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puppy color vs. adult color

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so i've been actively searching for my bestest friend in the whole world...hopefully in a month or two...at first i was looking for black/white...but there have been so many postings of absolutely gorgeous red dogs over in the pictures gallery that i have been reconsidering...not that it matters in the end though...so i've been looking at a lot of "red" puppy pictures...the red seems to be very very light...would this darken as the puppy grows?....

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Hello Jingi and welcome to the org.


I realize you're looking for a red puppy. I wanted a tri but what I wound up with was Jin, black and white with a few merle markings. I wanted a tri, with poppy brn eyebrows and brown markiunbgs on his body but I got Jin just a B/W BC.


Wanna know something? As beautful as the colors you want are they are not that important. What is however is the dog that's under those colors. I wanted a tri. I would still like to have a tri, but what I have is Jin so who needs a tri.

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Hello Jingi and welcome to the org.


I realize you're looking for a red puppy. I wanted a tri but what I wound up with was Jin, black and white with a few merle markings. I wanted a tri, with poppy brn eyebrows and brown markiunbgs on his body but I got Jin just a B/W BC.


Wanna know something? As beautful as the colors you want are they are not that important. What is however is the dog that's under those colors. I wanted a tri. I would still like to have a tri, but what I have is Jin so who needs a tri.


i agree with that 100%...as long as she is healthy...i just look at "looks" as icing on the cake...ultimately it doesn't really matter to me...or the dog...as long as we are happy with each other...i will say...it's really scary looking japan...pet shops seem to be where most people get their pets...gives me the skeevies...i've found some breeders after hours of searching through japanese websites...and my japanese ain't that good...and jin's a great dog...i'm jealous ;-)

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When asked 19 years ago what I was looking for in a horse, my only reply was "anything but a white horse" Petey is a no spot leopard Appaloosa, i.e. a "white" horse - technically gray. The woman I bought him from was so happy I took him, I was the only person who came to look at him that he liked (her words). I wouldn't trade him for anything! Find a dog that likes you. My best pets have picked me out rather than the other way around.

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I wanted a black-and-white but when I met my Cheyenne, a beautiful tricolor, she stole my heart. It's what's inside the dog that matters and I have a winner.

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Hello Jingi and welcome to the org.


I realize you're looking for a red puppy. I wanted a tri but what I wound up with was Jin, black and white with a few merle markings. I wanted a tri, with poppy brn eyebrows and brown markiunbgs on his body but I got Jin just a B/W BC.


Wanna know something? As beautful as the colors you want are they are not that important. What is however is the dog that's under those colors. I wanted a tri. I would still like to have a tri, but what I have is Jin so who needs a tri.


As soon as I read your post OP I started scrolling down to see who would be first to say something along these lines :rolleyes:


I love the red too, it's so different from what everyone thinks a border collie looks like. Keep looking, you never who you'll end up with! My Tobey actually has some red below his right ear even though he's b&w! Good luck in your search!



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I love red dogs, my favorite dog is red so I am partial to that color. I am also highly enamored of yellow eyes for the same reason. When I looked for a puppy I had it in my head that all other things being equal I would like a red pup and failing that would at least like one with light eyes. The puppy I actually got is almost 100% black (almost no white markings) with shiny obsidian eyes and I couldn't be more pleased with her.


I would find a good breeder first if I were you and worry about color later. In my case I had decided that if it came down to a choice between a few puppies and there was no other reason to choose (breeding, temperament) I would pick based on color. In the end the entire litter I chose from was very black, and I took the puppy the breeder thought would be the best match for me. Today, I believe in my heart of hearts that I got the best one!


Red dogs vary quite a bit in shade. Some people like the really dark ones, and they're relatively rare, but I don't. I like the medium reds, the true auburns, like my Solo, who is the best looking red dog on the planet.

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I really liked the reds too, and my entire life I've always wanted a dog with prick ears. I thought hound and airplane ears were just, well, dumb-looking.


Now I think Odin is the most gorgeous, lustrous, onyx-and-pearl dog ever. And I die for his ears - they are cute beyond belief, and very expressive. Everything about his looks is perfect!


I don't know of an ugly BC, either in real life or on these boards. Classic, heavy freckling, split face, tri, red and Stella-colored are all wonderful!

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it's so hard...but i do have to say that the only thing that i'm set on is a b.c....i've wanted one for a long time...and as many of you have so kindly said...as long as the dog and i are good with each other...the rest is copasetic...


soloriver...i hear you on the breeder...it's at times like these when i forget about the advantages of living in the u.s., i have found several breeders in japan...i'm checking them out as i can...it's been a long journey...

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I don't know anything about breeders in Japan. I would suspect that it would be very difficult to find a good breeder of working dogs in Japan, but I might be wrong about that. If I were right about that, and I lived in Japan, I don't think I would end up buying a Border Collie pup from a breeder there, but that's just me. Good luck in your search.

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it's so hard...but i do have to say that the only thing that i'm set on is a b.c....i've wanted one for a long time...and as many of you have so kindly said...as long as the dog and i are good with each other...the rest is copasetic...


soloriver...i hear you on the breeder...it's at times like these when i forget about the advantages of living in the u.s., i have found several breeders in japan...i'm checking them out as i can...it's been a long journey...




Perhaps go to Aled Owen's ( he is in Wales) website and send him an email concerning border collies in Japan. I believe he may have sold some to Japan not too many years ago. His border collies would be strictly working dogs , no show dogs.

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The one time I got exactly what I wanted (red, almost no white, green eyes, prick ears, smooth coat) I didn't like the dog's personality and ended up selling her. We were like oil and water and never did get along. I even remember looking at her and thinking, "What a shame, I have a gorgeous dog and I don't like her."

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Probably in Japan you are seeing "Australian" red - ee yellow. This is a golden color with a black nose (usually). Most dogs there are conformation dogs rather than from working breeders. It would be expensive, but worth it, to look into breeders on the North American West Coast. There are many good ones to pick from. And probably, come to think of it, about the same cost, including shipping (or air fare), as a "good" conformation breeder locally.

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Probably in Japan you are seeing "Australian" red - ee yellow. This is a golden color with a black nose (usually).


that sounds about right...it looked more golden than the red i'm used to seeing...


Most dogs there are conformation dogs rather than from working breeders. It would be expensive, but worth it, to look into breeders on the North American West Coast. There are many good ones to pick from. And probably, come to think of it, about the same cost, including shipping (or air fare), as a "good" conformation breeder locally.


this is what i have been finding...i have thought about looking into breeders in n.a./w.c....i've sent out a few emails...not many (any) replies...i think becasue of the bad rap, and justly so, that asia has when it comes to dogs, most breeders are very hesitant to sell to asia...at least b.c. breeders...maybe i'll try again...and i would have to wait longer than the 8 weeks that is the standard to pick up a cutiepie...japan law requires that the dog have at least 3 sets of it's rabbies vaccines and be micro-chipped...i have no prob. with the chipping...but with the required waiting periods between vaccine courses...i'm looking at several months i believe...so as it stands...i'm between a rock and a hard place...and you're abs. right about the price...i did price everything out once...and it ended up being about the same...although that's not including me traveling to the u.s. to meet the breeder and prospective pup, it's a little more expensive...i will say one thing about japan though, the breeders that i'm am taking a serious look at don't breed more than 2 litters a year...do hip certification as well as CL....

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Three sets of rabies vaccines? Are you sure that's correct? Or did you mean three sets of the standard puppy vaccines, plus a rabies vaccine. No one here in the US gives even two sets of rabies vaccines, let alone three! (Generally the pup gets the first vaccine between 4 and 6 months, with a booster a year later). Hmmm...and that points out a discrepancy in vaccination protocol, since generally we give at least two vaccines for other diseases (distermper-parvo).


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Three sets of rabies vaccines? Are you sure that's correct? Or did you mean three sets of the standard puppy vaccines, plus a rabies vaccine. No one here in the US gives even two sets of rabies vaccines, let alone three! (Generally the pup gets the first vaccine between 4 and 6 months, with a booster a year later). Hmmm...and that points out a discrepancy in vaccination protocol, since generally we give at least two vaccines for other diseases (distermper-parvo).



sorry my bad...it's been a while...here is the procedure:


"Dogs and cats must be immunized against rabies with inactivated vaccines at least twice after the microchip is fitted.


The second or after rabies vaccination must be conducted more than 31 days after the previous and within the effective period of previous vaccination.


* Rabies vaccination before microchip implantation is not valid.

* Live and recombinant vaccination is not valid.

* Dogs or cats must be at least 91 days old at the time of rabies vaccination."


and the website (official government) that i got it from: http://www.maff.go.jp/aqs/english/animal/d...port-other.html


91 days is roughly 4 months...so the second vaccine would have to come around 5 1/2 months...you see the problem...too many vaccines too close together in time...i wouldn't want to do that to a puppy...so i'm looking at about 6 months between finding the right puppy and bringing her to japan...i'm kind of worried about the time frame....japan also give the other vaccines as well...but they are not required to bring a dog into japan...i would of course get them...but the rabies shot is the stickler...


as a side note...i want to thank everybody here for helping out a newbie...it is SUPER appreciated...



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It sounds like getting a puppy from outside of Japan means you won't really be getting a puppy, but rather an adolescent. You might actually be able to get a good deal on a young dog that has washed out of stock training, which would perhaps give you a better chance of choosing your preferred color as well.


Would it be easier to import from the European continent vs. the US?



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It sounds like getting a puppy from outside of Japan means you won't really be getting a puppy, but rather an adolescent. You might actually be able to get a good deal on a young dog that has washed out of stock training, which would perhaps give you a better chance of choosing your preferred color as well.
this is a possibility...i will look into it...it might be a very viable option...


Would it be easier to import from the European continent vs. the US?
in some respects it would. Taiwan, Iceland, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, UK (Great Britain & Northern Ireland only), Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Hawaii, Guam are what they call "designated" areas...according to the website:


"Documentation required


In case that the animal is brought in directly from a designated region, and where the following can be confirmed with a certificate issued by the responsible government agency of the country of export, the quarantine time on arrival will be within 12 hours, and in general the inspection will not usually take long.


* The animal is individually identified with a microchip. *1

* The animal has been kept only in designated regions for the past 180 days, since birth, or since arriving directly from Japan.

* There have been no outbreaks of rabies in designated regions in the past two years.

* The animal did not have or was not suspected of having rabies (and in the case of dogs, rabies and leptospirosis) when inspected prior to departure. *2


*1 If the animal is not fitted with an ISO compliant (11784 / 11785)

*2 Please have the animal inspected to confirm that it does not have or is not suspected of having rabies (in the case of dogs, rabies and leptospirosis) prior to departure (whenever possible, no more than two days prior to departure)"



that part would be easier...i think the tough part would be finding a breeder willing to work with me...as we all know from the board, true breeders are really protective of there pups...i will look into this though...thanks for the idea...



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I wanted a tri, or a black and white with lots of white when I started. And I wanted prick ears, too. It was supposed to be a puppy, anywhere from 8 weeks to 12 weeks, and I wanted to be the FIRST owner.


I ended up with a black and white who has an average amount of white, and she's a cross, so she has floppy ears, and I got her at 6 months old, and I was her second home after her "breeder".


She bonded with myself and my family when we went to meet her, and that was the 'seller' (I put it in quotations because she was free to a good home). I don't regret my choice at all. My little psycho Psyche is a great dog for me.


Meet a couple, and try to mentally blindfold yourself to the colours. Personality is what matters - though I will have a tri prick eared dog someday! :rolleyes: I'm no where near the end of my border collie owning life.

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I think maybe if you aren't in a hurry to get a pup soon and you can establish contact with someone in Europe or the UK, you might find folks who are willing to sell to you, especially if you've had a long correspondence with them and they've gotten to know you and the situation you would be providing for the dog. You should be able to find some very nice working bred dogs from Britian, Ireland, Norway, or Sweden. It's worth a try to make contact and see where it goes.



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I think maybe if you aren't in a hurry to get a pup soon and you can establish contact with someone in Europe or the UK, you might find folks who are willing to sell to you, especially if you've had a long correspondence with them and they've gotten to know you and the situation you would be providing for the dog. You should be able to find some very nice working bred dogs from Britian, Ireland, Norway, or Sweden. It's worth a try to make contact and see where it goes.



i've started working on that one the minute you suggested it :rolleyes: !

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