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Hi all,


I think it is about time to introduce myself and my girls Jess and Zoe. Having spent months off work this year recovering from viral meningitis I have had plenty of time to read these boards and in the process learn new information, understand where we could have done things better/differently when the girls were younger (and even now) and in many situations laugh along with descriptions of actions that match perfectly to the (some times) strange behaviours of my two.


We are based in Sydney, so as most of you start to describe snow and the cooling down of the weather we are starting to get really hot.


Jess and Zoe are littermate sitters, currently 19 months old, spayed, 17kg and 15.5kg respectively. We have done some obedience with them and will continue next year. We also have started beginner’s agility with them. Both are total ball fanatics outside the house and Zoe is totally soft toy obsessed inside.


Jess is bigger boned, loves to eat (her dinner only – doesn't really like to try new food), has a really high pitch girly bark, loves to be petted, hates the hot weather, lies in the pool but hates the bath, runs like a cheetah (fast but not for long) and has a lower threshold for exercise. Unfortunately she had a bad run of health around 6-9 months of age where it was discovered amongst other things that she has a consolidated lung lobe (probably since birth) so with the remaining 6 lobes we have to manage her games of fetch carefully. It is also possible that she has some degenerative disk problems in her spine – and yes, monitored agility has been approved by the vet.


Zoe is tiny boned and extremely flexible, fussy with her dinner, loves fruit and new food, has a big manly bark, only wants pats when tired, is our Velcro dog lying at our feet where ever we sit, will not lie in the pool but loves a bath, doesn’t not run as fast but could run all day. She has just recently become our watch dog and will bark at men when they come to the house.


We love our girls to bits, they are so well behaved overall and we love their companionship. They are crate trained, can be left in the house outside of their crates for hours at a time, are not destructive inside or outside of the house, will tolerate being in the outside pen while we are work all day and they do no fight each other (we are aware this is an issue we need to continually monitor).


That is not to say they are perfect. There is plenty for us to work on. Amongst other things Jess is an air- snapper around other dogs particularly on-leash, and she has some separation anxiety issues and Zoe is highly reactive to noise and other dogs and movement (this is causing issues at agility). But for an introduction let us focus on the positives.


Here are my girls: Jess is the one on the right with the white face and Zoe has the dot on her head (she doesn't look too happy in this photo).


[ img ]http://www.flickr.com/photos/21377417@N08/?saved=1[ /img ]


Hope this introduction isn’t too long and thanks for reading.


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Well, I must say you have got some beautiful girls there. Welcome to the world of posting on the boards :rolleyes:


Im in Sydney too and I agree about the weather. All these photos of dogs in the snow are making me jealous. I dont mind the warm weather as I can take them swimming, but I have had enough of this on again off again rain we are having.

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Thanks for the welcome.


Taking the girls to the snow is something I would like to do next year, but I have no idea if the ski/snow holiday accomodation here in NSW streches to dog friendly accomodation.


This current rain is tad annoying but at least it is not like the floods in July/August when we had a lake in the back garden that the girls could nearly swim in. When it is isn't flooding like that where do you take your dogs swimming?

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There are some nice places to take them swimming. Depends where abouts in Sydney you live. I live at Emu Plains and there is a huge off leash area at the end of my street. It is about a half hour walk across the grass to get to a run off from the Nepean River. My dogs love it down there. Or I take them out to a few places near Richmond.


Emu Plains









Most coastal councils have off leash beach areas too. The ones at Wollongong are closest for me but it is still an hour drive so I have to be in the mood to go there. Charlie loves the beach though, so Im hoping to get there a few times over summer.

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Hi - and welcome to another Aussie. The girls look gorgeous, and obviously keep you well occupied.


As you can tell, I'm from Tasmania. And send some of that rain our way, please - we're very, very dry. Hardly any rain, and the evaporation rate is much higher than the rainfall for the last 6 months at least - scary stuff.

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Nancy, I can't believe how close Kit and Jess look down to the actually hair type. Amazing.


Tassie I wish we could send you some rain. When we have the torrential downpours, you can often see the water coming OUT of the storm water drains and flowing out of the gutters and into the streets. For an ex-Melbourne girl I find this amazing.


Thanks for all the welcomes.

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Hi! I'm an Aussie too, but I'm way up north in Townsville. Your dogs are gorgeous! I have a red & white too, she's almost 9mo and her name's Bonnie. We've started going swimming a bit lately but I have a problem because she won't swim without me in with her (yet) and I'm not prepared to be stung by a stinger at the beach. So we've been sticking to the rivers and her little paddling pool. Anyway, here is a pic of Bonnie....


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Do you know Lucy Joynson?


Hi! I'm an Aussie too, but I'm way up north in Townsville. Your dogs are gorgeous! I have a red & white too, she's almost 9mo and her name's Bonnie. We've started going swimming a bit lately but I have a problem because she won't swim without me in with her (yet) and I'm not prepared to be stung by a stinger at the beach. So we've been sticking to the rivers and her little paddling pool. Anyway, here is a pic of Bonnie....
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Do you know Lucy Joynson?


I know Lucy!


I have never had the pleasure of meeting her dogs, but she came down this way to do a seminar & stayed a couple of days with me. A lovely lady, I thoroughly enjoyed her company. Please say Hi from Vickie if anyone knows her!

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She bred the dog in my avatar :rolleyes: She is a wonderful lady- I trusted her implicitely and Lucy has turned out to be just a wonderful dog. Nice lady, with VERY nice Kelpies :D

I know Lucy!


I have never had the pleasure of meeting her dogs, but she came down this way to do a seminar & stayed a couple of days with me. A lovely lady, I thoroughly enjoyed her company. Please say Hi from Vickie if anyone knows her!

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