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Buying a Clicker

Guest jackieandryan

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Guest jackieandryan

I have never used one before and after reading about it I believe I'll be giving it a shot.




Is the actually sound something that both humans and dogs can hear?


I noticed that petsmart sells this Pet Agree Clicker


Petco sells this, but I can't see something that costs 1.99 being any good


Petco Clicker


I don't want to spend a lot on a clicker, but I was hoping I could get one for less than 50 dollars. Just let me know what you recommend.

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Is there someone that can move this to the appropriate forum. I just saw the word "Training" and was too lazy to read the part about "working Stockdogs"




Buy the I Click - you should be able to get a clicker for less than $2 at just about any pet store. I like the I-Click best though and you can get that from Smartpak or google clickertraining

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Basically a clicker is a clicker. There is no need to spend any more than a few dollars on one, and certainly not 50! The top of a jam jar works just as well except its a pain to carry around :rolleyes:


There are a few varieties though and a few choices you can make. All of these combinations should be a available for a few dollars.


Loud or Soft? Most clickers make a loud, crisp sound. All the clickers that I use are loud ones, especially at the moment while Charlie is learning flyball, he doesnt hear the soft click for hitting the box. If you have a dog that is scared of the clicker noise, if you are in obedience classes where you dont want to annoy everyone else with a loud clicker, or if you just want a softer sound, then there is one called the i-click that is really good. I also picked one up one day that had an adjustable sound. I think I paid about $5 for it, thinking it would be good to have a different sound for each dog. In the end I just used it on the loudest setting for both dogs, but at least I have the option of a soft one when I need it.


Button? Im not sure if you have looked at photos of clickers but the standard ones require you to put your thumb in it to click. (if you havent seen pics you will have no idea what im talking about but I just woke up and have no idea how to explain it sorry). There are alot around now that have a button to push and that makes the click. These are easier if you need to suddenly click when you werent ready, you can click it with your foot, you can hold it any way, and I have also been known to get my thumb stuck in the other sort (although Im one of those people who manages to injure themself on the most unusual things).


9 times out of 10 I just use the basic ones. Loud and buttonless.

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I think I paid $15, including shipping, for 50 of the old school type. I kept a few and gave the rest to rescue. You don't need anything fancy, just something that makes noise. A few dogs can't stand the louder clickers, but that doesn't happen to often. You can use a cap from a Snapple bottle if the dog prefers a softer click.


The ones I bought look like these, but I paid a lot less.



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I used and loved the i-click for a while, but then I gravitated back to the old standard one and I'm using those again.


I ordered the i-click from Karen Pryor's website. I have accumulated regular ones here and there.


I'd never pay more than a few dollars for a single clicker, though.

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The first clicker I got was 75 cents in Petsmart, the next one I got came free with a foundations class. You don't need to spend more then a few bucks for a clicker. The clicker isn't nearly as important as the timing of your click. The better your timing the more successful you will be.

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I use the I-click most often for it's softer tone and it's versatility...I can use it with gloves, I can step on it if I need two free hands...but will occasionally use the original box clicker as well. A single clicker shouldn't be more than $2.00 - most are under that. Petco and Petsmart almost always have them, and you can usually get them much cheaper buying online if you buy several at a time.


I find the Triple Crown clicker to be a bit too loud for my dogs.

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I like the I-click.


It has such a soft sound so great for indoor training - and my Dazzle likes a softer sound. I also like the button, so I can hit it in any direction, usually even keeping it in my pocket and then just hitting my pocket.


However I like to always have a few "traditionals" around too. More for agility outside where I need a much louder sound for her to hear it while she is banging across a dogwalk!

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You might just need to condition the click for your dog - some dogs can hit the ground running using the clicker as a marker right away, but some need the actual conditioning process (click/treat for nothing about 15 to 20 times until the dog acknowledges the sound even when looking away from you). Dogs aren't born knowing click = reward. :rolleyes:

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I know some folks may say this is silly, but I don't like the sound of the Petco brand clicker. I found that the box is wider than most others and the click isn't crisp and it sounds warbly or metal-y or something. I just prefer not to use it.


I use other box clickers that I've gotten from petsmart or the interwebs or from a class. they're alway really cheap. I also have used the i-click. I like the box ones for when I'm teaching a new or subtle behavior. It may be just me, but I think the louder sound makes a bigger impression. :rolleyes:

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.99 at Petsmart :rolleyes: If you take a clicker class somewhere, they will probably throw one in for free.


I do that! I give each student an i-click, although I seem to have gone back to using the box clicker for most of my training because Dean seems to prefer it.

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