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Why Cord Wasn't Feeling Well

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Cord's been slightly under the weather this week. Not eating well, not working that great (back to orbiting), lost that gleam in his coat and eye. I was frustrated and concerned, thinking that he had another UTI again.


Just now he deposited a little token of his love at my feet in the form of a slimy three inch stuffed penguin that's apparently been sitting in his stomach for, oh, about a week.


Then he asked for dinner. I'm thinking I'll skip mine tonight.

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Guest WoobiesMom

Eeewwwww! Glad he got it out on his own w/o the need for an expensive surgery! He'll probably be back to his old self now! Glad he's okay.

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Yes, that was definitely a near miss! I can't imagine how we would have swung it so soon after Kris. Cord must love us, as I said. :rolleyes: Of course, he could have taken a pass on swallowing the thing in the first place, but, you know, no stuffed toy must remain untasted around here.


It was a kid's toy by the way - none of the dog toys are that little.

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Ugh. At least he was kind enough to return it. I guess you can scratch penguin meat from his menu from now on ...lol. :rolleyes:

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I'm glad he's ok. That's a long time to hold it!! I have no idea why they eat stuff like that. It can't taste that good. Ohhh, dogs :rolleyes:

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I bet penguin meat is really high in DHA. That would break PJ's heart though (owner of "Mumble" and long-time fan of all things penguin).


Yup, that was a Happy Meal prize. PJ has loved penguins since way, way, before they were cool (hmm, no pun intended). So now we are finding ourselves going out of our way to visit Mickey D's in conjunction with their Happy Meal offerings to get the latest penguin movie prize. March of the Penguins, The Wild, Happy Feet, now Surf's Up.


The kids, and their toys, stay pretty much in the front of the house which we can close off with French doors. But they do insist on taking those little critters outside to stand in for truck drivers, army guys, spacemen, or whatever. Then they forget them. Usually the guard dogs (Tully specifically) find them and move them to The Stash, after mauling it past recognition (they hate having anything new in the same area as the sheep).


Cord is obviously much improved this morning. No apparent residual ill effects from the penguin ingestion. He's been begging for food literally all night, so I'm going now to feed him breakfast. :rolleyes:

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Glad to hear that Cord is back to normal. My son suffered a lot of attrition --arms, legs and eyes -- to his Bart Simpson collection of stuffies when Allie was a youngster. :rolleyes: I hope you were able to bury the victim before the owner caught a glimpse of their missing critter.

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