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excited peeing

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Hi all, o.k i have a problem, well not me but Jeeves. whenever he greets someone or especially me, he wees not just on the floor but on peoples legs feet etc. Its definitely an over excited thing and weve tried to ignore him for the first few minutes when we come in but he still does it. A friend came round last night who knew of our problem and didnt even look at him and yet Jeeves walking sideways due to his tail wagging taking over his movement was peeing everywhere. If i take him upto my parents he especially likes peeing on my dad who REALLY does not see the funny side. What can i do. Hes coming up five months and its been going on for about 3 weeks now. The other thing is when hes doing it on me he gets really nervous and sort of cowers away and at the same time hes wagging his tail like he knows hes doin something wrong although ive never shouted at him for doing it but just say Jeeves dissapprovingly and then go about cleaning it up. HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP.

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Some young dogs will do this, generally they grow out of it. I find it works best the second the dog starts to pee, or act like it might pee, just ignore them and turn and walk away. Wait, then come back, rinse repeat. Also, you might teach the dog a lie down command or sit, whenever you or someone comes up to him tell him to lie down, then pet on him, when he's calm release him. Giving him something else to think about might help. Also, he'll learn the proper way to greet someone is to sit or lie down and wait for the person to come to them. Just a few ideas.

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My now 5 month old pup started this about a month ago as well. I made sure that the first contact she made with me was me letting her outside in the mornings and I made sure she always went out to potty before meeting someone new. If I knew we were having company I kept an eye on the driveway and ushered her out so she could go before they got here then I instructed them to ignore her when they came in. When going into work I always make her go before walking in as everyone loves her and she would always pee on them. It has been fairly slow going but I think after about 3-4 weeks she is gaining more bladder control. We never punished her for the going but I didn't want her body to get in the habit of peeing when she sees someone she likes.


Try taking Jeeves out so he can do his business appropriately before greeting fun people.



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The very first time I held Ruger he peed on me. It was love at first sight. Here was this hyped up black and white fur ball that only wanted to play. He was exactly what I wanted except for the submissive peeing.


Today he has outgrown that. The only dog that is allowed to wander into the yard lives across the street. He won't let strangers step foot into the yard without a potential confrontation. Cats are forbidden to enter his territory. The submissive peeing is long gone. Now he holds it back to mark our Springers spots. He almost marked our Springer's nose. The DW didn't think that was funny. Where have the good ole days gone when I didn't have to monitor him as close as I do now? :rolleyes:

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I had a dog that did this. They get so excited about company they can hardly contain themselves- literally speaking. LOL. I tried greeting them outdoors and ignoring them just walking by and ignoring them. Kept doing that over and over. No big fuss when someone entered. You've gotta "train" the company more than the dog. People just naturally wanna love up to your dog ( they are adorable) If you have a couple friends that you can do "run through" with, have them enter, ignore, pass the dog and when the dog settles, then pet, hopefully that will help. Let me know. I once sold a pup many many years ago, she's gone now- but every time I visited she would do that. Nothing worked. I moved away and when I visited they wondered if she would pee, yep- before I got in the door.

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Let's see, Gunnar's almost 2 years old now and he still does this with certain people, usually tall men. Both Rhea and Gunnar used to do this but Rhea has since grown out of it and it was never as bad as Gunnar seeing as how he was the option of aiming. Anyways, what we did was just had him empty his bladder before we let anyone in. I mean REALLY empty it, make him pee 2 or 3 times before letting him back in...you know they save some for just the right foot. We would also have company greet our dogs outside so the mess stayed out there. We warned them to not let Gunnar get too close or they'd have a mess on their feet. If they didn't listen to us the first time, the learned for the 2nd.


We'd never get mad at them, and even using his name is a disapproving tone makes him think he's doing something bad. Ignoring the dog and letting them calm down is a good idea too. I'm sure he'll grow out of it soon. Good luck.

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Unfortunately, it's a physiological response that they don't really have any control over. I think that what you are doing is good. The less excited the people act when greeting the dog, the better the chances that the dog is not going to pee [as much]. My dog, Charlie, had this problem bad, and still does to some degree. He wouldn't pee just a little bit, he'd pee big puddles. I'd always try to warn people, but he still christened many, many feet. He is now just over 2 years old and he doesn't have nearly the problem that he used to. He will still pee on occasion when he is excited, but nothing like it used to be. His most recent trip to the vet was pee-free, which was amazing. Usually, he pees all over the place because there are SO many people there that he needs to greet!


So, hopefully, your pup will grow out of it, too. But, you may have this problem for a while to come, yet.

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O.k thanks every one glad to hear its not just me. Ill try all suggestions, i guess i will just have to put up with trench foot for a bit longer. Will let you know how this pans out hopefully wont last long. Thank god for laminate flooring........

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