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am i being mean

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here in la we have casinoes. my dh loves to go play the slot machines. the problem is it takes 2 hours to get to a casino. tomorrow he wants to go. i will have to put lucy lou in her crate and shut lady outside when we go. if i don't do that they will destroy my house. this means they will have to be shut up and out for at least 6 hours or maybe more.


i feel so bad when i do this. lucy can't be left outside because she is an escape artist. lady can't be left inside because she is a demolition expert. is there any alternative anyone can think of?

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I am sure they will be fine

I sometimes have to leave Ben that long when I am at work


Are you driving? is it possible to take them in the car?? you could crate them then you could take them for a walk when you get there

When I am not working Ben comes everywhere with me in the car - even from a tiny pup he was happy just to sit in the car and sleep - much better he thought that being left in the house

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

Consider yourself lucky if this is the only time you have to leave your dogs for 6 hours. Most of us work during the day and have no choice but to leave our dogs for 8-10 hours per day. Go have fun. Your dogs will get over it.

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Once per month, DW and I go to the Mohegan Sun Casino here in Connecticut. Annie (the demolition expert) is confined to her cage, while Missy (the pacifist) is limited to the family room. We are typcially gone for 4 to 5 hours; neither dog has a problem during that time. If we are going to be gone longer than that, we arrange with one of our sons to come over and let the dogs out, and play with them a bit. I would suggest, however, that for a dog confined to a cage, you might leave a radio or TV on; this gives them a (false) sense of having company while you are gone.

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Doggy day care? Boarding Kennel? Friend or neibhor keeps them at thier house? I have a dog that if my neibhor cant keep him when I cant take him some place with me, that the only safe place to keep him that he cant destroy or break out of, is my horse trailer, and then I can only use that when its cool enough outside. He makes quick work of kennels and crates, and will go through a window in a heart beat. He is big and strong, and the only place Ive found that is safe for him is there. Its big and roomy, and he can have his bones and a water bucket and he does good there and can stretch out. Its like a big crate for him. post-7917-1194634502_thumb.jpg

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That really isn't that long for a dog to stay in a crate if it's big enough for them. Sometimes us humans do have to do stuff without them. As much as I hate it when we do, sometimes it's not avoidable. They'll be just fine. Have fun and win big, then spilt it with us :D JK :rolleyes:

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Guest SweetJordan

When I know I have to be gone for a while I just make sure that everyone gets some good quality exercise before I leave and has been fed(if it's around feeding time). That way everyone is tired and content when no one is home.

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