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We just had an earthquake . . .

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Here in Sonoma County, about an hour north of San Francisco. A smallish one, it rocked our mobile home pretty good, and I can hear the neighbors outside talking. Nothing broken, but 3 pretty scared pooches.


And, the fabled early warning system that you always hear about? Nothing, zip, zero, nada from my guys. They were actually dozing after their dinners! Now that our house isn't shaking anymore, they just want to know if this means they get an extra round of fetch or tug. One track minds.


Ruth n the BC3

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Dang, that's cool. Where was this stuff when I lived in northern Cal? I'll have to show this to mom and dad, who live here in NC now and do NOT miss the earthquakes (though they'd like to say the same for ice storms and severe thunderstorms, now).


ETA - lookit the 5+ down in Baja! I wonder how strong that actually was. . .


Glad you're OK.

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I'm on that map in the "light" catagory and I didn't feel a thing. I'm on Lake Berryessa. I haven't felt a quake since '89. I'd probably have to be sitting on the floor to feel a 4.4.


I recently explained to a neighbor that the lake is a classic fault line. Made him all nervous. I love doing that to people. That, and telling them it's "earthquake weather".


Of couse today it's "fire conditions" All the smoke in the air is making my eyes burn.


Don't cha love California?

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Luisa, those maps are way cool, especially the ones that update themselves. Are you generally an earth sciences geek or just earthquakes? I love this kind of info, I border on geekdom myself.


Becca, it really is kind of neat to see the science behind this stuff. Truth to tell, I'd rather live with the possibility of earthquakes than watching the skies for tornadoes. I grew up in TX, and saw many hurricane skies, and a few tornado-y ones. Still gives me the willies.


Jen, if you want, you can come over and I'll jump up and down in our mobile home and re-create the effect pretty closely.


Jack, August can bring it's own nasty heat wave, I wouldn't count on cool and foggy necessarily. Be prepared to layer clothing. I always take a sweater when I go to SF to see a client, never know what the heck it's going to be like.


Thanks for all the chat and the great info! The BC3 says "Barrrrroooooo!" Buzz jumped up into DH's lap when DH got home about an hour after the quake, he was still a bit rattled.


Ruth n the BC3

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Glad you are ok. Be thankful you live in the US, I saw a film about earthquakes and Turkey, it was some VERY scary stuff. At least we have occasional warning, and rescue help if we need it! I am just going to stay in Ohio!! We get it all here, heat, humidity, and tornadoes, but they are generally milder versions than what is felt around the rest of the country.


Weather junkies anyone? I am hopelessly addicted to the Weather Channel.

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