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To smart?!?

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I've been working on getting Kipp to "down" at a distance. I place him in a stay, walk 30 or so feet away and call him. I tell him to "down" as he's running toward me. Then reward him with a toy or a treat.


Yesterday I took him out, placed him in a stay, walked away and called him. He ran 10 feet toward me - and laid down.

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Yesterday I took him out, placed him in a stay, walked away and called him. He ran 10 feet toward me - and laid down.

Did you TELL him to Lie down? He shouldn't have unless you told him. He should have came. He is smart, but he was expecting it. Be careful. Always give them the unexpected. Just my opinion.

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Yep, I've found with Bonnie that I have to mix up the routine all of the time. Like when I taught her the command 'shake' I always would go 'sit' then 'shake'. But after awhile (not very long) everytime I said 'sit' she would sit and then automatically stick her paw in the air for 'shake'. Although it was very cute I definately did not want her to get into that habit.


Their quick learning does come in handy though. I only had to ask her to sit and stay, to wait for me to go through the gate first, once. Everytime since then when we come to a gate she sits and waits without being told. Same with sitting and waiting for her release command 'OK' before she eats her meal, I only asked her that once and now I can even leave her and go into another room and she will still sit in front of that bowl without eating until I say 'OK'.


I'm still having trouble getting her to 'drop' while she's moving though, she seems to think she must stop, then sit before she drops. She gets confused and I get frustrated so we're taking that one slowly.

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Ouzo, too, tries to anticipate any command, even after practicing it a few times, and seems very proud of himself when he does it. Sometimes all I have to do is look at something and he's already picked it up or ran and touched it, etc. without even a verbal cue. I have to work on asking him to actually wait until I tell him to do something, and yes, I have to mix up the routines so he won't just go on autopilot.

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they're too smart for their own good I swear. My boy, Gunnar, I swear he's learned how to make himself fart b/c he knows we'll take him out if he farts.


When we first got our pups and we started reading all the books we kept seeing a link or two where the author would warn us that the dog would start to learn you before you know it...this is definitely true.

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Clever, good boy! He's anticipating what he thinks you want. Time to start mixing up straight recalls with the drop on recalls.


Yup! I didn't reward him for that, BTW, but called him again and rewarded him for coming to me. I've been working with him recently to slow down and pay attention rather just trying something to get his reward - he really tries to get 2 steps ahead of me when I do direct work with him and that won't quite cut it for testing...

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yeah they can be fast at the things you wernt trying to train them

For a little while Ben was OK out of his crate during the night but when I got up and went to the loo he was so excited that I was going to take him out that he wee'd

So I started putting him in his crate while I got ready then took him out

That was only for about a week, months ago and I never gave him a reward but now when I switch the alarm clock off ben will run into his crate and sit and wait there till I come back from the loo

(wish he was so quick at everything I wanted - I cannot get him to do a down at a distance - he thinks he has to bo right at me)

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LOL. My favorite thing with Ceana is when she wants something from me. If I have a frisbee or a bone in my hand she will sit- lay down- back up- high five- ... you get the picture. She just starts going through commands like she is searching for the magic word. I agree with mixing it up lol otherwise your dog may get stuck on repeat.

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