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Prayers for Blaze


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Blaze has had yucky-d for a day now, and last night I got home from a ball game to find that he had made a royal mess in his crate. An hour or so later I go outside, after cleaning everything up, to clean Blaze up and find that he has alot of blood on his back end. Come to find out, he was having bloody poo. He also threw up about 5-8 cups of watery-clear liquid. So we called the vet at midnight last night and he said to give him 2 tablespoons of Pepto-Bismol and to withhold food and water. No one can ever accuse me of not getting my hands dirty! Lol, lets just say he didn't enjoy it being squirted into his mouth. So I finally get a couple hours of sleep around 2 AM.


This morning we went straight to the vet and at first they thought it was the new parvo that is going around. :rolleyes: So they did blood work and his white blood cells were normal but his red blood cells were a bit on the high side of 'normal' since he was dehydrated. No parvo, thank God.


Whats wrong with him, you might be asking? They aren't sure. I don't think there is anyway he could -or would- have gotten in the compost, and he's not one to eat things, he'd rather carry them around. I'm questioning whether it's a bad bag of food since we just opened it and two other dogs have thrown up today.


He was really great through the whole thing, being poked and prodded and having things stuck up places he'd not ever want again. Poor guy, lol. He's on a chicken and rice -2 tbsps every hour- diet for 3 days.


Anyways, has anything heard of this new parvo stuff? He kept tell us that 'they are seeing more and more of it' and they want to give it to Blaze when he comes in for his boosters in a couple months. Oh, and is $70 the norm for a Titer?

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most of the "new" parvo stuff is just urban legend. Viruses do mutate, that's normal, but cross immunity between strains is pretty standard. No big changes that I'm aware of.


Don't count on the vet to know this, or the techs. Most of them just take what the drug rep tells them as gospel. Same pattern as human med.


A few of our dogs had a similar sounded gastric virus a few months ago. Ava was pretty puny for a day or 2 - gave her some fluids sub-q and kept her off food for a few days, and then cooked for a few more. Nobody else had more than a few bloody loose stools.


Now...all that said. Don't you feed Nutro? There is a recall/issue on nutro because of digestive issues on it. Blowing from both ends makes me think bad food.

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Don't count on the vet to know this, or the techs. Most of them just take what the drug rep tells them as gospel. Same pattern as human med.


I ask about vaccines today at his appt. and he basically said the same thing over and over again. I'm glad for his opinion and I think he was really honest (sometimes he doesn't treat his patients as *people*) with us. 'They need yearly shots and titers don't really work, because, even though they show how much of a certain vac is left in the body, we don't actually know if it will work.' :rolleyes:

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Did he have a fever? Bloody diarrhea, vomiting, overall lethargy can also be symptoms of clostridia perfingens bacterial overgrowth. Buzz used to get episodes. There's a specific fecal test to detect this. Treatment is antibiotics for a good while, at least 2 weeks. Many times vets don't suspect this.


If Blaze gets well, then has another spell, ask for him to be tested. It's simple to treat, but many dogs do tend to have recurrences.


If it turns out to be c perfingens, I'll post what helped us a lot.


Hope everyone feels better soon!



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Desertanger, because his white blood cells were normal, they said he didn't have parvo.


His temperture was normal, too.


Paula, he's doing alot better! He's kept the food and meds down. Wanting to run around like usual! Lol

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