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What's your dogs fav toy, wich is NO offical dog toy?

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Bo likes many thing for play wich are actually no dog toys. What are your dogs favs?


As for Bo:


Paper cups, Empty plastic bottles (speacially when I put kibbles in it), of course socks and shoes, all kind of "human balls" such as tennis balls, soccer balls, etc., and unfortunately my leather CD wallet :rolleyes: ...

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A heavy rope with a big knot in it hanging from a tree is far and away 2 of my dogs favorite toy.

Now Jamine perfers to go venturing into the woods and collect sticks of all sizes,I never have to worry about a good supply of kindling for the fire,all i have to do is to let her out and tell her to go get some sticks,that is if she hasn't already delieved a pile to the front porch.

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Oh yeah, I forgot tissue paper and handkerchiefs! It took a long time to teach him not to pick up every f***ing handkerchief from the street. But he still can't resist to steal the ones I put under my pillow at night.


And he is also a great collector of sticks!

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While we've learned to keep the toilet paper out of Belle's reach, her next favorite toy is what we call her "Ballybally". Its an old tube sock with a tennis ball in it, with both ends of the sock tied off in big knots. She has a great time chasing and retreiving it when we throw it, and she seems to get the biggest kick out of vigourously shaking it back and forth. We make sure we don't throw it near anything breakable (like the TV or glass display case).


Ever since we've made this sock toy for her , she's pretty much given up stealing ours. Come to think of it, I haven't had to take anyone's shoes from her lately!

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1. Shoes - moving them around the house in a feng-shui known just by him

2. Boxes - you stick your head in them and start running through the house pushing them around

3. Plastic bathroom garbage cans - they can be worn over ones head as a jack-o-lantern

4. Toilet brushes - they are on a certain schedule when they require to be taken out for a spin in the livingroom once an evening, then brought back when humans catch you

5. Dirty Socks

6. Any paper product you can get your mouth on - bills, receipts, yum!


And painted_ponies - Ouzo wants to let your girls that toilet paper is not for playing, is for EATING :rolleyes: LOL

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Nick likes to hoard shoes. Only one of a pair, though. I find shoes mashed into the back of his crate all the time. He likes obnoxiously large hunks of wood- think unsplit firewood. ::rolleyes:


Lu, the mutt dog, is a paper shredder. She aslo has this wierd obsession with eye glasses. She once took my BIL's glasses right off his face!

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ETA: OOOPS-didn't realize this WASN"T regular dog toys- so sorry.

Plastic butter tops started off as frisbees as puppies.

Socks seem to be a good thing for young ones. Soda bottles, (sorry, but ropes are a mess) Love marrow bones. They spend years digging that outta there.

Any Kong thing shoved with peanut butter and a biscuit are great.

Oh. my <3 dog used to love to fetch toilet paper towel holders- pretty cheap game ( one time she discovered "Tampax") would actually fetch them :rolleyes:

Edited by Bo Peep
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They're all nutty aren't they? Ditto on the empty water bottle. When Cruz was a little thing, that was our "training toy" for tunnel work! I think people in class thought I was a nut.


Cruz's favorite non-toy, toy (he has to be by himself- no other dogs) is a 5 gallon bucket. He flys to it, grabs it and does what's best explained as roll-backs, while banging the bucket on the ground while spinning! Friends tell me I need to get that on video!


Toss has 2 (this dog is always looking for a good time). One is the kids' tire swing. There is a Toss rope on it just for him. He will grab the rope and then swing the tire. There have been times where he gets it into such a serious rotation that his back legs come off the ground. The second is an exercise ball (you know how much I use it if the dogs have played with it!) All the dogs love to run around after it, but Toss has figured out how to manuever it. What a riot! I think I have 2nd one somewhere, as he got a tooth in the other one when it got pinned in a fence corner. Then it became yet another non-toy, toy for a short period of time.


Ali Curtis

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Solo loves plastic bottles, especially the big ones from the water cooler. He also loves poking the Easy button (the one that says "That was easy"). I have to be careful when I take out my blood pressure cuff (I'm a nursing student) because he is OBSESSED with it!

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As far as I know toilet paper rolls (w/o paper) are the best toys ever!! Black Jack loves to find them and shred them to pieces. If he can't find those, any paper towel or paper for that matter will work too :D This morning when I let him out of his crate by my bed, he stretched, growled at me (playing of course) and went to find his "frisbee buddy". Well on his way out of my room he grabbed one of my socks and took off! Mainly because I hadn't put his frisbee by his crate for him :rolleyes: These guys sure have a sence of humor, don't they? :D

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Cardboard boxes. All my dogs love to shred them, but Lightning in particular. Anytime I have an empty box he just can't wait to get it, and he often seems to think the ones that aren't empty are for him too (he doesn't steal any that aren't his, but he sure looks disappointed when I tell him "no, this one's not for you" or something like that when I'm putting away cereal, crackers and stuff like that after shopping) Also paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls. My house looks a disgrace with shredded boxes lying all over the place but oh well. They're pretty cheap toys and if shredding boxes keeps everyone happy and satisfies some need to destroy things so that they don't touch anything that's not theirs, it's well worth the mess.

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OK, so I knew Niki isn't a normal dog. She really doesn't do toys, except for chasing her squeaky balls. She'll also play with a pair of my old tennis shoes I gave her, but never touches any of my other shoes. As for other toys... Well, I've gotten her a number of them, the latest being a tug rope. She just looks at them in puzzlement. What's really strange is that my neighbors (who she stays with when I'm out of town) say that she'll play with their two dogs and their toys.

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Quynn loves empty plastic bottles(our agility instructor told me to sew a fleece cover and a handle for a bottle and I'd have a $14.99 toy! There are ads for them in Clean Run), Oranges and Grapefruits(Don't ask. I understood that dogs dislike citrus, but Quynn, if he finds an unpeeled, unattended orange or grapefruit somewhere, will pick it up and play with it), pinecones, tissues, whiffle balls, and occasionally, socks. The socks only entice him if one of the Italian Greyhounds has already spotted it and is teasing him with it.

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Oh, Kaylee loves sock tugs, old socks with knots in them, and just about anything fuzzy, but the latest fave rave is the plastic milk jug: check out these pix! ...Jug pix thread

I finally had to 'disappear' it, because she was shredding it down to quarter-sized pieces, but I will definately offer her another one on a rainy day!

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