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We have another puppy! (plus introduce myself)


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Hello all! I've been enjoying reading some of your threads and comments. I particularly appreciate the thread where you all have posted photos of your pets.


My wife (Sharon) and I live in Amarillo, Texas. We are both retired and in our 60s. A few months ago we had to have our Border Collie put to sleep due to his having Lymphoma. He was with us for 13 years and we just loved him so much. There wasn't a place we went but what he didn't go with us. He loved loading up in the car and getting to "go".


We were so saddened by his passing that we felt we would never want another pet again. However, as most of you probably know, once we laid eyes on the Border Collie pup we have now we couldn't resist bringing him home. He is going on 11 weeks now, and is an absolute bundle of energy. We love him to bits! I can't remember who it is here that lives in Denver, but that's where we got the puppy we now have. We were off on vacation up there and dropped in on a kennel in order to see all the puppies.


It just so happens that this puppy has markings that are almost identical with our previous puppy. They both have the split-face markings, which we personally are quite fond of, but their facial marking are opposite to one another.


We decided on the name "Sevenz" for him because he was born 7-7-07. I don't yet have a photo to post, but I will as soon as I can.



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I'm very sorry to hear about the passing of your BC. My 9 year old BC died from Lymphoma also, about 10 months ago.


I'm glad you found it in your heart to provide another BC a nice home. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with him. I LOVE his name, it's very cute and appropriate.

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Thank you all so much for your comments and welcoming me to the board. Luv2napp, I'm very sorry that you also lost your beloved to Lymphoma. I'm really thankful for the method the vet used to put our puppy to sleep. She injected him with an overdose of anesthesia. He went very peacefully, and with his chin in the palm of my hand with me kissing him on the face. The vet refused to accept payment for her services, and sent us a lengthy handwritten sympathy card that was beautifully worded. That was so heart-warming, we really did appreciate her kindness.


I'm still waiting on some photos that our son took of Sevenz so that I can post one of him here for you all to see. In the meantime I thought you all might enjoy seeing a photo of the puppy we had to put to sleep. He was nearly 13-1/2 years old at the time, and was 2 years younger here in this photo. He loved to play "stick". We gave him the name "Friday" simply because that was the day of the week that he became OUR little puppy. His registration papers designate him as being a "rough coat" Border Collie.



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Friday was beautiful!! He lived a great, long life. My Katie was put to sleep in the same method. It was very comforting to be able to hold her and know that I was the last person she saw. I've attached a pic of her.


I, too, am a split faced BC lover. My second BC, Lacee, is split faced. She was rescued one day before being destroyed. How she wasn't snatched up at the shelter was beyond me.



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Friday was beautiful!! He lived a great, long life. My Katie was put to sleep in the same method. It was very comforting to be able to hold her and know that I was the last person she saw. I've attached a pic of her.


I, too, am a split faced BC lover. My second BC, Lacee, is split faced. She was rescued one day before being destroyed. How she wasn't snatched up at the shelter was beyond me.




Thank you for posting the photo of Katie Bug. She too is beautiful, even as is Lacee. I'm sooooo glad that you rescued Lacee! "Katie" and "Lacee", what great names!

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This fond photo of Friday was taken on the same day and outing as the first one I posted. For some reason he was interested in those wild flowers that my wife had placed in a paper cup. We've since wondered if maybe he had his eye on a bee or a bug that might have been on the flowers. He was always curious about everthing. He never missed seeing anything. He was also our little "thief", as he would swipe anything new that he found laying around inside the house. He once swiped a house key that we had left laying on the coffee table. We looked and looked for the key, wondering what had happened to it, and finally found it on the floor over behind the sofa where he had dumped it. The little snitch! We still love him so much. After he stole that key we taught him how to raise up on the side of the wall outside the house in order to be searched. At the command of "Up on the wall!" he'd stand up on his hind feet with his front paws high against the wall and allow us to pat him down in order to see if he'd stolen anything. He got the biggest kick out of that, even as we did.


This will be the last photo that I'll post of Friday, and hope that you all enjoy it. I should have a photo of Sevenz in a few days. Thank you all for having a share in this thread. Dog lovers are such nice people.



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Welcome I too kove split faces and have my own version Gypsy has just turned 2 and is my best friend.I cant wait to see some photos of your new little guy .Sorry about the loss of your old dog .It is heartbreaking but hopefully Sevens will soothe the hurt Enjoy!

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We are all insane. Run. Run fast.


Just kidding. Welcome! I ddin't get much sleep last night and am a little punchy. We have a split face pup here, too. I call him a pup but he'll be two in March!


This is Rocky about this time last year, still a baby:




And now, all growed up:



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