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After months of lurking on these boards and soaking up as much knowledge as possible, time has come for a proper introduction, I think. :) After fifteen years of pining, there’s now an 8-week-old BC pup sleeping between my feet – it couldn’t feel more surreal, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have him! This is my Zoro:


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He’s been here for a grand total of three days, and so much has happened already. He’s learning so fast, and growing bolder and braver by the minute, leaving me politely gobsmacked even though I thought myself quite prepared. :rolleyes: But it’s every bit as fun as I’d imagined, if not more.


Anyway, this is Zoro and I making our formal “hello”. It’s been an absolute pleasure wading through your clever, insightful and amusing posts on these boards during the past months, and I hope to keep on learning from all of you as my little chew-monster and I get properly started on our journey together. Questions will undoubtedly amount to bazillions in a matter of days, but at least I know where to humbly ask for (excellent) advice. :)


So loads of thanks to you all, and a tail-wagging hello!


- Sara

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Welcome, Sara and Zorro. Good name for him....he looks like a Zorro. So glad that you are here -- I have found these boards to be the best resource ever for information and assistance with my BCs. Best of luck to you!


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Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! Your well wishes have already worked absolute wonders; we just had a major breakthrough with house-training, and both pup and owner are very pleased. ;) These boards are magical indeed!

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Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! Your well wishes have already worked absolute wonders; we just had a major breakthrough with house-training, and both pup and owner are very pleased. ;) These boards are magical indeed!


Welcome. I am fairly new here too. My pup is already 5 months old. I have learned so much from this group. I did not want to crate my pup and I was convinced by the group that it was the best thing for her and wow, her behavior changed in a matter of two weeks. It was the best thing for all of us. I have found such a wealth of information from the kind people in this group. Although I owned a Border Collie before, she was a rescue who was a year old before I got her. So, I was very new to the particular habits and nuances of a baby BC. This board helps so much. Good luck and many years of happiness with Zoro! I love that name!

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Thank you both! :)


I have learned so much from this group. I did not want to crate my pup and I was convinced by the group that it was the best thing for her and wow, her behavior changed in a matter of two weeks.


Crating does seem to work wonders for people on here; I can imagine it'd definitely be a good way to give a pup (and adult dog) a bit of quiet time when needed. Unfortunately, we'll never get to try it as crating is illegal in Sweden, would you believe!

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