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Regionals brag!

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I'm over the moon happy!! Just back from regionals and we ended up qualifying for nationals, and 5th overall all in 26" regulars! We even got a 3rd in a jumpers run and 2nd in a gamblers!


So proud of my Jude! He's my first dog and this was only our 6th trial, (just entered for the "big, crowded trial" experience for next years, since it was pretty close to home) and it just feels awesome to know were on the right track. We just moved out of starters (actually still a jumpers to go) so I was really intimidated, and there were a lot of rough runs, I was no where near as smooth as those great handlers (I still don't know anything about timing lol). But this dog has a heart of gold and a good "go on" and "woah", lol ;)


Haha just felt the need to share and brag, I love this dog!

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I'm over the moon happy!! Just back from regionals and we ended up qualifying for nationals, and 5th overall all in 26" regulars! We even got a 3rd in a jumpers run and 2nd in a gamblers!


That is awesome! Congratulations on your success!

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Thanks guys! I'm still so happy! Nationals, probably not, can't justify flying to BC, when I'm moving out there 3 weeks after nationals, lol (sigh, bad timing!) Next year! If there was more than a week to decide I'd probably talk myself into spending the money, but I'm probably lucky there's no time for justifying lol.

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