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Seeking puppy in New England :)

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oooh, this is the first time I've had a hot thread!! Drama, drama, drama.


I appreciate that you care about dogs and all rlwzgd, but perhaps you came on a bit too strong? Friendliness can go a long way. No need for accusations, and coming out huffing and puffing and then apologizing is not what needed to happen here.


1. By specific needs, I meant wanting a puppy in the northeast, from a good working breeder, somewhat soon, but not before later in August. That's pretty much it, gasp-worthy, I know! I do not care at all about the color (I like them all :) ), I'd prefer a girl but would be just as happy with a boy puppy, and that's pretty much it for 'specifics'. No special agenda.


2. Yes, I would be willing to ship a puppy, and some reputable breeders do. I would not prefer that at all. However, if someone knowledgeable on these boards recommended someone with a litter that would ship, I would trust them, as well as carefully screen the breeder, as I assume they would do to me.


3. I have been in contact with border collie owners and breeders for almost a year now, and yes I have attended a sheepdog trial and am going to again this summer/fall, hopefully a couple actually. I actually posted some photos from May of last year in a thread I made, if you'd like to look through them! (Not very good quality, but proof I *do* exist). I've been actively looking for a litter for 1 year, on here for a long time (coming up on 2 yrs), and settle on getting this breed for 3-


I love everything that well bred border collies are, quirks and all (I'm pretty weird too). In other words, I'm confident that I want a border collie. I've spoken with multiple people who have border collies as 'just pets', yes, from working lines. I've read this entire forum top to bottom. By non-working home, I mean no livestock. I wish (intense chicken/goat/sheep/cow lover over here), and I do know that some people do not want to sell to homes that don't work their dogs on livestock, which is why I mentioned it.


4. There are a multitude of reasons why a rescue is not an option for me right now, and I'm also perfectly willing to say I just plain want a puppy from a breeder. I don't expect some perfect, magical puppy to come out of it, but I don't expect to get some monster dog either. While my house can be a bit messy, that's it for problems with a home visit, and I would be perfectly happy to have anyone I was getting a dog from to drop by if they so wished. I have a dog that came from a shelter, if that counts for brownie points. :rolleyes: I have a local border collie puppy mill if getting into breeding/selling was what I really wanted. The one issue is the thought of being responsible for a pregnant dog makes me want to cry, hmm. And a 100 other things. Throws a wrench in it. I'm pretty sure I would have just gotten the darn dog at this point and spared myself the trouble, if I were a puppy mill.


5. Dogs are what you make them. Well, not really, but in this case, yes. If you run your dog into the ground all day long, it'll learn to expect and need it. Nowhere did I say I wasn't going to play with my dog...? I've been taking care of a high energy dog all summer (he belongs to my sister, who is away for the summer), whose favorite activity is to run like a madman endlessly for no reason other then to feel the wind in his topknot (lol), and we have lots of off-leash play time in parks/beaches most days, go running for anywhere from 4-6 miles 3-4 times a week, etc. etc.Not to mention how much time we spend just playing and training every day. You can even see photos from out adventures on my Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tea-photos/. From aforementioned border collie pet owner people I've talked to, he's much more needy when it comes to mindless physical exercise. Also, any breeder I want to buy from would talk to me about expectations and make sure I was right for one of their puppies before selling me one.



FWIW I am an animal behavior (Read: dog; My bookshelves over my desk are a shrine to all things dogs) nerd, I'm a super active person, and have all sorts of exciting things planned for this puppy to do once fully grown, and am offering the most awesome pet home around (!!!). I think I'd be whacked to get a working bred border collie for sitting around n' looking pretty, and the show ones just aren't the for me. About getting a rescue with less energy....that's not what I want. If I did, I would. ;)


Also, Wesley (my sister's dog) looks kinda *like* a sheep, being a poodle, so if the dog ever has some desperate need to work sheep, well, he'll do. :P

(Before anyone warns me against this, the above comment is totally in jest). But he will be an awesome playmate.



This might be a deal breaker;

Sometimes I'd like to tie Wesley up to a tree, hoping something might fall on his head and knock the puppy outta him. At 2 1/2, still waiting. :blink:


Lalala, yours truly,



Damn. I've got lazy working dogs! Who wants some useless couch potatoes?


Me, me! I want Juniper please, she'd be a great foundation girl for my puppy mill, I think her head markings would be considered desirable. I do love her. :wub:



Whew, can't keep up with this thread, it's blowing up as I write my response.


I'm sure if I wrote anything unclear that could be taken in a negative way, I will pay dearly momentarily.


Thanks to people who posted who didn't jump to conclusions. Thank you for the PMs, I am indeed still looking around so if anyone else has any contacts, feel me to drop me a line. I really appreciate the helpful people on this forum.

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A lot of posts got crossed, so I'll pm you and leave this for Oko, but let me say, that clearly I have something wrong if all y'all are saying so. I'd love to learn and if there is a lot of misconceptions on my end, it's time for me to go back to the drawing board and relearn dogs and BC's... Maybe I spent too much time with my shepherd mix, maybe I'm too sleep deprived and stupid. I'd like to learn from you (generic you) here, and I'm sure you'll find me quite teachable. It's been a rough start and clearly that's because I'm doing something wrong and just plain don't understand something. I'd like to think the best of me (that I'm not actually dumb), but rather that I'm missing something. It really doesn't make sense and you're right, something is missing over here...

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"asking for a dog from a non-working home"


Are you anti pet Border Collie?


"incredibly specific characteristics"


Yes, a little stringent on timing, but if someone wants a pet they can put a little more emphasis on timing and less on specific working traits/bloodlines. She did say she is willing to wait.


"willing to buy sight unseen"


Lots of people buy pups from reputable breeders sight unseen. You just have to do your homework and check the facts. She also said she would prefer to meet the dogs in person fist.


"unwilling to accept rescue for unknown reasons"


What's wrong with wanting a pup from a breeder? We have spoken in private about not getting a dog from rescue and was satisfied with her answer.


"Worse yet, her (assuming her, like you said) profile had no information, said she joined just before the post and had 0 posts."


We didn't react because she has been on these boards for awhile. I've even met her in person when she came out to a sheepdog trial.

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Yep, I'm an idiot... I thought I knew my stuff, clearly I don't. Do I get points for being obnoxiously slow to recognize it? My dog told me I was a moron this week, too. Proof is in the pudding.


Congrats on having a hot topic, just doing what I can to help... Any chance I can get a puppy from your first litter at your new found puppy mill that's apparently tied up to a tree in Missouri? :-) I'd pay dearly for one! Especially since Juniper is out...

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Yep, I'm an idiot... I thought I knew my stuff, clearly I don't. Do I get points for being obnoxiously slow to recognize it? My dog told me I was a moron this week, too. Proof is in the pudding.


Congrats on having a hot topic, just doing what I can to help... Any chance I can get a puppy from your first litter at your new found puppy mill that's apparently tied up to a tree in Missouri? :-) I'd pay dearly for one! Especially since Juniper is out...


Anybody can make a mistake, no hard feelings. But sorry, we're very selective and only sell to chained-to-tree-homes. ;)


Sorry, Juniper is NOT for sale. The closest you can get is a puppy out of her. She is pretty though, isn't she?




*swoon* such a shame, at the very least I have to come to some trial that you're at and photograph her!

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Anybody can make a mistake, no hard feelings. But sorry, we're very selective and only sell to chained-to-tree-homes. ;)


Crap! I have a tree if that counts... I could plant another if it would help... My dog thinks I'm an idiot, so the two would have plenty to discuss...


:-) thanks for being so understanding, seriously, I was acting so dumb lately I don't deserve it.

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I dont know if anyone said this already, I didn't have the patience to read all the replies BUT... In my opinion ALL border collies should be bred for work! And only come from working lines... lol... if we start breeding for looks... or companion dogs... it wouldnt be a border collie anymore!! haha... There are usually a range of intensity in each litter that would make great dogs for active homes.


Why would anyone say.. "dont get one from working lines."?? are you saying go to an AKC show breeder person? or agility breeder? <_<:rolleyes:

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My bcs hike nearly 7 hours with me in the mountains about 3-5 days a week, yet they can hapilly chill out when need be (like two weeks ago I was sick for a whole week, they only were let outside to pee, they actually were more interested in sleeping near me and keeping me co.pany,


Exercise doesn't create a monster either, its all about the training. My dogs know this.... when i chill you chill, sure go ahead and ask me if I feel like being active everyone couple hours, but if i say no, then its time to go back to lying down or occupying yourselves.


Build the partnership with your highly intelligent and active BC, they are extremely moldable into various different lifestyles. Its not about the exercise but the companionship they crave. (But remember to teach them to be happy being alone too, learnt that the hard way, now I make sure they have days where theydont see me much a few times a month).


Also on the topic, I got no red flags from the OP at all. If someone doesn't want a rescue that is their choice. And working breeders need to be supported too! :-)

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Anybody can make a mistake, no hard feelings. But sorry, we're very selective and only sell to chained-to-tree-homes. ;)

Oh dear, and here I was hoping some cinder blocks cemented to tractor tires would be an acceptable chaining anchor. Darn. I shall have to look into moving to another mobile home.


Ruth and Agent Gibbs, who begs you to take the above as a joke.

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Just wanted to update and say that I am all set on advice, someone was kind enough to offer to ask around, and if that turns up nothing I now know of several litters taking place later in the year that I'm very keen on. Thanks again, everyone!


Oh, and I will totally try to come to Bittersweet's trial, should be doable.

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