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what is your take on this video


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Ok total stock dog newbie, but Animal Science major here, is it just me or is the one BC just basically chasing the sheep and the "trainer" and "handler" are letting him?! I know the few times Maggie's been on sheep the trainer stopped anything that looked like that immediately. Certainly looks like the dog isn't ready for the big field at least - it just didn't look "right".

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Well, (knowing I am new to all this and so my opinion is worth about zero), I would have smiled too, when it got up and trotted away apparently unharmed.


But I would have stopped at that point and swapped out sheep and given that one a break.


Also, I have the tendency to want to work the sheep v e r y s l o w l y. I am ok if they trot but the instant they break into a canter I am having to herniate myself to not yell, "LIE DOWN" like a lunatic, yes, even when Starr is in perfect control and knows exactly what she's doing. Mark tells me I need to work on my pace. So given all that, it seems like they are rocketing around a bit more than I would be comfortable with.


I think I'm going to make a new signature line that says, "Your mileage may vary. I am a a Baaaaaahhhhhhhddd sheep person."

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Yes, basically the trainer did nothing and let the dog chase. No point in that whatsoever. It did appear that the trained BC was trying to clean up the mess, but not a possibility with the other dog chasing.



Ok total stock dog newbie, but Animal Science major here, is it just me or is the one BC just basically chasing the sheep and the "trainer" and "handler" are letting him?! I know the few times Maggie's been on sheep the trainer stopped anything that looked like that immediately. Certainly looks like the dog isn't ready for the big field at least - it just didn't look "right".
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Perhaps that was a smile of relief? But, it surely should have gotten the trainer in there, realizing she was watching a train wreck. I certainly would have not been happy had it been my sheep (totally my fault as I would be training), and if it were my dog- again, I would have felt REALLY bad, and asked if we should get a hold of the dog. Not cool. Seriously not cool for animal rights activists to see.


as for pace, Lucy knows not of that- well, she KNOWS it, but that is clearly her hardest "gig". I have the opposite tendency- I go faster because my dog pushes.


Aren't we some bunch?




Well, (knowing I am new to all this and so my opinion is worth about zero), I would have smiled too, when it got up and trotted away apparently unharmed.


But I would have stopped at that point and swapped out sheep and given that one a break.


Also, I have the tendency to want to work the sheep v e r y s l o w l y. I am ok if they trot but the instant they break into a canter I am having to herniate myself to not yell, "LIE DOWN" like a lunatic, yes, even when Starr is in perfect control and knows exactly what she's doing. Mark tells me I need to work on my pace. So given all that, it seems like they are rocketing around a bit more than I would be comfortable with.


I think I'm going to make a new signature line that says, "Your mileage may vary. I am a a Baaaaaahhhhhhhddd sheep person."

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Geez!!! How frustrating! I'm at work and this computer won't let me see it. I'll for sure have a look when I get home!


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Holy crap. I'm pretty clueless about all this stuff, but what I just said out loud to my computer was "poor sheep"! And I don't mean just the one guy that was knocked out...the whole thing in the big field just looked like chaos.

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As I said the whole thing made me ill. I don't have a sheep operation, just 6 ewes, and I will admit that I have sheep basically to work my dogs (I like the sheep so much though, I wouldn't mind having a small flock) that being said though, my sheeps welfare is of the utmost importance to me. I try and take very good care of them, never work them to excess, don't look at them as just something for my dogs or myself to use and abuse :rolleyes:. The sheep that hit the fence in that video could have very well broken it's neck, it doens't take much :D and there was just no excuse for those people to let those dogs run out of control like that, terrorizing those poor sheep.

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It was kind of fast, but it appeared there was one trained dog out there being confused and the other dog just chasing the poor sheep around. The sad thing was the trainer seemed to think this was funny.

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It does appear that the dog was just "chasing" the sheep. If you notice, his tail was up in the air most of the time, which to me means that he wasn't the least bit serious about the whole thing. Why that instructor took the dog out onto a bigger field when it was a disaster in the small pen. Actually I couldn't even finish watching the video.



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I know nothing about this, but just watching that kind of bothered me. I don't think the dog in the video was interested in working at all, he just seemed to want to play chase. Why let a dog like that into a large pasture with the sheep when it isn't even turned on to stock or able to control itself in a pen? Seems to me like they were begging for a train wreck.


Poor sheep. They all looked pretty frightened, and I imagine that trained dog was getting discouraged at having his sheep scattered every time he got them gathered and calmed down.

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Yeesh, it made me hurl. Barbies in action: barking, chasing, tails over their backs... Need proof that conformation breeding destroys working ability? Here's your video. I'm ashamed to say I was kind of hoping it was from Australia, but nooo, these clueless #@&%!s grinning at the camera while their dog worries the sheep are from Kentucky. Ho ho, look at the sheep run! Sheep sure are "stupid"!




I think the reason folks like this talk about "herding" when the rest of us say "working [sorting, moving] stock" is that for many Barbie/AKC people, sheep are incidental to the "herding" experience: they're a smelly, inconvenient, vaguely threatening obstruction to be overcome as quickly as possible on the way to an HIC or some equally meaningless "herding title." It's so much easier to teach your dog its flanks by sending it around agility obstacles, after all.


[yoga breaths...]



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The video has now been removed...


I didn't get a chance to see it, and I wonder if the person who uploaded it to youtube is on the boards and didn't like the responses he/she saw...there does seem to be some "I admit I don't know what I'm doing with my dog on sheep, but if you don't agree that the video I'm posting is fabulous, then you're just on a high horse" going around :rolleyes:

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I had a feeling it would be removed before I got home to see it. But from everyone's description, it was not necesary to view.


there does seem to be some "I admit I don't know what I'm doing with my dog on sheep, but if you don't agree that the video I'm posting is fabulous, then you're just on a high horse" going around


Ain't it the truth? :rolleyes:



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The deal is this: The trainer should not have allowed the dog to just chase- without stepping in. If the owner was new at this, and probably was, they just didn't know any better- I don't blame them. I hope if someone on this board put it up, they know this.


Even when my pup started, which btw, was not all serious stuff (she was still a pup), we still didn't let her run amok. I also, would want the sheep injury taken with a bit more seriousness- wake up call if you wish.



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