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Have you heard of Furminator?


Our rough collie, Mookie, is just that, rough. A triple dense coat that mats and knots despite regular grooming and bathing. She would had huge knots of fur somewhere, usually on the rough. Ad to that her tail ad britches get tangles like dreadlocks and you have an incredibly tough coat to take care of. The only advantage is she completely dries in 20 minutes. A friend suggested taking her in for a grooming (somethng I usually do) and have her Furminated. It worked. She cam home without a single tangle or knot and her coat is now much softer and easier to take care of.


Furminator is both an after shampoo conditioner and a special brush. Expensive but it works.

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I went out and bought one, gave it away after a few months. My dogs all line up to be brushed or dematted. I usually use a undercoat rake and a sissors. They love that. But they all hated the furmator with a passion, all took off for cover if they saw me get it out. For me, it just didn't do a whole lot more than I do with the rake and sissors. Add to that the dogs hated it and there you go. I just don't see the hype. Now I have taken Mick in for a pro grooming. It was nice, he smelled good for all of 2 days but looked ridiculous with his poofy blown out coat. He looked like he had bed head all over his body. Which usually with regular "ponding" he only looks like he's got bed butt! Again...just me.


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I have the brush and will use it a few times in a row during heavy shedding, then not use it for months. It does work well but if you use it too much you can get the fur too thin. I believe there is also a cheaper version by another company.


Yeah, it's called the Furbuster. It's about half the price and works just as well. They're both very rough combs though, my dogs don't like long durations of being brushed with mine (Furbuster). But it does work well, even on my cat.

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From a seasoned groomers POV I think the Furminator and its copy cats, are to expensive and way over rated. You can do the same thing with an undercoat rake, and do less damage to the coat and the dog (basically a Furminator is a razor blade on a stick) For a smooth coated dog they work OK but for coated breeds they pull and cut more hair than they should take out of the dog. I get better results in my shop daily with a brush, comb, and an undercoat rake. (a forced air dryer helps too, but I dont expect you want to get that into it) What products you use on your dog if/when you wash it helps eliminate dirt and hair and keep it in better shape too.

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I have a Mars Coat King (well, actually the Oster knockoff that has a metal handle but is otherwise identical) and it does what the Furminator claims to do without pulling or hurting the dog. None of my dogs mind it. I'm thinking of getting another for Jett, who has a much thinner, finer coat than Solo or Fly. The one I have is an 8-blade, and Jett needs one with blades that are closer together, maybe a 12-blade.

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Hey, you want a Furminator? I'll sell ya mine - really cheap!

I got it for my old BC/something (probably husky) mix girl - she had a fuzzy undercoat that just wouldn't quit. The Furminator would take out some of that undercoat - but mostly by pulling or cutting it, which she hated. I could do tiny little bits at a time (which is what the instructions say to do) - but more than a few square inches, and she was DONE with that. My other BCs definitely don't need it. I like my rakes much better.



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I will google the above mentioned grooming tools. I brush our dogs a lot. Still - have to vacuum daily ( dam white tile in the house). I am amazed my dogs aren't bald for all the hair I pick up. They both have thick coats. When we leave NM in November they seem to have gotten in their winter coats - return to FL - treat me to shedding for the next 5 months. Love the dogs dearly - but hair balls incredible.

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I figure if I took all the hair I pick up and mix it together with the bones they eat I'd get a new dog every 6 months.

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We could be trend setters....

all we need to do is find a way to spin dog hair, weave or knit winter coats, with enough for matching hats, gloves and undies for the whole family. Heck we could put a real dent in the population that needed winter coats!! :rolleyes:

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