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Freedom has Parvo

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Took Freedom to the vet to see if she had a urinary tract infection, and that was why she wasn't peeing.

Instead learned she was dehydrated and had a case of Parvo started. The vet also told me that he'd had several puppies from two counties come in from the humane societies with Parvo.


Freedom was in the Humane Society for one week before I took her home.


He said it was early, and since she is an adult he said chances were much better than if she was a pup. He gave her a vacination and told me to give her pedialyte, pepto, and put her on a bland diet.


I have to take her back in three weeks for a booster, and am taking Lib and Justice for their boosters, as well. (They are both due in Nov.)


Has anyone else dealt with an adult case of parvo?


Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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OMG! Jin had a lot of Mojo given to him during his bout with parvo. So much that he had some left over that he has been retuning to the board. He and I now give it all to you and Freedom.


I also re-read the post I made when Jin got Parvo.


There is good news and not so good. Adults recover from parvo much easier than pupss do because of their immune system. In fact an adult catching parvo is it all that common. It is also possible for adults to carry the parvo virus and never have it incubate nor do they pass it to other dogs through normal contact. Unfortunately unless caught early in pups it's almost always fatal. I was extremely lucky and fortunate in catching it early in Jin.


I think I also made another post discussing the where and whys of parvo.


We send you our prayers and tonight before I go to bed I shall open a window and wish upon a star for Freedom.

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My first dog had parvo when we got her at around a year of age. Lethargic, vomiting, diarrhea, not eating. Found out it was parvo. The vet took her into the clinic for the day to put her on IV for the day and we took her home that evening with some bland canned dog food. From there she improved and needed no further hospitalization or anything. Just started eating more on her own and getting perkier.

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Adults do tend to deal with it better that's for sure and since your other dogs are vaccinated they should be fine as well, but I would be super diligent with cleaning up after your dog, they shed the virus for 10 days afterwards I think and it can actually survive in the ground for several years. Maybe make sure Freedom only goes #2 in your yard and try to make sure that no puppies come to your house. Not to make you super paranoid or anything. We'll send you mojo as well! Best wishes for a full and quick recovery.

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Maybe make sure Freedom only goes #2 in your yard and try to make sure that no puppies come to your house. Not to make you super paranoid or anything. We'll send you mojo as well! Best wishes for a full and quick recovery.


My dogs are always in our own yard, we live in the middle of our 'city' so they are leashed or tied out when outside. I am keeping us 'quaranteened' probably until after she gets the booster in three weeks.


Liberty is used to going on a lot of 'bye-byes' so that will be the biggest adjustment all around! Plus, I've alreayd called my friends/family with pets who like to 'visit', so I think we're good on that front. Now, as long as strays don't wander in our direction, I think we should be alright:)

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A daily update:

She's peed three times since going to the vet, and pooped once (and it wasn't runny!). She absolutely loves the bland diet and the pedialyte, so we've gotten quite a lot in her.


She's also becoming a lot more playful, can easily be defined as a bit of a holy terror! And is probably just as smart as Liberty!


As soon as she starts feeling a whole lot better we are definitely going to start on manners!

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I am so glad to here that. It took Jin almost a week to come around. I'll double recommend about the clean up in the yard and add that parvo can remain in the soil for years.

Because I have a lot of space and wanted to be sure, I sanitized the yard with regular chlorine bleach and washed all of his puppy blankets and such. I also used bleach where he went on the floor before we caught him. In a yard sprayer use 5oz of bleach to a gallon of water. When you spray you should be able to smell the chlorine. If you can't that's not enough. throughly soak the areas being treated.


Last good word. A dog that has had parvo very rarely gets it again.

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The most important thing to do with a parvo dog is to keep them hydrated and eating. In most cases you will have bloody stool and a sever lack of apetite. Im glad she isn't one of those ! Good to hear she is doing better! :rolleyes:

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