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Perfume for dogs?

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Heh heh heh! Carlie and Griffin find that East Tennessee River is the smell for them, closely followed by Sheepie Poop. Sol puppy likes Eau de Mud.


I tried spraying them with doggie perfume once and they all went to great lengths to roll in whatever they could find to make themselves smell better!


Personally, I like the way they smell. Not yucky 'doggie' smell but a nice warm smell that is their's.



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post-7917-1195492941_thumb.jpgAccually, as a groomer, Ive been spritzing dogs for 25 yrs. We didnt use to have so many odors to choose from, but nowadays, they have designer colonges that smell just like the real thing! Some folks love it, some folks are allergic to them, and some folks tell me, "he's a boy dog, no bows, no perfume" But the majority of folks love it. I figure, if you can dress your dog up in a rain coat and boots, ( or a ballerina's tutu) why not have em smellin good in thier new duds too! There are a lot of folks that go to great lengths, and I might add, great expense to out fit thier dogs in the latest styles. Colonge is just the icing on the cake. Mine I cant spray, they will go out on purpose and roll in the sheep doo, sneeze and sneeze, roll around like thier on fire, they cant stand it, but mine arent just dogs,..... thier Border Collies!
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Daisys medication (Pancrex V) which we use for her EPI smells so bad!! It must come through her pores in her skin. Its driving me and my partner nuts as the whole house is starting to smell. I can only bath her so often, although she could do with a bath every day to help with the smell.


Anyone got any really good tips to how to mask this odour?? Any help would be appreciated!!

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This is some thing I use quite frequently for cronic smelly dogs. 1 large capful of any kind of mouth wash ( I use Scope and Listerine) to 1 gallon of water. You can just pour it on and towel them dry, it leaves them smelling minty fresh, and is anti bacterial too.

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This is some thing I use quite frequently for cronic smelly dogs. 1 large capful of any kind of mouth wash ( I use Scope and Listerine) to 1 gallon of water. You can just pour it on and towel them dry, it leaves them smelling minty fresh, and is anti bacterial too.


Boy, does this sound like a great tip! Thanks for posting! Minty fresh, heheheh...

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