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Cody The Filthy-Dirty Dog!

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I REALLY wish I had a picture from this past Saturday's jaunt to the local Dog Park. After heavy rains on Friday, there were two enticing mud holes at the local dog park. Most all the other dogs avoided the holes and played happily with each other.


Except Cody. Now I know why we named him Cody The Rocket. He beelined to the larger of the mud holes, and dove in with a big belly flop. He came out of that mud as a very dark brown, filthy dog from head to toe. I didn't even recognize him at first!


Of course no other dog owner wanted him near their dogs. Cody came running up to me twice, thinking it was such fun to get me all muddy, before I could grab him by the collar.


I tried to rinse him under the water spigot where dogs go to drink out of the bucket, but the mud was very grainy and probably had lots of other dogs' poop and pee mixed in to make a smelly, gritty, horrible soup.


Luckily I had two towels in the car for muddy, now-wet and unhappy Cody to lay on. He still got my car interior filthy during that 10 minute drive home. And phew! the smell!


When I got home, no one was home to help me wash this monster. Lucky them. It took me 20 long minutes just to rinse all the mud out, then another 10 to soap him up and rinse again. Luckily it was an unusually mild day.


Next time we go to the dog park, we let the ground and mud holes dry out first! He was drawn like a magnet to this hole!


Just thought I'd share one of my adventures with Cody The Rocket.

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Vickkers - have you tried putting peanut butter on the side of the bath tub? it works wonders and keeps their minds off the fact that we are tourtering them :rolleyes:

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Ah, humans and their strange views



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Years ago Santa brought Chuck a seat cover for the back seat of his Accord. I still use an ancient pink blanket in my Civic.


Sandra S. - I hate to admit it, but now that I'm 60, I really would get into that puddle with Kessie! If only to jump. Life is too short to worry about what the washer can handle. Or the tub. Or the hose.

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Yesterday I took Miss and Kipp for a walk back in the field. Kipp decided he should go exploring in the woods, so I sent Missy to find him. Well, she found him, and the mud, and some lovely smelling things to roll in. He was dirty, but she was FILTHY.


She dislikes baths, but is a good sport about them. She was absolutely pitiful laying on the porch waiting for me to bring the buckets of warm water outside. I took me a good 15 min to get her clean - and usually takes me about 5. Lucky Kipp is a smooth coat, and washed up much faster. Much to my delight, he has also learned that I am really not trying to murder him during a bath (the first bath he got he was practically doing sommersaults trying to get away - it was like trying to hold a greased pig) and he stood pretty still. Every so often I see a glimmer of hope for him!!


It's just part of having dogs that enjoy themselves... :rolleyes:

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Can you believe this -- I give Daisy a bath every day! Not with shampoo or soap, but I do put her in a big tub of hose water and pour wastebaskets full of water over her to get the beach salt and sand off of her before she goes into the house. This being southern Cali, water right out of the hose is fine, so there's no toting warm water around. She tolerates the bath part well, but she absolutely loves "towel time!"

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Lucky for us we usually have Riven on a leash outside. Last summer she near killed us when she got in the Snake River while on a long lead. She found the stankiest nasty dead fish cubby hole she could and proceeded to jump in as if it were the most wonderful thing ever. It was GROSS it smelled so freakin bad we had the windows down the whole 1 mile to our camping spot. We washed her with Dawn dishsoap (all I had atm) and she STILL stunk to high heaven. It was horrible.


Today she snuck out while hubby was leaving and wanted in the car. She proceeded to run in circles around it looking for the open door to jump in. Except, she wasnt going with him and i had to get her back in, she ran through numerous piles of mudd and ran inside and right onto my brand new light yellow sofa. I have black paw prints all over it and on the carpet and kitchen floor leading to it... *sigh*

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Well it has been blowing and it's fairly worm so the snow and ice is melting today. So Black Jack thought it would be fun to splash in the puddle by the house. He took his right paw and just kept hitting the water! it was funny as heck but now he's dirty. Not just mudd but muddy water so it made him really crusty :rolleyes: So I guess a bath tomorrow since it was to cold today. What shampoo do you guys use? All of the stuff I try makes their skin really dry.

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We live in the mud half the year. Everyday is like this, three times a day. We play hose to get the worst of it off, then towel to the tune of "La Cucaracha"...but Meg now HATES toweling and tries to run away from it. The mud is gritty and it is irritating her. She hates baths even more.


As she dries the rest of the mud is left like filled in chaulk lines around a corpse. I sweep a lot and do lots of laundry loads of towels as a sort of ceremony. I have never minded the muddy paws on the windows or the dirt splatter across the kitchen when she shakes, the 3" band of dirt on either side of the long hallway to the computer room where she likes to lean and walk back and forth, or the hour long baths when my dread-lock toleration threshold is reached. And nothing is quite so charming as Meg's happy muddy face.


What worries me is that skin irritation, abrasion, sensitivity, drying etc.....She is out in the muck at full tilt for at minimum 1.5 hours a day excepting doggie daycare days. Meg would not have it any other way. She will lick Bag Balm off and neosporin doesn't last more than an hour or so. She's too soft for a dryer.


Any suggestions?

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Sandra S. - I hate to admit it, but now that I'm 60, I really would get into that puddle with Kessie! If only to jump. Life is too short to worry about what the washer can handle. Or the tub. Or the hose.
That's the spirit!! :D I'm only 24 now, but I can already feel myself loosening up, doing silly childish things I haven't dared to do for years and years because they were embarrassing...and 60 is a LONG way off! A lot of time to lose the remaining inhibitions. Oh, the possibilities...for example, I'd really like to hit a cow pad with a board once more. That used to be gooood. :rolleyes:


I never bathe Kessie. Dry dirt doesn't stick to her coat, luckily. And wet dirt will dry very quickly on her. But I do hose her off when she has rolled in something special. She just stands there resignedly, with her head down, making me wish I had never been born. :D

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Kessie's expression is priceless, Sandra! You can tell she's having the time of her life, and she wouldn't mind a bit if you'd join her :rolleyes:


Luckily Ouzo acts most of the time like a cat around puddles, and tries to avoid them (hard now with melting snow, but in summer he would avoid them and shake his paws if they get wet ; ) ). Unless this happens at the dog park, where anything goes, and he loves water and swimming. Never rolled in anything (except in the house, on his bones, or the occasional olive ).


But this, this is for posterity (he fell head first in dirt chasing a ball after swimming, so everything stuck to him like glue - and cut his chin in the process)




Looking pittiful (not because he was dirty, nooo, but because I was imprisoning his tennis ball)



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shelb'smum, I haven't tried the peanut butter in the bathroom trick. Right now Clover refuses to go anywhere near either of our bathrooms and it took her a long time to get to the point where she'd actually go into our bedroom after she got a bath in the master bathroom. Maybe I'll give it a shot but I'm kind of hesitant right now. :rolleyes:

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Try first just putting her in the tub with peanut butter, no bath. Pete Freaked about baths, and now he and Shelby both jump into the tub and wait for me to clean them :rolleyes:

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LOL!! Scout loves mud and everything stinky!! Last week it was a dead fish. She has been skunked twice and loves deer poo. In the summer we have a kiddie pool that we keep full all summer. If she gets muddy or stinky we just put her in the pool. It is a little harder in the winter. She gets bucket baths before a tub bath. The one good thing about winter is that most of the time the stinky stuff is frozen and isn't as inviting to her.

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