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Sometimes she makes me weep


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Hello, hello. I don't know if you all remember me or not, but I first joined this forum a couple of years back, just before I got my lovely border girl.


Anyhow, she's doing great with everything I've taught her, and I'm pleased to say that she's a quick learner.

But she makes me want to cry sometimes.


About a week and a half ago, my girl decided to try on a new "perfume" for size. I can't say I enjoy the smell of fecal matter... especially when my girl is wearing it. UGH.


So it was off to the tub. The very next day she returns from the outdoors with (you guessed it!) another coating of her new-found funk. This time my mother had the opportunity to enjoy this new fragrance with me. She was just as thrilled as I was!


This evening, Aarka did it again.


Now, we've taken precautions; when the dogs go out, they're under supervision. That sort of thing. Also, we've been keeping the yard very clean. (Now we've got a suspicion that it may be cat droppings that she's finding... and those are more difficult to spot from our standpoint.)


Has anyone had any issues with this sort of ordeal? Or have any tips? I can train her to do just about anything... but if I can't find what she's rolling in, I can't teach her to leave that funk alone.





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Oh boy do I know what its like! Diva loves to roll in anything that stinks, especially cat manure, and cow or sheep manure.


I have her pretty well broke of it now and what I did was to grab her up and toss her into the nearest water tank all the while scolding her for trying out the new perfume! She found out quick that mom didn't much care for her new odor, even if she loved it!


Dont know why it worked, she loves water, but the combination of getting a dunking and a scolding seems to have worked.


Of course it means I have to clean the water tank, but hey its easier than having to smell that rank scent.


Hope this helps


Lisa H

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Goodness. I wish my frustration would be enough to cure her of this nasty habit. Aarka isn't all that fond of water. (I think she'd learn to love it if we ever got a pool.)


I try to make bathing a positive experience, just because she's not fond of being doused with stuff/she's not in control... but I haven't been able to get her to like it at all.


I think tomorrow I'm going to go on a hunt, to see if I can find where she's getting this from. If I find what I'm looking for, I'll get her on a leash, walk past the source, and watch for a reaction from her. If she displays interest, I'll correct her.


That's the only plan I've got. I'm hoping I'll get some success as quick as possible.

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My last border had this same issue. However, it wasnt cat like I had originally suspected but geese droppings. Let me tell ya it was the worst! Nothing like a brown smear all down the side of his beautiful full collar to engage the senses. At least you werent introduced to it by hugging her like I was.


Sky got over it by me watching him very closely for a few days and yelling NO! sharply as soon as I saw him getting ready to roll. He would sniff while tucking his chin and arching his back a bit when he had found the jackpot. Watch her body language right before she rolls and you will be able to see the tell tale sign. Then get all over that pup and let her know that its definately not OK. Our dogs are brilliant and she should get the picture soon enough. Hope this helps.

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Dogs roll in stinky stuff. That's life -- and you're right, you have to keep an eye on her to actually do anything about the behavior.


A while ago, some asshole threw a dirty diaper into the vacant lot where I sometimes take Solo and Fly for a quick pee, and Solo rolled on it. I was not amused. If I wanted to handle baby poop, I'd have a baby.

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You MUST get a copy of Patricia McConnell's book "The Other End of The Leash" because she talks about this. It's funny to read; her conclusion is that all the "explanations" like it hides their scent when they're hunting aren't true, they do it because they like it. :rolleyes:


From disgusting personal experience I know toothpaste works really well to get that smell off when shampoo alone won't. Nothing like a minty fresh dog!



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Yikes! I feel for you. I think that following her on leash and then correcting is the best thing to do. Petra (who just finished detoxing her dog who rolled in some REALLY nasty poop this morning). Suzanne, thanks for the toothpaste tip, I was just wondering what to do with a dog that now smells like shampoo and poop combined! :rolleyes:

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Just weep? You're lucky. Mine have made me cry, swear, throw tantrums and question my sanity.


Tweed's favourite pastime for a while was rolling in human fecal matter. As the people pooping in our local park are, umm, not the most *sober* folk in the world, it was beyond gross. My dog walker cured him of this one afternoon by picking him up by the scruff and hurling him in the ocean ... in December. Tweed has since developed a healthy response to the command "leave it." Not before rolling in a dead seal however.


Mr. Woo continues to roll in random things and does not obey "leave it" (or any other command for that matter. He's a free spirit of a dog). I just suck it up. He too gets hurled in the ocean when he does it, but continues to not care. Ah well.


Listen, it could be worse. The day Piper dove into the shrubbery and came prancing out with a flesh coloured, anatomically correct Dildo on her mouth was the day I nearly disowned her. It's quite difficult to wash your dog's mouth out.



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Listen, it could be worse. The day Piper dove into the shrubbery and came prancing out with a flesh coloured, anatomically correct Dildo on her mouth was the day I nearly disowned her. It's quite difficult to wash your dog's mouth out.




I am NOT laughing. Honest.

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I am NOT laughing. Honest.



:rolleyes: What she said!


The disobedience must be an orange dog phenomenon because Skittles has mastered selective hearing as well. Steve's favorite thing to say is, "My name is Skittles and I do what I want."


And Melanie,

If I wanted to handle baby poop, I'd have a baby.


:D That made me laugh out loud!


My dog ate poop (not sure of the species) on a walk the other night. It was dark and we didn't realize what he was snacking on until both Steve and I stuck our fingers in his mouth to try to get it out. I cannot tell you how stinky it was and it WOULD NOT wash off my hands. I washed my hands three times with soap and water (NOPE), twice with lemon juice (NOPE), twice with rubbing alcohol (NOPE), and once for 30 seconds with bleach (FINALLY!).

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I am NOT laughing. Honest.

But *I* am!


I'm laughing my butt off... I can imagine the looks on the faces of any (hypothetical) bystanders now, and would kill for a chance to videotape their reactions...

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I have a disgusting story to share, as well. My dog (who shall remain nameless, since most people think he's a cute little angel and I wouldn't have them think otherwise) tried to bring a piece of poop *into my house* the other day. Nice and crunchy, easy to transport, I suppose. :rolleyes: Thank goodness I noticed something in his mouth before I opened the door. He has a good "leave it", which means "drop it", otherwise, I might've ended up with poopy hands, too.

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Tweed has since developed a healthy response to the command "leave it." Not before rolling in a dead seal however.


Oh, come now. NO ONE can resist rolling in dead seal. I'd do it myself if I could find one.




Listen, it could be worse. The day Piper dove into the shrubbery and came prancing out with a flesh coloured, anatomically correct Dildo on her mouth was the day I nearly disowned her. It's quite difficult to wash your dog's mouth out.




Sorry, but that's just hilarious. If MY dog(s) did it it would of course be too gross and creepy for words and something for which I would deserve every sympathy... but when someone ELSE'S dog does it, it's MUCH funnier.


So now I'm wondering.... did Piper respond to "leave it"? Or did you have to take matters into your own hands, so to speak? (A variety of hilarious - albeit slightly horrifying - images are parading through my head. I don't know how you ended up with such an interesting life, RDM, but it clearly is not wasted on you. Not everyone could extract the full range of subtleties from such events, but I've no doubt you do.)

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This past summer, Maddie opened our front gate and went out to find cowpies and came home smelling lovely. Well, lovely to her!!


I put a lock on the gate. Didn't stop her. The cowpie perfume was apparently compelling enough to keep a lock from stopping her.


When I finally figured out how to keep her from going out that gate, she still got out. The neighbor saw her shimmy under our back gate, which only has a few inch opening underneath, and out she went.


Nothing, apparently, can fight the lure of the fresh cowpie . . .

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So now I'm wondering.... did Piper respond to "leave it"? Or did you have to take matters into your own hands, so to speak? (A variety of hilarious - albeit slightly horrifying - images are parading through my head. I don't know how you ended up with such an interesting life, RDM, but it clearly is not wasted on you. Not everyone could extract the full range of subtleties from such events, but I've no doubt you do.)


That was the second of the sum total of two, erm, sexual aid encounters. The first passed with NO TOUCHING as I was screaming "LEAVE IT LEAVE IT LEAVE NO NO NO LEAVE IT!" at the top of my lungs. That one was dayglow orange and resembled a retrieving bumper. Well, sort of.


Piper has a a good "drop it" but likes to finish her performance with a repeat performance - ie, she picks it up again immediately. We did this a few times before she finally dropped it and backed away, and I booted it back into the shrubbery. And then threw out my sneakers.


"Interesting" is one word for it!!



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I can't tell you all how much I've been laughing for the past fifteen minutes. I'm hurting because of it.


If my dogs ever found something like that, there'd be no end to the fury. I'd laugh about it after time passed, but ugh. I would've probably burned the bush just to make sure nothing like that happened again.


And I'm glad I'm not the only one. Or am I? It's not pleasant in either case.


Thanks for the toothpaste idea. I for one would much prefer my dog smelling like Colgate or Aquafresh. Really, I'd take just about anything decent over the stink of something from some critters' bowls.


Laughter really is the best medicine.

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