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I just found 17 ticks on Willow and 4 crawling on me!!! Where the hell did these come from?? Anyone else have a problem with them this year? I still feel like they are crawling all over me!! I have been using frontline plus too on her, so I'm pretty upset that it's not working. What do you all recommend I use?

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It is tick country down here so I am pretty used to finding a tick on me or the dogs. Because this winter was so warm, the ticks pressure is even higher than normal because there was no winter 'kill'.


I use monthly Frontline application in addition to a Preventic collar. Just keep checking everyone and removing ticks before they attach and you should not have a problem (other than the 'ick factor') since they need to be attached for 12-24 hours (depending on which expert you listen to) before they transmit disease.


P.S. Also spray your pants and shoes with an anti-tick spray (chemical or otherwise) before walking in the fields or woods - and even then, I have come home to find a tick on my upper body, but I just can't bring myself to spray Deet around my face.



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I also use Frontline (not "Frontline Plus"; the "Plus" part has no effect on ticks) in addition to a Preventic tick collar. So far so good (fingers crossed). Just be sure if you're using such a two-pronged approach that the topical agent and the tick collar use different active ingredients. Otherwise you're at risk of subjecting your dog to an overdose.


You could try a different topical agent, such as Vectra 3D, or there's another newer one (can't recall the name; maybe Bluezinnias can help us out, as she's the one who told me about it) that's supposed to be very effective. Check with your vet.


As Jovi said - because of the mild winter, it's going to be a banner year for ticks. Heard something to that extent on the radio today, but I already knew it would be the case. They were recommending humans wear light clothing; wear long pants/long sleeved shirts; use DEET; shower after returning from outdoors; and do a complete body check.


I've already gotten my dog vaccinated for Lyme disease, as well.

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Oh: and when the vet tech has found a dead (but not engorged) tick on Duncan, she's commented "I guess your Frontine is working".


A live tick isn't proof that Frontline isn't working. It isn't designed to kill them instantly, only to kill them before they can infect the dogs with the bacteria that cause tick-borne diseases.

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I'm in Massachusetts, and agree that the Frontline products don't seem to be much use anymore. Put some on my dog one day, and found dozens of deer tick nymphs on him a couple days later.


I switched to K9 Advantix II, and haven't found a single tick on my dog this year, which by all accounts is insanely heavy with ticks. (I have found a dog tick on myself - UGH!)



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I had the same problem, only my dogs also had fleas! I've used Frontine plus religiously for years, and it is no longer working. I got Vectra 3D from my vet, and the fleas and ticks are gone. The problem with Vectra is that it is deadly for cats if they come in contact with the stuff during the first 4 hrs. (until it is dry) Fortunately my cat doesn't have much to do with the dogs, so keeping them apart wasn't a huge problem. So, bottom line, I'm sticking with the Vectra for now.

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Last time I checked the collars where still on backorder?


That, unfortunately, seems to be true. I had heard that this was going to be the case, so had bought one last winter, before I needed it. Even so, the ones in the right size were already out, so I bought one too long, figuring I'd cut it down. That's what Duncan is wearing right now. Last week when I was in at the vet's they did have some, but only in small dog size.

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If I have a cat and use K9Advantix on Willow, will it hurt my cat even after it drys? Since I cant get the collar and my vet doesnt carry those other tick meds you listed, I see no other option :(.

Im just affraid my cat will get sick from it.

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My understanding is that Frontline does not repel ticks - it simply kills them AFTER they bite your dog. So with frontline you're still likely to find ticks crawling on or attached to your dog. Advantix, on the other hand, repels the ticks as well as kills them in the event that they do bite. I usually hit half of my dogs with K9 Advantix and the other half with Frontline Plus. I seem to get good coverage that way.


Regina, you can always order flea and tick items online, such as places like www.entirelypets.com. I would suggest calling your vet to ask about the Advantix/Cat/Drying situation (I wouldn't risk my own cat's life on someone's advice on the internet on something like this).

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Talked to the vet, she said that the preventic collar is much more dangerous around cats then the K9 Advantix. She recommended that I either apply the Advantix and let it dry for 24hrs before allowing the cat and her near each other or I could get the collar and put it on her while she is outside and take it off when she is inside.

I think Im going with the K9 Advantix... The collar will just be a pain in the butt IMO. I would be more affraid of forgetting to take it off then anything else.

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Just an FYI, but I tried Vectra and found an attached engorged tick a few days after applying it. I took it back to the vet for a refund. Frontline Plus works great for my guys, but we took a 4-year break from having to use that when I lived in the NW, so maybe that's why. Or it could be because where we walk is not used by other dogs, so maybe the ticks are more susceptible. Whatever the reason, I find dead or crawling ticks now, never engorged, and we walk through tick-heavy fields almost daily. From what I understand, it takes 36-48 hours for the tick to transmit disease, so I'd rather the ticks bite my dogs and die than bite me and give me Lyme again.


If your ticks are coming from your own yard, as was the case in my dad's yard in VA, I've had great success with diatemaceous earth sprinkled throughout the yard.

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Talked to the vet, she said that the preventic collar is much more dangerous around cats then the K9 Advantix. She recommended that I either apply the Advantix and let it dry for 24hrs before allowing the cat and her near each other or I could get the collar and put it on her while she is outside and take it off when she is inside.

I think Im going with the K9 Advantix... The collar will just be a pain in the butt IMO. I would be more affraid of forgetting to take it off then anything else.


Well, I learn something new every day. I have been using the Preventic collar on my 2 dogs for at least 3-4 years, and I have never had a problem with either of my 2 cats. I may just have been lucky so far, but then again, the cats and dogs do not play together or groom each other. They just ignore each other.


According to the Preventic literature I have read, the collar should be on the dog for at least 24 hours to reach full effectiveness. I don't think putting it on and taking it off will be helpful in repelling ticks (not that you were going to do it anyway).


Advantix never worked for me here in SW VA. Even though my vet told me to try Frontline, I kept using Advantix for another year because their pamphlet indicated that it was a 'better' tick treatment. And I kept coming in with ticks and finding ticks all over the dogs. Finally, I switched to Frontline and saw an immediate improvement if 'ticks on dogs'. I would use what other dog owners find works best in your area.



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Having lost a young dog to Lyme Disease related nephritis, I am a nut about ticks. I don't have any problem with fleas (touch wood) but the ticks can be awful. I've used Preventic for years (probably 9 years) and have not had any problems with my cats. I'm very compliant with the collars and mark them with the date with a sharpie when I put them on. Miraculously, I've not had a dog test positive since I started using them (I really need to not say these things out loud). And this is in an area where ticks are so bad that at the vet hospital where I work, we test positive dogs EVERY DAY. I think all these products are based on a personal decision as to what works for your lifestyle.


Certifect is the new Merial topical that is a combination of Frontline Plus and Amitraz. I've not tried this yet but do have a couple samples. We sell a lot of Vectra 3D but do not sell the cat for fear that owners may confuse the dog and cat product and mistakenly apply the dog product to the cat. The active ingredient for both Vectra 3D and K9 Advantix is the same (permethrin) and are both very dangerous for cats. We still recommend Frontline Plus for cats.


Just a heads up, in the past, Entirely Pets has sold foreign sourced product. A friend ordered Frontline or Advantix that was manufactured in Australia. When I asked my rep about it, she said that there are different standards and safety approval required for different countries. Foreign product does not carry FDA or USDA approvals. Just buyer beware.


Preventic collars seem to be available again. I've been able to order them the last couple weeks (Lynn, if your vet didn't have both sizes of the collar on the shelf, that's because they suck at restocking in a timely fashion ;) I will check into that.



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I noticed that you live in Mass. I am not far from you, living in the hudson valley.


Ticks have been very bad the last few years especially since we had mildest winter I can remember.


I use frontline and have not had any problems with my border collie or my lab.

Yes we have found ticks on them but they die.


We ride cross country. We use slin so soft from avon on our chaps and boots as well as the horses.


When the dogs are in the deep woods we also take a small amount and rub their coats. Apparently deer and dog ticks do not like the smell.


Prior to using this product my Trakaner(horse) was diagnosed with lyme.post-13260-036640700 1336611581_thumb.jpg

Maybe it will help.

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Certifect is the new Merial topical that is a combination of Frontline Plus and Amitraz. I've not tried this yet but do have a couple samples. We sell a lot of Vectra 3D but do not sell the cat for fear that owners may confuse the dog and cat product and mistakenly apply the dog product to the cat. The active ingredient for both Vectra 3D and K9 Advantix is the same (permethrin) and are both very dangerous for cats. We still recommend Frontline Plus for cats.


Preventic collars seem to be available again. I've been able to order them the last couple weeks (Lynn, if your vet didn't have both sizes of the collar on the shelf, that's because they suck at restocking in a timely fashion ;) I will check into that.




Certifect, that was the product you were telling me about. Haven't tried it yet as the Frontline/Preventic combination still seems to be working.


And it was a couple of weeks ago when I was told they only had the small Preventic collars. There could well have been a run on the supply when they first came back in. I did ask whether this meant they were getting them in again, and they said they only had the small ones. So don't give anyone too much grief on my behalf!


Sharpie labeling! What a BRILLIANT idea! (time to go look for one now).

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Just a heads up, in the past, Entirely Pets has sold foreign sourced product. A friend ordered Frontline or Advantix that was manufactured in Australia. When I asked my rep about it, she said that there are different standards and safety approval required for different countries. Foreign product does not carry FDA or USDA approvals. Just buyer beware.


Scary thought, that. Thanks for the heads up Michelle. I'm going to go check the Frontline Plus I just bought from them. I've not really paid it much attention.

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I used Certifect on the two of mine I recently had neutered, one of whom is epileptic, with no bad results. Like most people, though, I'd rather it be out for a while and well tested on *other* people's dogs.


FWIW, I have used Advantix regularly and I have cats who get up close and personal with my dogs. I started using it after my vet said she had cats and used it on her dogs. I just apply it at a time when I know it will be able to dry before any cat could come into contact with it. I think the real risk is if the cat is grooming the dog.


I'm using Frontline now and have to say that although it hasn't worked well in the recent past, I did pull a tick off of each of my younger cats, and both ticks were dead. I think I am helped by the fact that I just don't let the dogs walk in the woods anymore. I have found ticks on myself and am currently treating two dogs who tested positive for E. canis (one of whom was suffering bouts of anemia--a hallmark of ehrlichia).


Unfortunately I live in a farming area, and the word is that resistance to flea and tick products can occur more quickly when similar chemicals are used on farmlands....



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