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Hello from England

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My name is Mandy and I live in Derbyshire, England. I have shared my life with several collie over the years and have never been without a BC in my life for more than a couple of years.

I currently have a 1/4 collie mixed breed bitch named Rosie who is turning out to be a cracking little dog who I hope to channel into agility and obedience.

I will hopefully be getting a BC pup in approx 5 weeks, I am at the moment a nervous wreck and will be until the pup has passed his eye and hearing test and is home with me at 8 weeks.

Besides being a family companion the BC will also be working I hope in dog sports.


It is nice to see a board that has respect for the collie as a working animal and I'm sure I can learn a lot here.

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Hi Mandy. I'll be the first to say welcome to the Boards, since I'm in Australia, and it's early evening here. You must be very excited waiting for your pup - I remember that. How old is Rosie - and what is her other 3/4?


My two are 4 - unrelated, but only 7 weeks difference in age. My girl has done some sheep work and does competitive agility, and my boy does obedience, tracking and both of them play around at flyball. They have also done some therapy dog work.


As you've probably found by reading, things can get a little heated here from time to time, but mostly everyone is really helpful.

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Thanks Claire, Liane and Tassie,glad there are plenty of Brits here. :rolleyes:

Rosie is 1/2 JRT, 1/4 SBT and 1/4 BC. She came to me kind of by accident as I wasn't planning another dog until the BC pup which I've been waiting for for 7 months, otherwise I would not get two pups together as there will only be 8 months between them

I am prepared to deal with this though and have experience of raising two young dogs close together in age successfully as I had a BC ( sadly passed away this past January) and a Lurcher that were only 3 months apart in age about 11 years ago.

The Lurcher, Sprocket is now living happily with my brother who adopted him 6 years ago after discovering Sprocket was the only dog he's met that didn't give him severe allergy problems.

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Welcome from West Virginia!


This IS a board that "has respect for the collie as a working animal" as you aptly put it. At the same time, many activities that you can enjoy with your Border Collie (and other dog) are encouraged here and lots of good advice can be found.


Best wishes on the new pup's tests turning out well, and on raising and enjoying two active and intelligent dogs!

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Hi there from Hampshire ! Well, I'm in Japan now :rolleyes: I also spent 4 years in Sheffield and so spent a little bit of time in Derbyshire too - I have friends in Middle Barley and Stoney Middleton. Ever heard of them ???? I'd love to come back and visit. Anyway, the boards are great. I can't imagine life without them !

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Yes the weather is nice here at the moment MrsPalmer, about 77 degrees today which is plenty hot enough for a lot of us Anglo-Saxon hardy and tough types.


This morning I noticed the first bloom was out on the wild rose that borders my garden so I grabbed my phone and took a quick picture.


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Hi Mandy! Welcome to a great site. I adopted my first border collie 6 months ago. I have received a great deal of help and information here.


I love the name Mandy, since many people would call my Great Dane Mindy that. When she passed in Nov it broke my heart. Getting a border collie(Bandit), a month later has helped heal the pain.And to think, I had never heard of a Border Collie before. Now I love the Breed as much as the Great Dane.

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Hi Mandy, and welcome. Out of curiosity, what is Sprocket's heritage? I have a lurcher also (BC/whippet) named Ali Babba. Ali's a bit of a pogo stick. He's the fastst thing going, though, which drives my BC mad. He SO wants to control Ali, who just zips away from him. Finn is fast, but he can't catch Ali. The Westie (Kenzie) doesn't even try (not sure if that means bowing to the realities of having legs only 6 inches long, or if it indicates some superior reasoning capabilities on her part. Hmmm... the BF's [female] BC doesn't try to catch Ali either - maybe it's a girl thing!) :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Claire Owen:

LOL, thanks Mrs Plamer but I'm not the newbie, that'd be Mandy! But thanks again anyway :rolleyes:


But btw, I'm from Lincolnshire originally, all my family still live there!

I knew it was Mandy! (just got in a hurry!) LOL

What area of Lincs? My hubby's family is from Spalding. He proposed to me in Lincoln Castle in the observatory! I loved it!!

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Wow, my mums family all live in the Spalding area. My grandparents are near Stamford, my Mum is in Ruskington (nr Sleaford) and my dad and other Gran are in Sleaford itself. My grandad (dads side) is looking to move to the area as well. I have friends all over the place though, Bourne, Stamford, Lincoln, Skegness, Boston, Grantham, Metheringham... etc etc. Actually I went to Grantham College whilst living in Sleaford.

That must have been a gorgeous proposal. I miss living near Lincoln sometimes (and only sometimes, too flat for my liking ), there was a little bookshop on castle hill I LOVED!!! My Hubby proposed to me on the green in Grantham (outside the townhall by all the statues if you know it) as the clock chimed, that was pretty nice!

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