far as possible!)

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Allie is almost always at my feet (wherever I go), but she does like to "hide" from the cat, vacuum or whatever underneath the kitchen table. If we can't find her, that's where we look. She also likes to crawl under our bed (guess she doesn't have claustrophobia). The crate door is always open, but she almost never goes in unless we put her there. She really does like small, enclosed spaces though.

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Cricket, who is insecure, will often run to her kennel to hide, esp. if she thinks she's done something wrong. When she's outside, she has her spot on the steps or underneath them. Jazz, on the other hand, will stretch out behind the couch, in the middle of the floor, wherever it suits his fancy! Mind you, ALL the dogs are allowed on the furniture...so if I'm lucky, I get to squeeze in with a couple of them

Sounds like Bailey is very normal

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My boy will hide when I'm kennelling the dogs. If he does'nt go in the kennels there's a good chance he'll be going in the truck which means SHEEP! His version of hiding is a bit lame though. The end of our path slopes downward into a lower terrace so he gets a bit lower on that path and lays down. I say "I can still see your ears." Then he comes running. He's also be cought hiding around the corner with just his nose visible. If he can't see us,we must not see him.

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Muddy bob,

That is so funny. Cocoa does that. She will take a flying leap at the couch and hide her head underneath a pillow. I swear she thinks we can't see her. If we "can't see her"; we can't make her get off the sofa. Silliest thing I ever saw. Always makes me laugh.



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Claire- I don't think it's just a bc thing, but I do think it could be that your dog is somewhat insecure.


I got Annie, my youngest, when she was 8 months old. She initially spent a lot of time behind the sofa, cuddled between the wall and the sofa. As time went on and she became more comfortable, she went there less and less and now only goes behind the sofa if something worries her, such as thunderstorms.


Sounds like your cat has Bailey under control! :eek:

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I agree that it's a security thing. Loki is a sensitive pup and always liked his hiding spots, but is gaining confidence now. He now only goes under "his chair" or table when he's exhausted (which is rare) or if he thinks some grooming is going to take place.


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That is such a cute picture! lol.


Whenever I'm on my computer, Sarah lays at my feet under the desk. She graduated out of her crate over a year ago, and Sydney inherited it. I think she's made my computer desk her den area. When we've been at the vet, she has been known to hide under chairs in the waiting room. She also hid under the end tables at my parents' house when they were dog-sitting her. She can be very submissive, and some of this behavior has been combined with submissive peeing.


Sydney, on the other hand, only goes in her crate when we go to work. Otherwise, she sprawls out on her back on the couch, her dog bed, the guest bed, or a rug. She loves comfort and never hides.


~Kelly Deneen

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Yancey(14 month Blue Merle, BC) will "den" anywhere we are. Under the Computer Desk,under the breakfast table, the Couch. His favorite place is beside our bed until he wants to squeeze in between Mom and Dad around 5:00AM. When he scolded by Mom, he will get between dad's legs but he has never tried to hide. But, can he put on his best "sulking routine",works much better than hiding...lol...

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If she is scared or hassled, Meg finds a far corner and puts her back up to it, or heads downslope to a hollow she dug beneath ferns and Western RedCedar debris, or sits under my chair where she can quietly chew the bottom chair rail (sigh).

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