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HELP!!! Escaping Dog

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I adopted a 4 year old Border Collie about 2 months ago and he is such a clever dog. We have a 6 foot fence surrounding our yard - there is 3 feet of a wooden fence and then about 8-12 inch space and then the rest is lattice which makes up the rest of the 6 feet. The problem is, Marco is climbing through the middle part of the fence to go "visiting" (which means he roams my neighborhood for an open car window and climbs in, in the hopes for a ride. I have discussed putting a 1x2 in between the wood and the lattice to possible deter the climing through. But my fear is that he is smart enough to figure another way out. I have also thrown around the option of either an electric fence or an underground fence. Any suggesstions would be greatly appreciated!

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I would for sure put a board between the space! He might use the lattice to climb with, so you might need to change that to board also. But right now, it is like an open yard for him and the more he is able to get out, the more he will think it okay. The thing is to keep trying until you can finally contain him. Stringing a few elec. wires along the lattice will probly stop any ideas on climbing. How much time does he spend alone in the back yard? They need a lot of interaction. If he is spending a whole lot of time alone, you might need the blue prints for Ft. Knox to keep him in! :rolleyes:


That is great to adopt an "older" dog! Way to go! Good luck and welcome to the board!

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Thanks for that tip. I am -of course- trying to do this the most economical way. He isn't alone in the yard too much. He often escapes when we aren't home, like when we go to run errands etc. We have a dog door that most of the time we are successful in keeping him inside...but he has found ways around the barrier of keeping it closed - like chewing the wood around the dresser placed in front of it. Also wondering if he is escaping becuase of anxiety. I have noticed eradic bx when there are loud noises or thunder. Will def. try putting the wood up and see how that goes.

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In all my years of owning dogs, I have found that the best thing to do is to crate the dog when we have to go out.


Otherwise left unattended they will try and go find you (maybe why he is trying to climb in cars?)or something else to do.


I am not a big fan of leaving dogs out in a yard alone, if no one is home. I have found that too many bad things can happen. But if you must I agree with putting the board up.

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These guys are not your average dog. Once they take it(or any thought really) into their head they don't let go.


For instance if they think that they need to go out and find you- they will.


Not sure if they are worried about us or just worried about missing out on something...but they will do everything in their power to find their people -trust me I see it coming out in my pup's and they are only 5 mos old..lol.


I swear they try and take care of us. They feel that it's their job and they take it very seriously.

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Originally posted by Beth G:

Not sure if they are worried about us or just worried about missing out on something...



Agree completely on the crating. I have two beautiful young lady border collies who live with me (I would never dream of calling them "pets"), and they are very anxious (a) not to miss anything, and (:rolleyes: make sure I'm ok.


I hated the thought of crating them initially, but a wise friend (and BC person) assured me it was the right thing to do.


It is.


The dog is happier, and you'll be happier when you come home and the house is still in reasonable order and your dog is where you left him.


Don't know about your area, but there was an awful story out of Dallas (and rumors around here) about people stealing borders and aussies from unattended back yards. Seems they use them as bait in dog-baiting contests (they tie the bc/aussie up and let the pit/rottie tear them up). Illegal, but it still goes on. My dogs are NEVER allowed out of the house when I'm not home.


Of course, I got to traveling so much for both work and pleasure that, instead of boarding or having my elderly folks watch the girls, I finally just bought a minivan, put their crates in the back, and now take them with me wherever I go (La Quinta is pet-friendly nationwide). Some would call that extreme, but the dogs are happier and I am, too.

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I agree that the best thing to do is to not leave your dog unattended in the back yard. Please dont rely on an electric fence either. There was an awful story recently about a BC who broke through their electric fence and hopped into an open car looking for a ride. The owner of the car grabbed the dog from behind and tried to drag it out. The man startled the dog and ended up getting nipped. Poor pup was euthanised. :rolleyes:

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Linda, my late trainer had a young female named Lucy when I was going to him with a dog name Ricky. We joked a lot about that.


There's no doubt that teaching your dog to wait quietly for you in the crate is the best way. When they are out, they are afraid that they are supposed to be doign something. When properly confined, they know they can "turn off" and relax.


Your fence sounds very pretty. Lattice is just popsicle sticks to a bored Border collie. If you block the area below, you'll have major destruction of your lovely fence in no time. I suspect that wouldn't be good for your relationship with your dog or your neighbors! :rolleyes:


Good luck!

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I ended up buying him a crate, however he has decided that it is an ok thing for him to chew as well...especially with the door closed. I have resorted to leaving him in the room with the crate for the time being and he seems to be adjusting well. Actually found him in it when I came home to check on him. Maybe this is a good idea....

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Sounds good. And there are all kinds of wonderful toys you can buy to keep him busy in his crate when he is in out. The ones I like best are the ones you can stuff with different kinds of food, like the Kong toy.


Also a big meaty bone will be sure to keep him busy and let him chew to his heart's content... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Marco:

I adopted a 4 year old Border Collie about 2 months ago and he is such a clever dog. We have a 6 foot fence surrounding our yard - there is 3 feet of a wooden fence and then about 8-12 inch space and then the rest is lattice which makes up the rest of the 6 feet. The problem is, Marco is climbing through the middle part of the fence to go "visiting" (which means he roams my neighborhood for an open car window and climbs in, in the hopes for a ride. I have discussed putting a 1x2 in between the wood and the lattice to possible deter the climing through. But my fear is that he is smart enough to figure another way out. I have also thrown around the option of either an electric fence or an underground fence. Any suggesstions would be greatly appreciated!

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Originally posted by Marco:

I adopted a 4 year old Border Collie about 2 months ago and he is such a clever dog. We have a 6 foot fence surrounding our yard - there is 3 feet of a wooden fence and then about 8-12 inch space and then the rest is lattice which makes up the rest of the 6 feet. The problem is, Marco is climbing through the middle part of the fence to go "visiting" (which means he roams my neighborhood for an open car window and climbs in, in the hopes for a ride. I have discussed putting a 1x2 in between the wood and the lattice to possible deter the climing through. But my fear is that he is smart enough to figure another way out. I have also thrown around the option of either an electric fence or an underground fence. Any suggesstions would be greatly appreciated!

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Good Luck. We have a 6 foot fence and not only has she figured out every way possible to climb the fence, that now she's learned she can totally clear the fence. Short of putting barb wire on top we're stuck. She used to herd cars but we've been able to stop that with an air horn. Every time she would start to run towards a car we'd blow the horn. That loud noise would frighten her and she'd stop. Now she associates the cars with the noise. Maybe that would work if you could catch her going to the fence. Once she begins to climb or jump...blow the horn. We're trying to find a way to stop the fence thing. We can't use the horn.......we were told to use only one teaching tool per problem. otherwise they become desensitized (sp). hope that helps

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