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Meet Kip

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I have new member of the house

had him about 3 weeks now

been an adjustment not had a pup in the house in years WOW !


His name is Kip , Scully my BC likes him and seems glad to have him

the little Boomer not so much hes very not happy....


And Scully looks really fat but its all fur and a bad angle !

post-10935-013613400 1338823474_thumb.jpg

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Awww, super cute! Congrats.


I know so many people who got, or are getting, a puppy this year. Gah, so jealous! :lol:



I was considering getting one in the fall and did all this research and talking with breeders to decide where I was going to get one ect.

and then his face pops up and well the rest was history I had to have him.......


so that blew all my planning out of the water!

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Yep, I noted the 'mirror image' thing myself. Very, very cute!


Shoshone's brother was Kip. I've always liked that name.


Ruth and Agent Gibbs


i named him after the man that bought my horse cause I thought the name was cute

and short for training.

Thats why I got sucked in they match!!! kinda

He came from Christine Shwartz (spelling) in VA anyone know her>


hes not a barbie collie both parents are ABCA registered only

I had a hard time when looking around to decide what was the best

so i just went with my heart.


hes healthy with good brain and bones so the rest is what I make him

with good care and schooling.

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Congrats!! is he a tri?


If so, his mirror image (named Kipp :D ) lives with with me





Oh wow thats cool may he grow up to be as cute as yours

Where did you get the name Kipp from?

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Um, yeah. Totally stealing your puppy. Male, split face and prick ears. Check, check, check. You found my perfect puppy! :) What a doll.



He is little devil check check check....

those ears are so funny they flop when hes sleepy and the wilder he gets they higher and tighter together they get its funny.

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Where did you get the name Kipp from?


I just heard it somewhere, liked it and stuck it on my mental "possible future dog names list" I added the extra p at the end since I wanted his name to look a bit bigger and more masculine since he is such a little dog (30# and 17.5")

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He is SO cute!! All your dogs are. :) I always fall in love with the split faced ones! There's just something about the look. ^_^



He is also sooooo BAD!! he is a little beast and i am not being too diligent in making him behave!

he makes me laugh too much pups are sure good for the soul

and I think my 3yr old BC is very happy to have another of his kind in the mix they are getting along

wonderfully,my little aussie not so much he is very not into this beast moving in.


And our foster BC comes this weekend so I hope we have a good mix of boys.

The pup gets to go see some sheep on Sunday that should be fun.

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His ears drooping wahhhhh I was told its cause hes teething Ihope it comes back up


And I Scully is so happy he loves this pup i guess he needed another of his kind


took Kip to a horshow Saturday he was a gem hes a cool dude takes everything in stride

I think we are going to intro him to sheep in July see what he thinks about that.


Took the foster dog to meet some yesterday he care less wanted to chase chickens

there has to be a few screws missing with this boy !!!

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Their ears do a lot of wonky things during teething. Secret's would occasionally stand up and get me all excited, but they ultimately ended up down (although when she's high as a kite the left one will stand :D ).


Kips ears are so high in the posted picture that I think you are guaranteed to have prick ears on this one. ;)

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Their ears do a lot of wonky things during teething. Secret's would occasionally stand up and get me all excited, but they ultimately ended up down (although when she's high as a kite the left one will stand :D ).


Kips ears are so high in the posted picture that I think you are guaranteed to have prick ears on this one. ;)



Hope so cause they sure give him personality plus when they are up all the way

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