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Dog's Eye View

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The dog with the camera strapped onto his head, is Taz, now 8 years old. Taz is one of the dogs who competes in obedience, agility and heelwork to music/freestyle with the wonderful English trainer, Mary Ray. I've been lucky enough to attend 3 training camps with Mary when she has visited Australia.

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Ok, who else other than me watched that about ten times :rolleyes: It is great. What a shot!

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I love watching mary rays dogs

hope to save up enough pennies to goto one of her summer camps.


the thing I most got out of the vid is the fact that the dog does not look at the handler at all-all that body language they are picking up on is in its pheriphiral vison and totally focusd on the equipment


I just hope that one day me and Ben will be 1/2 as good as that (just had a frustraiting session where for some reason Ben was freaked out by the trainer and kept breaking his stay cos he wanted to be closer to me than her!)

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the thing I most got out of the vid is the fact that the dog does not look at the handler at all-all that body language they are picking up on is in its pheriphiral vison and totally focusd on the equipment


I noticed that, too!

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