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chainsaw incident

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So while I was at work the other day my DH text's me that Bula tried to bite the chainsaw while he was using it! He got really scared and had to really scare her with his mean voice, but he told me later that she really went after it. That could have been bad. He said she wasn't even around him and that he turned it on and she came out of no where.


She does go after the ATV but you can say "no bite" and she leaves it alone and goes ahead or to the side, instead of trying to bite the tires.


I am just glad he was aware of her.



Just though I would share. :rolleyes:

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Yeah Holly would go straight to it too. She is noise sensitive i think also as anything like drills/Vacuum/lawnmower she is straight there barking at them.


Odd though as when she is out walking with me if someone is mowing the lawn she takes no notice. My strange doggie! lol

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Our Meg who is thunder/firework phobic has to be shut up while my son mows or she attacks the mower, so we solve the problem by just shutting up all 4 legged creatures until the all clear is given. I would have had a heart attack with the chainsaw though just the thought brrrrr......

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I have a couple that will go after a chain saw. As Eileen said, I put them up if a chain saw is going to be used.





I agree with both Eileen and Julie. Any time you're using any type of equipment outside, put your dog up. You never know with these guys when they're going to try to grab something. We have dogs who try to get the chain saw, weed whacker, lawn mower, table saw, etc. We just plain don't leave them out when we're running things. Better safe than sorry.



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I couldn't even think how bad he would have felt if something had gone wrong. I'm sure glad he knows what/who's around him.


That's weird because any loud noise makes Black Jack run back to me or under me! :rolleyes: I had him in the yard while I was outside of it mowing and he just sat there and watched me go back and fourth for about an hour and a half.

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My dog goes after chainsaws, vacuum cleaners, leaf blowers, etc. Its the only time he starts barking too. He barks at loud tools but thats it. I put him inside when Im using a chainsaw. And have to put him outside or in his crate when the vacuum is in use.

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