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Guess the mix :)

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So Willow is a mutt which I love because she is unique. The rescue said she was a BC/ Corgi mix but the more she grows I'm wondering if they were correct. I think she looks like she may have hound in her because she is very long. What are your guesses?





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The heaviness and size of the ears, the tail length and carriage and the "east-west" front all suggest a Basset Hound in the woodpile. Also the knobby joints, the feet and the freckles on the forelegs. Perhaps one parent was a Basset Hound mix.


I don't see Corgi there either. Certainly she could be 1/2 Border Collie. How big is she? What does she weigh? What is her bark like?

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She weighs 31lbs now and stands about knee level to me, maybe a little shorter. When she barks its kind of like a very short howl but sometimes it sounds like a normal dog bark. I have no idea how to explain it :P . Let me tell you though, she has the BC stare and she loves to herd me.

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I'd go with my brother's identification of one one of the many dogs he and his wife have taken in. What breed? Brown!


So this dog is "black, with some white".

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I'm thinking Basset/BC, as well. We have a Corgi/BC mix and as Julie said, he has the pricked Corgi ears. All the corgi-mixes I've met do, though it's not to say flop ears can't happen. ;) But the ears, the knobby knees, even the slightly splayed front feet look Basset to me. Which would give you your hound!


But she's awfully cute, whatever she is! :)


~ Gloria

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The more you all say Bassett hound, the more I think she is. And thank you everyone for the nice comments :). The funny thing is I wasn't even Planning on adopting a dog right mow but I go on pet finder weekly just to look and she caught my eye, I had to have her.

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