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Very expensive wormer

Little Bo Boop

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So this explains why we're unable to find levamisole eh? Amazing. 30% of cocaine coming out of Columbia is cut with it. Interesting too, I had no idea that Levamisole was also used in the treatment of colon cancer...


No, really officer, that cocaine isn't for me, it's for my sheep! ;-)




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Oh. Dear. G*d. What next?


And to think I just used up my last packet of Levamisole this past weekend... no doubt my sheep are trotting around the pasture in a state of slam-dunk euphoria. If I'd only known it had potential street value instead!


Thanks for the link. It's depressing but very interesting.


Liz S in PA

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I just went and read the article. I know several people down in the LR AR area that can't find any Lav. anywhere. The worm problem is so bad down there that all my sheep friends are still losing lambs and ewes as I type. They haven't found anything that is helping and have been hunting down Lav. since spring. One friend went to Mexico on business and bought all she could find. It was even hard to find down there.


What next???

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Wendy, I think the story about the manufacturing in China is true. Probably if the earthquake hadn't happened we'd still be able to get levamisole. I understood there was a US company geared up to manufacture it and just awaiting FDA approval. What worries me now is that the approval won't be forthcoming because of the cocaine connection (just like with strong iodine). If levamisole is less used in other countries then it may still be readily available, but sooner or later they'll run out too and have to find something else to cut the cocaine with I'd imagine. By then of course our government will probably have banned the manufacture and use of the stuff.... (yes, I tend toward pessimism)



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Hey Wendy

Tell me about the copper boluss' Maybe my friend down in AR can use the advise. I'll send her anything I can find. Her sheep are dropping like flies and so are some other people i know are responsible sheep owners down there. I'm greatful that I moved here for at least the parasite issues! One plus on the CO side.

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Pergolide was withdrawn from the market not so long ago, due to off label usage. The equine community was successful in spearheading an effort to bring it back. Thank goodness, because my sweet old boy, Otis just started on Pergolide since it's apparent he has developed equine cushings.

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copper wire article



Hey Wendy

Tell me about the copper boluss' Maybe my friend down in AR can use the advise. I'll send her anything I can find. Her sheep are dropping like flies and so are some other people i know are responsible sheep owners down there. I'm greatful that I moved here for at least the parasite issues! One plus on the CO side.

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