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american dog commands

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what dog commands are you using? I wanna train my dog in englisch 'cause I'm half american. But I always lived in Germany so I don't really know all dog commands. I know sit, down, come here/come on, stay, jump, fetch, no, track... but what else?

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English is my second language as well but since I live in the states, I decided to stick with english. I thought about teaching command in my language but if she needs to be look after by other people (vet, boarding, friends etc), it wouldn't be convinient. With the exception of few words. Words like walk/work, play/pray, back/go back - I use both language so it's more clear to them.


That being said, here are some basic commands I use.


off, shake, turn, drop-it, leave it, hop, work, lie, sit-up, stand, forward, back, side, heel, watch-me, over, this way, come, wait, stay, settle, on-your-bed, on-your-spot, touch, etc etc

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Some cues I use for "normal" stuff:



Down (to lie down)

Off (to "get down" when jumping up)

With me (walk with me, but not in heel)


Front (come and sit in front of me)

Come (obedience recall to end with sitting in front)

Return (regular recall to end with dog with me)

Back (back up away from me)

Leave it (I don't use this as a correction, but as a cue for the dog to stop what he is doing and look to me for further instructions)

Paw (give left paw)

Tap (give right paw)

Touch (hand target)

Stay (hold position exactly until cued to do something else)

Wait (a more casual "stay there")

Tall (stand on hind legs)

Hug (put front paws up for a hug)

Get it (go pick it up)

Bring it (bring it to me)

Give (give it to me)

CrateCrate (get in crate)

Outside (go out to potty)

In (come in from potty yard)

OK (release)


If you're interested in tricks, I use some of these cues:


Twirl (spin counter clockwise)

Spin (spin clockwise)

Side (heel on the right)

Circle (circle behind me to the right)

Pole (circle around a pole)

Leg (leg weaves)

Stretch (play bow)

Slide (walk sideways to the right)

Away (walk sideways to the left)

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I'm impressed. I will just use right paw and left paw and go potty. To get Ruger to fetch something to his left or right I just say left or right. I have never had any formal training so my commands are simply talking to him as I would a person. He seems to understand. Of course the take a chill pill is the most important.


Here is Rugers list:


Fetch my shoes

Fetch the leash

Get my hat

Right paw

Left paw

Get Casey's ball

Get the tug

Get the sqeaky ball

Get the food bowl

Car ride?

Get the cat

The cat's in your food (This ones a hoot)

The cat's in Casey's food (The other dog's food)

Upstairs (Used to fetch anything thats left upstairs)


Spin the other way

Back through (my legs)

Through (Used for anything I want him to go through)

Go around (Such as going around a house or building or whatever)

Over (To jump over something)

Frisbee 1,2,3 or 4 (This takes a lot of work and is not always sucessful)

Inside (I don't have to say outside) LOL

Crate (I don't have to use this much anymore)


Stick em up, bang (Then he plays dead)

Roll over


Stop or Down (Very important)



I'm sure I am missing a few.

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Here are some stockdog commands:


Come by: go clockwise around the stock

Away to me, or Away: go counterclockwise around the stock.

Lie down: stop and lie down

There: stop and wait for the next command

That'll do: stop working and return to the handler

Come, Come here, Here: move toward the handler

Walk up: move toward the stock

Get back, Get out: move away from the stock

Easy, Steady: slow down

Balance: position yourself to keep the stock moving toward the handler

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I've never done much explicit training, as all of my previous dogs have been middle-aged

when I got them, but in the 6 weeks or so that I've had Nik so far, I've managed to teach

her one very useful command, "Back Around". I keep her on a 20-ft retractable leash

when we're hiking because her previous humans said she likes to take off chasing things,

and sometimes she'll get it wrapped around a tree or post - so "Back Around" means

follow the leash back to me, instead of coming directly. Took her about 3-4 tries to

get the idea.


Now if I could just figure out how to teach her to "stay" long enough to get a picture. I

have all the shots of nice scenery with a Border Collie shaped blur in them that I need...

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Ouzo knows not to get tangled around a tree on his flexileash, to the point he's slaloming voluntarly among trees. If he's too distracted and doesn't notice he's getting on the wrong side of the tree than where I am heading, all I say is "Ouzo" or "the other way" and he goes the right way. He knows "Behind you" and "The other way" in relation to any object he's searching for (balls, 98% of the time :rolleyes: )


Secret to taking still pictures of BCs? Hold an object they value (balls, 98% of the time :D ) right behind or above the camera. Try it and see how magic works!

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"...ll I say is "Ouzo" or "the other way" and he goes the right way."


But that depends on me noticing in time. Usually it's not when walking - she's pretty

good about "this way" and so on. It's the stops to investigate trees with chipmunks

& squirrels, where she has to look at the situation from all sides, then decides "OK,

enough for this tree, let's go" that get the leash wrapped up.


"Secret to taking still pictures of BCs?"


That'd work for full-face portraits, but I'm trying for landscape shots: scenery with

dog posed gazing nobly off into the distance sort of thing.

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"...ll I say is "Ouzo" or "the other way" and he goes the right way."


But that depends on me noticing in time. Usually it's not when walking - she's pretty

good about "this way" and so on. It's the stops to investigate trees with chipmunks

& squirrels, where she has to look at the situation from all sides, then decides "OK,

enough for this tree, let's go" that get the leash wrapped up.


"The other way" still works as a command to unwrap the leash from the tree even after stopping for squirels.


"Secret to taking still pictures of BCs?"


That'd work for full-face portraits, but I'm trying for landscape shots: scenery with

dog posed gazing nobly off into the distance sort of thing.


Kindda like this? :rolleyes:



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Nobody mentioned *&%$@@! LOL That seems to be a pretty popular American command. If I ah (expletive) Ceana stops and looks at me with a What now?! face. As for actual commands I think the posts above sum it up pretty well. Chris and I have screwed up so many recalls that we have now moved to spanish... Ceana comes to Aqui!

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