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Taste of the Wild

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I feed TOTW but one of the flavors has caused some of my dogs to become constipated. I empty the bag into a big container so I don't remember what one I bought last time.

Does anyone have any problems with the same thing? If so what flavor did you notice it on?


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The opposite, actually. I feed raw to all of my dogs but one who is older and *really* doesn't like it (and hes got some dental issues, so I imagine chewing is a challenge). I also feed grain free kibble if I am going to be out of town (easier for the pet sitter).


TOTW gets great reviews, its priced well and the dogs seem to like how it tastes, but I have found all of the varieties give them soft, smelly stools and ridiculous gas.

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hmmm, my dogs have tiny little puppy poos that are all very hard. Easy to pick up.

But maybe switching over from raw is throwing your guys off with TOTW. I wish I had a good connection and I'd be feeding raw. I see such a nice difference when they all get raw. Although Raven, one of my seniors really doesn't like to chew either so she never really liked raw. Unless it was ground or small bitesize pieces and that is not what the whole point is of feeding raw. I'm pretty sure it's dental issues too!

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I don't know - I feed three of my dogs half raw-half TOTW and they do fine. Nice hard stools, similar to my raw fed dogs. No problems with gas or digestion. I do give digestive enzymes with all meals - maybe that helps?


Kristen, I've fed the Prairie formula, the Pacific Stream, and the new Lamb formula (all TOTW), and none have caused any constipation. So, I'm no help to you. Maybe you could get a small bag of whichever you are inclined to feed, but have some canned pumpkin on hand, just in case?

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Well, so glad you reminded me of pumpkin...that should do the trick! Didn't konw they have a new flavor. Raven has never done well on lamb but we might give it a try.

I forgot to add that I use probiotics too. But only with a few dogs, not all of them need it.

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TOTW gets great reviews, its priced well and the dogs seem to like how it tastes, but I have found all of the varieties give them soft, smelly stools and ridiculous gas.


This has absolutely been our experience. The gas especially. I don't know what it is! My husband has banned it from our house just for the gas alone. He calls it "Fart of the Wild". But it does seem like a good food, and priced well, if your dog tolerates it!

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My dogs do not have this problem, but I do know that some of my friends have complained that the Prairie formula of TOTW gives their dogs horrid gas -- But they are fine on the other formulas.


My dogs can eat any and all of them and thrive. I have to see if my supplier has the new lamb formula to try...

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I usually feed High Prairie Formula, and Buddy's poops are hard. I add water and a little bit of something else (yogurt, soup, etc.) to his kibble, and that seems to loosen everything up.


The salmon formula, meanwhile, made Buddy's poop tiny little rocks. I had to give away the bag, because I couldn't make Buddy live like that for 30 lbs. :)


Weird how they do different things to different dogs.



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I've fed a couple different varieties of TOTW and after feeding it for awhile (about a year) I became concerned about their Quality Control. I've had one bag smell off (threw it out) and dogs get sick from another bag. I've heard this same problem from a couple other people (perhaps someone on here?).


I now feed Nutrisource and love it. My dogs are all kibble-fed, no raw. Poops are fine; if not, I give pumpkin or Metronidazole (to my poop-eater).

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I think I was less than clear. My old dog eats kibble alone as he prefers it, and he has done very poorly on TOTW.


I have fed kibble to the other dogs occasionally, and usually they don't have an issue with it, but for some reason TOTW doesn't agree with them either.


I changed my old guy to Innova, which isn't grain free but he seems to be thriving on it and the gas is no longer running us outside, so we will stick with it.

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Seek did horrible on TOTW, and my cats. Runs!


That being said, she is allergic to everything, so maybe that's why?? I used to feed her a raw dehydrated diet by Addiction. It was about $500 a month though!! Now she eats Orijen, a 6-fish diet. She loves it, her allergies are at bay, and her coat is gorgeous! Orijen is made in Canada, too :)

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I'm about to switch back to TOTW as I've tried Evo lately and Ouzo's not that thrilled with the current bag - the large bits Turkey type - I can tell he's hungry but won't eat every day what's in his bowl.


I think our best experience was with the Salmon variety, with the Bison one coming behind it.


And I can attest that he's never had gas as horrible as currently on EVO - he can easily clear a room and he's never been like this on any other food!


It's become such a joke that as soon as it starts stinking, we say "Wheeeeewwww, Ouzo, did you just fart?!" and he barks in indignation and runs out of the room, his feelings hurt (as well as our noses :)))))) )

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