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In the Wood Shed

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My family is trying to organize a brief stay at a cottage this summer that is, (1) big enough for all of us, (2) on the water with a child-friendly beach, (3) close to parents for quick commuting (Dad is elderly and must have his own bed!), and (4) dog-friendly :D


So, found one that satisfies all requirements.


Then I hear, not so dog-friendly. "Very well-trained border collie" cannot sleep in cottage OR bunkie. Should be perfectly fine sleeping in wood shed.


WHAT??!! :D


So either I'm sleeping in the wood shed with her on an inflatable mattress, or we commute too! No dog of mine is being banished!! :rolleyes:


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I slept in the basement on an air mattress with my late Sam once while visiting relatives because my niece-in-law wouldn't allow the dog in the house. So, I'm thinking the woodshed wouldn't be much worse, unless it's cold outside.

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I'd rather have a dog than a two year old...period.


As a mother of three (one is 18mo) I totally agree, my kids are 100X more destructive than my dog is.


I have the same situation, we are having a family reunion at a Modern camping place and no dogs are allowed. I was totally excited at first because I thought Skye could come......but now she has to stay home with the dog sitter...total bummer, Woods, a lake tons of trails and kids to play with, she would be in heaven.

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ok :rolleyes::D "in the wood shed" in southern USA vernacular means "in big trouble". As in your Mum took you to the firewood storage building to pick your own switch for punishment.


So you can guess what I thought when I read this title LOL


I'd pick a new vacation place or tell them you bring your own "wood shed"...called a "crate" that the dog will stay in while inside the building.

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I'd rather have a dog than a two year old...period.



When it was offered as a solution from the cottage renter via my uber-academic child-less non-dog-savvy sister (rather matter-of-factly, I thought :rolleyes: ), I bit my tongue rather than suggest that our 4 year old nephew could just as easily sleep in the wood shed. Actually, she'll have another kid by then, a 4 month old, so I may be just as happy to be sleeping outside :D .


I just thought it was odd that it would be advertised as 'dog-friendly' and then that means 'dog in wood shed'. Don't worry -- neither of us will actually stay in there! A tent is a good option, and I'll bring one if the weather's nice.



As in your Mum took you to the firewood storage building to pick your own switch for punishment.


:D What's a switch? ... My mum never took me out there ... I don't think I would have gone willingly anyway :D

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I just thought it was odd that it would be advertised as 'dog-friendly' and then that means 'dog in wood shed'.


I know what you mean.


A couple of years ago we were trying to find a new place to take a vacation and we found a house to rent that seemed perfect. It was listed as "dog friendly". Turned out they meant one small dog. We complained because the listing was misleading, and they did update their listing to reflect that they will allow "one small dog" as opposed to being "dog friendly".

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:D What's a switch? ... My mum never took me out there ... I don't think I would have gone willingly anyway :rolleyes:

A switch is a twig (or small branch, depending on your mom) they'd use to swat your arse with. I remember my dad saying my grandmother grew a special tree just for that purpose. Suppose I would too with 6 boys running around.


I think a tent would be the best option. Or a camper, but I'm sure that might cost. Unless someone in your family knows someone who'd be willing to lend you a tent trailer or small camper....?


Funny, last summer when we went to ontario, we had no idea what our sleeping arrangements would be. We were told, that because of the dog, we would have to sleep in the sauna. Can you imagine? Sleep in the sauna...with a dog?!?! Well, it turns out, said sauna was a nice little 1bdrm cottage for the 3 of us. It had a futon, fridge, change area, stereo, like 15 windows to open at night and have the nice breeze off the lake come in and a deck. There was a sauna in there (in place of a bathroom), but it just made our sleeping quarters smell that much nicer!

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I have traveled with the dogs and they've slept in their crates in the car on occasion. In fact, I know plenty of people who do this when staying in hotels for sheepdog trials. It doesn't kill the dogs. They have each other, they're comfy and warm in there, and I really don't think they mind very much.


If it were me I'd much rather have the dog sleep in the car, than stick the dog out in a woodshed.


That said, I do prefer to have the dogs in the room with me and I definitely have more fun if they are with me.

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Turned out they meant one small dog. We complained because the listing was misleading, and they did update their listing to reflect that they will allow "one small dog" as opposed to being "dog friendly".

I see that so often -- small dog?! What is it about small dogs = quiet, well-behaved, no maintenance ? I've never understood this.


A switch is a twig (or small branch, depending on your mom) they'd use to swat your arse with. I remember my dad saying my grandmother grew a special tree just for that purpose.

Thanks for that. I supposed that was what it was. What happened to the good old palm of the hand spanking? :rolleyes::D


I think a tent would be the best option. Or a camper, but I'm sure that might cost. Unless someone in your family knows someone who'd be willing to lend you a tent trailer or small camper....?

I do know someone with a small camper. Good idea. Maybe I can fanangle something. That would actually be fun!


Well, it turns out, said sauna was a nice little 1bdrm cottage for the 3 of us. It had a futon, fridge, change area, stereo, like 15 windows to open at night and have the nice breeze off the lake come in and a deck. There was a sauna in there (in place of a bathroom), but it just made our sleeping quarters smell that much nicer!

That sounds perfect! Don't think there's a sauna.....oh well...


If it were me I'd much rather have the dog sleep in the car, than stick the dog out in a woodshed.

I'm with you on that one Melanie. And that would, I suppose, be the last resort for both of us. But honestly, the cottage is 45 minutes from my house, so I think coming back home would be the better solution if the weather's bad (unless I can get that friend's small camper...)


That said, I do prefer to have the dogs in the room with me and I definitely have more fun if they are with me.

And as much as I like my family in small doses, having Skye along makes life infinitely more bearable; esp if she can dock dive all day with me while I'm sipping wine and eating brie :D


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There was a dog stolen (as in they took the dog in his crate! :rolleyes: ) at a hotel I was in one night and I've never felt comfortably with my dogs in the car like that since. The dog was making a lot of noise, but it was surprisingly fast...they busted the window, popped the lock, yanked out the crate into their car and left.


The dog was found 2 days later - all ended well there....but still :D I'd lose my mind over that. I'll just find a dog friendly hotel where we can bring them in.


RV travel is looking better and better. Just have to pay for gas :D

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I have left mine to sleep in the car many times. It's like their giant crate. I've done it in pretty cold weather (under freezing) without them ever minding too. I wouldn't pick a vacation place that couldn't include my dogs if I wanted to bring them.

When they do sleep in the car, it has always been when we are trialing or at a clinic and the hotel does not allow dogs, or I'm with friends where the dog is not welcome over night for one reason or another. I've also been to places where my dogs felt uncomfortable and the car was a great way for them to get some peace. Again, a giant crate

I can't imagine that mine would go willingly with anyone but me or someone else they knew. Hopefully, pity the stranger that would try.

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Yeah, I would like to see someone try to steal Solo from my car...


In some circumstances I think the dogs are actually more comfortable in the car. It is familiar to them.


If I were only 45 minutes from the vacation spot I'd just go home instead of staying in a cabin. I like the comforts of home if possible. Back on the east coast I used to be picky about trials that way, and would favor the ones within driving distance of home so I could avoid the hotel problem altogether (also I had no money for hotels). Now that I am on the west coast and everything is so much farther apart, I don't think I'll be able to be so picky.

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Just as I do not support organizations or events that are associated with AKC, I choose not to support lodging establishments that are not dog-friendly. Other people can do what they want, but I personally will always find another place to spend the night, and I will tell the owners (politely) why I choose not to stay with them.

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The dog was making a lot of noise, but it was surprisingly fast...they busted the window, popped the lock, yanked out the crate into their car and left.


Boy, I'm glad that ended well!


Unlike my first bc Riley, who would try to eat someone if they opened the car, Skye would willingly go with ANYONE, wagging her tail the whole way. Hence, I have never left her tied up outside a store for fear that someone who fall in love and decide they would take her home. I can't imagine losing my dog like that. I would just combust.


I like the comforts of home if possible

Being a gardener, I do love the outdoors, but I must admit, 5-star hotels always look pretty good to me if my own bed is not an option :rolleyes:


but I personally will always find another place to spend the night, and I will tell the owners (politely) why I choose not to stay with them.

I certainly would if it were an option. But trying to satisfy everybody is turning into a real struggle and my sisters are coming from a greater distance, so I'm going to bite my tongue and go with the flow. I do make it a point of going into nice hotels while we're away (staying at mediocre ones that allow dogs) to tell them if they allowed dogs, we'd always stay with them. And I show them how nice my dog is :D .


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Sounds like a big gathering, and it also sounds like it really won't be that big a deal if you don't stay all night with the family. In fact, I think I'd use the "woodshed" thing as a really happy excuse to not have to stay in the house with everyone else.


I'm a true introvert born into a family of 7 kids (which is now up to 28 with children, spouses of children, grandchildren, etc.). I can only take so many hours of togetherness with anyone before I need some time to myself. I think the same is true of most of my siblings; kind of ironic that we're all introverted but during our childhood never got to be alone. Lots of times, my siblings excuse themselves from this or that festivity after a while, and I always just figure that they're doing what I do - finding some down time away from the crowd. (I think when you toss spouses and kids into the mix, it makes everything even more volatile: raising children highlights so very clearly people's different value systems; it's a flash point!)


It would never occur to my giant family to rent a house together for "fun". Oxymoronic. :rolleyes: See the woodshed as the gift it is.



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It would never occur to my giant family to rent a house together for "fun". Oxymoronic. :D See the woodshed as the gift it is.


:rolleyes: Mary!


Here we come woodshed!!


How many? 28? Uncle! We're only a family of three girls, 2 partners and 2 (one coming) children, with a father that doesn't 'do' cottages and a sister who believes we can be the 'leave it to beaver' family if we could only just rent a cottage and all stay in it for a week -- so it will be our first time! I just say, 'we are what we are'.

No doubt I'll have stories by late July, when its all just a horrific memory :D


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Well, hopefully you can either commute or find a trailer. Since you are located close anyway, those would be the best options. I'm not really a people person, so lucky for me my family is a lot of fun. Everyone is out to have a good time! Except my mom, who seems to find the panic in every situation. Last summer we had from 14-20 people at our family gathering, spread out between the cottage, sauna and a camper. It was fun, but most of my cousins would just come out when they could because most of them had to work. It was nice that we got to go visit my dad for 3 days and sleep in a house for part of the trip though! I think Daisy appreciated it too!

Whatever happens, hopefully you have some fun!

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