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Meet Kaycee

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:rolleyes: Hi all. I'm new to this BC board thing here. My family (husband, 4 yr old daughter & I) got our first BC pup about 6 weeks ago. We did much research before we decided on a BC so we're not going into this blindly. Kaycee is 3 months old now. She's the craziest, spunkiest, most intelligent dog I have ever met. I can't believe at her age she already knows come (whether she wants to or not :D ), sit, and we trained her to ring bells at the back door to let us know when she has to go potty. We have done this trining with the clicker and have been getting very good results. We also have her (as well as ourselves) enrolled in basic training classes starting in January. We're already off to a great start with her! I can't wait for both Kaycee and I to learn how to walk on a leash together. We got her as a family pet, not a working dog. We look forward to training her to do all kinds of cool tricks. We just wanted to add another furry member to our family. We already have a 8 yr old Shepherd/Dingo mix, a cat and 2 hermit crabs. Kaycee is the most beautiful BC I have ever seen (of coarse I understand that I'm very partial). Note that I said that this is our first BC pup. I'm sure once we get through the puppy chewing stage and Kaycee is a few years old that we'll get another BC. We have learned volumes thanks to all of you folks on this board! Please enjoy a few pics of our Kaycee and let me know what you think! If anyone has any suggestions I welcome them. Thanks again!


This is Kaycee's Mommy, Bam Bam. She looks and acts just like her!



Kaycee at 1 day old! She's the one in the front with the split face.



Our daughter and Kaycee Christmas 2008



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Welcome! Puppy and daughter off the cuteness scale! :D


We started 2005 with our pup Scooter. Hold onto your hat--it's going to be a wild ride! LOL! But definitely worth it! And we're all here to support you. :D I wish I had found this board earlier--I had so many questions. But, we muddled through and once I did find this site, I realized we hadn't done such a bad job after all. :rolleyes:



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Oh, wonderful! A whole new world of "aha" puppy moments.


Welcome eeyore. Kaycee and your daughter are both dolls. :rolleyes:


Keep us posted on antics and progress.


Best of luck with your new addition.

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