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We need mojo big time.

Tommy Coyote

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One of the dogs I am taking care of got into a box at the owners home today. She found a little brown bag of dental samples. One of the things I found on the floor was a chewed up case to a sample of dental floss. She also chewed up some plastic cases with tooth brushes in them. There were just little needle like shards of plastic all over the rug.


I called the ER and they told me that all we could really do was monitor her for the next 3 days. Any kind of stomach upset at all and she is off to the vet.


I am just praying that the dental floss will stayed kind of balled up and just go on thru.


Dogs! They will eat absolutely anything.


The owner has just moved into the house and she had the boxes sitting on the floor. I'm sure she had no idea that stuff was even in there.

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I'm sending mojo! Al ate a 6 foot leather leash around 6mo, I'm the idiot that left it in the crate with him. A week later, we were still missing part of it... Xrays showed it was, uh, at the back door. Good luck! Dogs make great garbage disposals.

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I had a foster once who ate a great big (I mean big) wad of stuffing from a plush toy.


Vet told me to take 2 fingersful of petroleum jelly and stick it on the roof of his mouth and that it would help him pass it. Everything came out OK.


Good luck and lots of mojo coming your way . . .

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I had a cat once who ate a length of dental floss. The vet said to 'pork that kitty.' Upon further questioning, I discovered it meant to feed the cat as much as it wanted, and then entice it to eat more. The large volume of food would hopefully move the floss out quickly and uneventfully.


Buster lived several more years, quite happily.


Ruth and Agent Gibbs

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