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Drama at the Dog Park!

Guest WoobiesMom

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Guest WoobiesMom

Geez, you just want to go and have some fun with your dog and you end the evening with the Po Po! Sheesh!


There's a guy with a beagle who apparently had a problem about 2 weeks ago with the way a regular dog approached his so he hauled off and kicked it - really hard. Now the dog is out of commission because it's foot is broken. None of us really know if the 2 incidents are related because the dog's owner didn't notice the limping until later and we haven't seen her to talk to her. It came to us through the grapevine of regulars (one is her neighbor).


So the story has been traveling around the regulars and the guy shows up tonight. A woman sitting next to me (that I'm friendly with) says "That's the guy, I'm leaving" and quickly leashes her dogs and starts heading for the gate. The guy marches up and starts getting in her face. Now she's like 5'3" maybe and he's about 6' or more and about 240 or so. He starts cursing at her and telling her to keep her mouth shut about him and his dog, etc. There's all these men standing around not doing a thing and the poor girl's about to pee her pants! I jump in and tell him if he can't play nice he should leave, etc. I tell him that the dog in question now has a broken foot, hmm? (He got this "Oh shit" look on his face at that point). He starts getting in my face and cursing and telling me to leave ,etc. I tell him if he doesn't leave, I'm going to call the police. He dares me and a woman behind us pipes up with the offer of her cell phone. So I call the police and he skulks off down to the end of the park and gets on his phone. Po Po come and he starts claiming that I attacked him until the police ask if the people standing nearby would say that. Then he starts hemming and hawwing and apologizing. While I'm talking to the police a couple other people come up and tell them that he shoved, pushed or yelled at their dogs earlier in the evening and they decided to leave the park because of him.


So Parks & Rec has his name and the park manager will decide whether to send him a please don't return letter and if I or the other woman have any trouble, we're supposed to get his info from Parks & Rec to swear out a warrant if necessary.


What a jerk! And poor Kelly (the one he initially yelled at) was such a wreck! I just don't understand why none of the men standing around did anything to intervene! The guy was towering over her, pushing his finger towards her face, making her step backwards, etc. And the guys there are regulars, knew who this guy was, and knew he wasn't related to her at all!

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Geez, you just want to go and have some fun with your dog and you end the evening with the Po Po! Sheesh!


There's a guy with a beagle who apparently had a problem about 2 weeks ago with the way a regular dog approached his so he hauled off and kicked it - really hard. Now the dog is out of commission because it's foot is broken. None of us really know if the 2 incidents are related because the dog's owner didn't notice the limping until later and we haven't seen her to talk to her. It came to us through the grapevine of regulars (one is her neighbor).


So the story has been traveling around the regulars and the guy shows up tonight. A woman sitting next to me (that I'm friendly with) says "That's the guy, I'm leaving" and quickly leashes her dogs and starts heading for the gate. The guy marches up and starts getting in her face. Now she's like 5'3" maybe and he's about 6' or more and about 240 or so. He starts cursing at her and telling her to keep her mouth shut about him and his dog, etc. There's all these men standing around not doing a thing and the poor girl's about to pee her pants! I jump in and tell him if he can't play nice he should leave, etc. I tell him that the dog in question now has a broken foot, hmm? (He got this "Oh shit" look on his face at that point). He starts getting in my face and cursing and telling me to leave ,etc. I tell him if he doesn't leave, I'm going to call the police. He dares me and a woman behind us pipes up with the offer of her cell phone. So I call the police and he skulks off down to the end of the park and gets on his phone. Po Po come and he starts claiming that I attacked him until the police ask if the people standing nearby would say that. Then he starts hemming and hawwing and apologizing. While I'm talking to the police a couple other people come up and tell them that he shoved, pushed or yelled at their dogs earlier in the evening and they decided to leave the park because of him.


So Parks & Rec has his name and the park manager will decide whether to send him a please don't return letter and if I or the other woman have any trouble, we're supposed to get his info from Parks & Rec to swear out a warrant if necessary.


What a jerk! And poor Kelly (the one he initially yelled at) was such a wreck! I just don't understand why none of the men standing around did anything to intervene! The guy was towering over her, pushing his finger towards her face, making her step backwards, etc. And the guys there are regulars, knew who this guy was, and knew he wasn't related to her at all!


some advice from the legal side of this screwed up world: next time a man (any man!!!) gets in your face (close like 12 inches or less), immediately have a look of fear stumble backwards 2 or 3 feet and pepper spray him. You're a woman that has felt threatened by a large male that can easily harm you. You're well within your rights to use non-lethal force. Once he's down spray one more time then separate yourself no less than 50 yards while calling the police and remember to make sure you sound like your life is in danger. The dude will never return.


In Florida it's a different story, if you feel your life is in absolute danger (meaning death or close enough to it) you can use lethal force.


Personally, if I saw a man doing that to a woman in public and put together that it was a stranger I'd have beat his ass all the way back to his car.


hehehe as you can see I have issues :rolleyes::D

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And people wonder why I choose to be vigilant about my personal protection.


Personally, I can tell you that a 3milscovil blast of OC to the face does a lot to deter most people. :rolleyes::D :D

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Guest WoobiesMom
some advice from the legal side of this screwed up world: next time a man (any man!!!) gets in your face (close like 12 inches or less), immediately have a look of fear stumble backwards 2 or 3 feet and pepper spray him. You're a woman that has felt threatened by a large male that can easily harm you. You're well within your rights to use non-lethal force. Once he's down spray one more time then separate yourself no less than 50 yards while calling the police and remember to make sure you sound like your life is in danger. The dude will never return.


In Florida it's a different story, if you feel your life is in absolute danger (meaning death or close enough to it) you can use lethal force.


Personally, if I saw a man doing that to a woman in public and put together that it was a stranger I'd have beat his ass all the way back to his car.


hehehe as you can see I have issues :rolleyes::D


LOL! Clearly I have a few as well. I just could not sit there on the bench and watch him behave that way towards someone I've formed a friendship with and who was half this guy's size. And so many people had been talking about the kicking incident, I hated seeing her getting the brunt of his anger for it.


I did Victim Assistance for 9 mos. so I was really hoping he'd touch me in some ever so slight way and then I'd have him on simple battery (with LOADS of witnesses to boot!). As it was there were grounds for a curse and abuse charge and the cops made him very aware of that.


I just hope we never see him again. He clearly doesn't understand that the dogs are going to interact there. Everytime a dog came near him or his dog, he pushed them away. And he'd spent about 15 minutes walking around the outside of the fence before he came in so he knew what the deal was, the dogs were especially rowdy with the cool weather tonight.


Well, at least we've got some record of his name and address if it does turn out that his kick is responsible for the dog's broken foot, the owner can pursue him if she chooses. I'd have a hard time not decking someone if they kicked my dog! I wouldn't have grounds under the law, but I'd really really want to!

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I'd have a hard time not decking someone if they kicked my dog! I wouldn't have grounds under the law, but I'd really really want to!


Hrm, thats interesting. Non-lethal force in the protection of property.


I think you'd have a damn good case anyhow.

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Guest WoobiesMom
Hrm, thats interesting. Non-lethal force in the protection of property.


I think you'd have a damn good case anyhow.


Hmmm, that's an interesting angle.... Hope I never have to use it! :rolleyes:

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another interesting angle is call your local news station or email them. if they aren't worried about defamation and such, it's a great story, suggest it via email and you may get the issue addressed publicly.


what kind of ass kicks a dog in a dog park? and what kind of ass gets in a smaller persons face for protecting her dog from said ass?


ew ew ew! ew.


here's another good one. there's a dog in my neighborhood.....me and sophie call this dog barkyface......and he's tethered on a rope with about a 4-6 foot give. he barks and barks everytime he sees us. often, the owners door is wide open and and i can see the tv flickering...there's nothing wrong with tv's, but this house is a duplex, on a busy street and it seems he leaves the dog out there all the time. now, in my neck of the woods, it's illegal to leave a dog tethered like that.


well, this jerk was standing on his porch watching sophie and me the other day as we went home. he was there in his undies....i think :rolleyes:, i couldn't see that far since it was across the street, so if they were dingy, they were nearly hidden...anyway, i scooted sophie home and barely looked at the total ass weirdo. i'll tell you, creepy creeperton is what i felt.


should i call animal control and say something? i think the dog seems unhappy....but i'm not it's owner.

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Guest LJS1993
And people wonder why I choose to be vigilant about my personal protection.


Personally, I can tell you that a 3milscovil blast of OC to the face does a lot to deter most people. :rolleyes::D :D


Or basically a double leg takedown and broken arm would also work.

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With the tetherdog, I'd call animal control. I wish that was illegal here. I'd be calling animal control non-stop. We're supposed to be getting a dog park here soon, but I waffle on whether we'll go. For one thing, once we finish the stupid fence, we'll very nearly have a dog park (we bought the house for the yard), and for another, my area is so full of hoosiers that some dog kicking incident is bound to happen daily. They sound so great in theory though. Good for you for sticking up for your friend Woobie's Mom.

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With the tetherdog, I'd call animal control. I wish that was illegal here. I'd be calling animal control non-stop. We're supposed to be getting a dog park here soon, but I waffle on whether we'll go.


I'll tell ya, if we had a dog park, Sophie would be in dog heaven. she's a lover---dogs dogs dogs---all shapes and sizes, she doesn't care, she's a waggy submissive mess :rolleyes::D :D :D

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With the tetherdog, I'd call animal control. I wish that was illegal here. I'd be calling animal control non-stop. We're supposed to be getting a dog park here soon, but I waffle on whether we'll go. For one thing, once we finish the stupid fence, we'll very nearly have a dog park (we bought the house for the yard), and for another, my area is so full of hoosiers that some dog kicking incident is bound to happen daily. They sound so great in theory though. Good for you for sticking up for your friend Woobie's Mom.


so full of hoosiers? As in rampant indiana rednecks running around? I take exception to that :rolleyes:


--Denise the hoosier

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I might have missed it, but who runs the dog park? Can a complaint be lodged against him with those in charge? Are there posted rules at the dog park regarding human behavior?


I agree with maybe avoiding the DP for a while, but it also sounds like this guy needs to be held accountable for his behavior.


I don't know. I've mellowed over the years but probably not enough that I could just sit by and not do anything. I don't think I could have stood by watching this, knowing the story behind it or allowed this whacko to intimidate me or anyone else.


I also have a couple of dogs who might have tried to "intervene" in a case like this, especially if I were the one being threatened, but that would have resulted in some unfortunate consequences for them and me.

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Guest WoobiesMom
I might have missed it, but who runs the dog park? Can a complaint be lodged against him with those in charge? Are there posted rules at the dog park regarding human behavior?


I agree with maybe avoiding the DP for a while, but it also sounds like this guy needs to be held accountable for his behavior.


I don't know. I've mellowed over the years but not enough to probably not enough that I could just sit by and not do anything. I don't think I could have stood by watching this, knowing the story behind it or allowed this whacko to intimidate me or anyone else.


I also have a couple of dogs who might have tried to "intervene" in a case like this, especially if I were the one being threatened, but that would have resulted in some unfortunate consequences for them and me.


The dog park is provided by the Parks & Rec department of our county. The posted rules are all pretty much dog related, keep dog under control, scoop the poops, etc. But that's why the police decided to notify the park manager of this guy since so many people told the police about him pushing their dogs, etc. I think I'll probably call the park manager myself this morning. I can't speak first hand to the kicking incident since I didn't see it, but I can complain about his behavior towards me personally. My dog park schedule has been kind of kooky lately so I don't think I'll be back during the evening for a few days anyway. And the police informed him I was very eager to file a protective order if he made any further aggressive approaches towards me. Hopefully he'll find somewhere else to go. Clearly the dog park is not a fun experience for him.


I still recommend them, you just have to be really aware and careful and read up on dog body language. There are certain days and times when I don't want to be at ours. There's a big pit bull gathering & exchanging of info starting to happen on Saturday afternoons, so I don't go there then. The PB owners spar the dogs on opposite sides of the fence and then exchange phone numbers. :rolleyes: Police said to call AC and I will. But overall, we have such a great group of dog owners and dogs who really enjoy seeing each other and playing, it's just the occassional oddball that makes it difficult.


Yesterday really was an off day. We think a dog broke it's leg, his mom rushed him to the ER vet. Another woman came in with a very aggressive dog on a leash that lunged and tried to bite any dog that approached but she didn't say a word to anyone to keep their dogs away. And why would you do that? I can see trying to work with the dog to get it tolerant of dogs, but not with unsuspecting dogs that are off leash at a park!


Woobs and I will just be walking the trails for the next few days. :D

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But overall, we have such a great group of dog owners and dogs who really enjoy seeing each other and playing, it's just the occassional oddball that makes it difficult.


You are much more tolerant (or have better nerves) than I do! People sparring their pit bulls and exchanging info. A guy kicking, yelling at and shoving dogs. Clueless owners with aggressive dogs. Yikes! I just don't have the patience for that. And I'd also be too concerned about something going terribly wrong terribly fast because of the idiots you've mentioned. Dog fights can escalate into serious matters in a blink of an eye.


Too bad that there are people who ruin what could be a good thing or (for the really determined like you :rolleyes: ) make fun a lot harder than it should be.

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Guest LJS1993
What a jerk! And poor Kelly (the one he initially yelled at) was such a wreck! I just don't understand why none of the men standing around did anything to intervene! The guy was towering over her, pushing his finger towards her face, making her step backwards, etc. And the guys there are regulars, knew who this guy was, and knew he wasn't related to her at all!



They stood around because they are probably either poor hen pecked guys or spineless tools who are afraid of getting their butt kicked.


Also Woobiesmom, you are much more patient than I am in regards to the overall dog park atmosphere. My fiance absolutely loves the dog park even though there has been plenty of drama on numerous occasions. Personally I would much rather like a nice, slow afternoon on the ranch with my dogs. You know, let them run around the property, chase a squirrel or two, run through the irrigation furrows, etc. Our dog park is okay, however sometimes the drama is just something I don't want after a hard day of work.

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Guest WoobiesMom
They stood around because they are probably either poor hen pecked guys or spineless tools who are afraid of getting their butt kicked.


Also Woobiesmom, you are much more patient than I am in regards to the overall dog park atmosphere. My fiance absolutely loves the dog park even though there has been plenty of drama on numerous occasions. Personally I would much rather like a nice, slow afternoon on the ranch with my dogs. You know, let them run around the property, chase a squirrel or two, run through the irrigation furrows, etc. Our dog park is okay, however sometimes the drama is just something I don't want after a hard day of work.


Did you ever see that test that (I think) Dateline did where they had actors pretend to be a bf/gf fighting and the guy starts shoving, pulling her hair, etc. and they tested who would get involved and who didn't. The women were way more likely to get involved than the men. The one man who did get involved was a 98 lb. weakling looking guy who had fantastic people skills and calmed the guy down while putting himself physically between the guy and the girl to protect her. Turned out later that he's like a 3rd degree martial arts expert! Goes to show you can't judge by looks. :rolleyes:

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Guest LJS1993
Did you ever see that test that (I think) Dateline did where they had actors pretend to be a bf/gf fighting and the guy starts shoving, pulling her hair, etc. and they tested who would get involved and who didn't. The women were way more likely to get involved than the men. The one man who did get involved was a 98 lb. weakling looking guy who had fantastic people skills and calmed the guy down while putting himself physically between the guy and the girl to protect her. Turned out later that he's like a 3rd degree martial arts expert! Goes to show you can't judge by looks. :rolleyes:



True, very true. Tell you what, sometimes though it's not a good idea to get involved in BF/GF conflicts. One time a buddy of mine was trying to play hero and ended up getting his nose broken by the boyfriend, then he was spit on by the girlfriend for "being nosey". In the situation at your dog park though someone should have said something like, "hey man let's just relax", or "hey homie, come on" or something to diffuse the situation. Then if the guy got smart, then tool him.

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My sister's ex (yes, we kept him around too, go ahead, sing the Hotel California Pax Family Theme Song) stepped between a woman getting the snot beaten out of her, and her boyfriend, who was doing the beating.


He pulled the guy off and pushed him up against a parked truck.


The guy sued him later for assault. The guy lost, but Todd had to defend it, and that blew chunks, I must say.



It's a wonderful world. :rolleyes:

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Guest WoobiesMom

Well, yes, that is true. Most of my cases were domestic violence and I heard alot of the "stay out of it, this is our business, etc" even when the woman had suffered dramatic injuries. Very frustrating.


Teachers sure are good at dealing with this type of situation. Several of the women who intervened on the Dateline show were teachers too. One of the regulars is a vice-principal and she came up to him while I was calling the police and very calmly started telling him "Now sir, please, you came in here very aggressively and I understand you may be upset but, that type of approach really isn't going to... etc etc." He was a tool to her too but didn't get in her face like he did the two of us.

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I'm not even going to touch this with a fifty foot pole. Me, being a guy. But, I must say, I haven't been in a fight since high school. It might have been fun to see if I still got it! As for the guy on the porch. If he was in his drawers, thats illegal. I would have called animal control on him.:] :rolleyes:

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There have been studies done that when a group of people see something bad happen they are less likely to intervine than if an individual see something happening. The idea is that as a group everyone is standing around waiting for someone to do something and that the individual knows they are the only one who can do something.

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