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Captain Annie

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I thought you would get a kick out of this. My doctor has been after me to lose some weight. (Is there anyone who has a doctor who doesn’t want them to lose weight?) Wanting to combine work with pleasure, and being one who loves the water, I purchased a small Backwater 7.5 rowboat on the Internet; this allows me to combine exercise with fishing (my favorite sport). Now keep in mind that the name of the boat is exactly what it is, a seven-and-a-half foot rowboat; so there isn’t a lot of room in the boat. It is, however, the ideal size and weight (49 pounds) for throwing in the back of the pickup truck (no trailer needed) and heading out to local small lakes. DW suggested that I take Annie out with me to see if she would enjoy the activity, so I purchased a life vest for Annie, and gave it a try. Well, the first trip out was interesting. I thought that combining rowing with fishing on her first sojourn might be a bit much, so we just did the rowing thing. Annie was not quite sure what to make of this, especially when I lifted her by the life jacket (the jacket comes with a handle) to put her in the boat. She spent the first trip lying, for the most part, in the forward part of the boat, but at least did not try to bolt over the gunwale for shore. The second trip was a riot. Now that she knew what to expect, she spent most of the trip sitting up and looking around, posing regally as if she was the captain and navigator. She also ensured that she could function as an audible warning device, barking at any boat that happened to come near us. Now we have settled into a routine, and my Border Collie seems to enjoy fishing as much as I do. She looks quizzically at any fish that I on occasion am actually able to land in the boat (which is not very often; it’s a good thing my family doesn’t rely on my fishing skills to eat regularly); but she has really taken to this boating thing, especially since I am the one doing all the work. Recently, a photographer from a local paper took our picture out on the water, and published it in the local edition; unfortunately, I was not able to retrieve it electronically, but next season (the boat has been put away for this season, as October and beyond are not considered ideal boating months in New England) I will have DW take a picture with the digital camera that I can post.

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Aww, I love this Capt. Annie story! Am looking forward to a picture.


We didn't get around to it this year, but DH & I want to take Kaylee out in our canoe. I think she'd dig it, but fishing might be a bit too exciting for all of us.


My trainer's dog is a Corgi. Teaching him to swim was a challenge because of his long, heavy body: he sank in the middle! But now, with the help of his life vest, he happily paddles around after Emily: cute!

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Ah yes, BC's and fishing..... Our female, Julie 2-1/2yo loves to go fishing, but, she does not have the basics quite right. I do have a kayak, but, not enough room for two. So I take her to a really calm part of a river near our house, so many, and the summer is so short. Okay, First of all, I can not get this dog to take a bath without an army to help, but take her fishing, cast out, and she is off to bring it back to me, dives right in, and off she goes, where is the soap when you need it, lol. Then, I can not get her to leave, she wants to stay, not that she is fond of fish, she likes rocks, toss them in where she can see them, and underwater she goes. So, I have this plan for the next bath, I am going to bring my fishing pole and see if she really is as dumb as her father, lol

Being up here in the north, Julie gets to see her share of wild life, Moose, wild turkey, no, not the bottled kind, as well as horses and cows, she bounds around the truck from window to window, and lets them all know that if she had the time, they would all be rounded up, lol thankfully, there is not much traffic here!

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In another life, I used to manage a kayak shop. Sophie has come with me on various rivers, lakes, and sloughs in all sorts of craft, including kayaks, canoes, and rafts, since she was a puppy. She is not a huge fan of whitewater, but she loves everything else. Here she is sporting her puppy pfd:


I'll have to see if I can dig up some photos of Sophie and me on the water. I really miss taking her out!

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Very nice story!

Want to share Casey and his fishing hobby. We live by a river and Casey will hop and up and down barking all the way to the river if we carry a fishing pole or anything that resemble a fishing pole :rolleyes: He has this intense "sheep" stare at the fishing line and watches it closely as we reel it in. If the line moves at all, he knows we got a fish. He jumps at it and barks at it and tries to catch the fish as we throw it back in. UNLESS its a big ole Northern Pike with all the teeth!! Then Casey backs off!!! :D It is his favorite summer time thing to do and someday i want to get him out on the lake with a boat. I love fishing too. What a great day, fishing with your dog :D

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