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A funny little story


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When we move sheep one person is on horseback in front of the flock and one person, either on foot or on horseback, is behind.


We were walking the flock back home on a dirt road. My intern riding up front and me on foot in back with two dogs.


One house is close to the road and a woman came out with a border collie on a leash. She was nice and her dog was calm so that was fine. We stopped to let the flock get a breather, (and me) and we find out she had just moved here and is a retired ballet dancer. So that was interesting.


This is when it gets funny. I am getting the hang of this though.


She asks me, "Why are you herding the sheep with a beagle."

( Meaning my little red short haired border collie, Gunny.)

My intern almost fell off the horse.


I replied calmly, "Well yes it may seem strange, but there is an ancient scottish strain of herdng beagles called a fleagle."


She looked at me kinda funny but let it go.


Then she patted her dog's head. It looked like a very sweet dog. Not sure if it was what you would call a barbie collie. But anyway then she says.

"This dog would be an excellent sheep herding dog except for one thing."


"And what is that?" I asked her curiously.


"His eyes are set too far up on his head so he can't see the sheep."


It took me a moment to digest this. All the while the dog was looking pointedly at the sheep. But still maybe it just appeared that he was.


I took a deep breath and my intern said, "Well now you can fix that you know."


"You can?" The woman said.


"Well sure! Get really tall sheep."






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I replied calmly, "Well yes it may seem strange, but there is an ancient scottish strain of herdng beagles called a fleagle."







Or you could have said your dog was a Regal non legal hearding Beagle! yuk yuk

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