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National Sheepdog Finals - I'm Bummed

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Actually, I'm really, really, really upset. We had planned to take a trip for our 20th wedding anniversary and go to the National Sheepdog Finals to watch. My hubby called me at work today and told me that their head honcho has cancelled all vacations for the rest of the year until union contract negotiations are over due to the threat of a strike. Contract negotiations aren't going very well and there is a good chance it won't be over by the end of September. I was so excited when I saw they were going to be in Oregon this year because they were fairly close to us and we could go watch. I've been looking forward to this all year and now there's a very good possibility that I won't be able to go - WAH!!!

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Yeah, my DH could get *sick* but the same head honcho is now also requiring a doctor's note even if employee or a child are only sick for a day. Normally, they don't require that unless someone has been sick 3 or more days. Plus we were planning a 10 day trip! This guy has a lot of the employees (and spouses) upset right now!

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Check with your union. With my union they cannot request a doctor's note until your third day. The only exception is when you are a habitual abuser of sick leave and you are placed on restricted sick leave. Then you need an excuse every time. I have been paying union dues for 20 years now. Worth every penny. Call your union rep.

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Thinking further.....how can they cancel all annual leave vacation? That should be covered under your contract also. Just because they "fear" a strike doesn't matter. Who are you under? A division of Steelworkers or ?????????

If your vacation falls under prime time they can't take it from you. Please call your rep!!!

Sometimes managment will tell you things hoping you will not check it out!!!!

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My DH did check with the union rep to see if they could do that and he said that they could do it. They are currently working without a contract - last contract expired about a year ago. Its not because DH is in management (1 step below)and the supervisors are getting the same thing as the non-exempt employees. Its because its a public health issue. DH is a senior heavy equipment mechanic for the county and the heavy equipment includes the garbage and recycling trucks.


I did briefly think about going without him, but his feelings would really, really be hurt. He was really looking forward to this trip also, plus its our 20th. If it were some other occasion, he probably wouldn't care.


Keep your fingers crossed for me that they get things settled soon. I want to go watch and I would love to meet those of you who will be there.

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How far is it from you? How long does it last? I know nothing about it, but would it be worth it to go just for a weekend, when he is presumably off for 2 days? Or whatever 2 days he has off during the week, presuming they are 2 consecutive days? Of course it would not be the same as a 10 day vacation, but at least then you get 2 days instead of nothing...


Allie + Tess & Kipp


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Its probably at least a 10-12 hour drive from where we live, plus we'd be pulling a trailer. Even if we didn't take the trailer, I'm afraid it wouldn't be worth going for just the weekend. He works the graveyard shift 10 p.m to 7 a.m and has worked it for about 13 yrs. now (probably why we've been married so long :rolleyes: ). So he would get off work at 7 a.m. Friday and then have to be back at work 10 p.m. Sunday. Because of that we were planning on taking two days to drive up and take our time driving back.

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Was he told personally that he couldn't have his vacation or was he told as a group? If he was told with a whole bunch of people maybe he could talk to his co-workers and explain about it being your 20th. Then approach the Boss and explain the situation and that it's okay with his co-workers. Surely one person off wouldn't close down the entire works? Some bosses are quite reasonable and respect the fact that you sat down for a face-to-face. He could offer to work some weekends or holidays when he comes back in exchange for the favor. I think it's worth a try. Mona

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Elizabeth ~ I'm used to driving to Oregon up the coast and not I-5. We have vacationed in the Klamath (not Klamath Falls) area many times and that's about an 8 hr trip without a trailer. I forget that I-5 is straighter and has more lanes, but I think it would take us bit longer than 5.5 hours pulling a trailer.


It really isn't doable as a weekend trip for us due to how tired my husband would be. He would be getting off work at 7:00 a.m. on Friday morning and would be exhausted. In order for him to get back home in time to sleep before going to work Sunday night, we'd have to leave again Sunday morning and its the Finals I really, really want to see. He was exhausted after our weekend trip to the coast in June and he took Thursday and Sunday night off. I am not comfortable with myself driving and pulling anything bigger than a two horse trailer, so I don't want to try driving pulling a 23' toy hauler. I get freaked out when I can't see the other traffic around it. I admit it. I'm a wuss when it comes to driving larger vehicles - I guess I've been driving small ones too long.

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Mona ~ This is the county and civil service, not private industry. They were told as a group and an official memo went out to the employees affected from the county. They tend to be very careful in making sure what they tell employees is correct due to the unions. Unfortunately, his co-workers have no say in this - all of their vacations were canceled as well as the supervisory staff's vacations. It wasn't all county employees that were told this as they diffent unions depending on what bargaining unit they are in. It just affects any of the county employees whose jobs may effect public safety or health were told all vacations are canceled and need to have Dr.'s note if you are sick even for one day. You wouldn't think one employee taking off would be a problem, but then they would have to look at all special requests for an exemption on no vacations. I have a feeling the county isn't willing to do that and open a can of worms. They did make an exemption for employees who had prepaid for vacations and can prove that it is not refundable (cruises, airfare, etc). That doesn't apply to us though. The employees and union are really ticked at the offer on the table and the employees are voting to ratify a No vote on it. The county doesn't seem to be budging, so a strike is very possible if there is an impasse.


I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that this all gets over before September and we can go.

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