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Skunk remedy...

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This one works, almost entirely, if you don't let the smell soak in first. I know a lot of people know it, but what with all the skunks wandering these days, I figured I'd post it up again. Someone's bound to get sprayed in the next few months! From the original inventor's website: http://home.earthlink.net/~skunkremedy/home/sk00001.htm


The Skunk Remedy Recipe


In a plastic bucket, mix well the following ingredients:


1 quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide


1/4 cup of baking soda


1 to 2 teaspoons liquid soap



For very large pets one quart of tepid tap water may be added to enable complete coverage.


Wash pet promptly and thoroughly, work the solution deep into the fur. Let your nose guide you, leave the solution on about 5 minutes or until the odor is gone. Some heavily oiled areas may require a "rinse and repeat" washing.


Skunks usually aim for the face, but try to keep the solution out of the eyes - it stings. If you have any cuts on your hands you might want to wear latex gloves for the same reason.


After treatment, thoroughly rinse your pet with tepid tap water.


Pour the spent solution down the drain with running water.


NEVER, ever, store mixed solution in a closed bottle, sprayer,etc. Pressure will build up until the container bursts. This can cause severe injury.



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I assume this could work for other odors as well? My mom's dog has a bit of stomach trouble occasionally (he's seen the vet and he's on a gastro diet), and sometimes when he vomits he must get some on his fur and he gets really stinky. This solution for de-skunking might help, but I wonder if it would be drying to the coat and skin?

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Good question! The chemist who invented this remedy designed it specifically for the chemicals in skunks that make the dog smell, but it might work on other odors, too.


Warning, though - this will dye a dog's fur. My dog and his friend both got sprayed last fall. My dog had red highlights on his black ears for at least six months, and the other dog STILL has her highlights. :rolleyes:



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NOW you post this....my dog and our foster both got sprayed about 2 weeks ago and we had no remedy on hand and it was 1 am....no internet access to be had and 2 smelly dogs. The skunk was still in our backyard and so we had to let them in the house for the night. We tried puppy shampoo but it didn't really help. That has to be one of the worst nights I've had in a while... :rolleyes: And then every time they even so much as get a drop of water on them-back to smelly! PeeeeUuuuuuu!!!

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NOW you post this....my dog and our foster both got sprayed about 2 weeks ago and we had no remedy on hand and it was 1 am....no internet access to be had and 2 smelly dogs. The skunk was still in our backyard and so we had to let them in the house for the night.


UGH! I know the feeling. My dog got sprayed at about 5:30 on Sunday morning - I was taking him for a quick walk before heading for the flea market. The skunk ran under my deck, so I couldn't leave Buddy in the yard while I searched for a remedy, so I walked him the 1/2 mile to my sister's house, banged the door till she woke up, used her Internet to search for the skunk remedy, left Buddy in my sister's yard (he got muddy trying to burrow under the fence!), drove to find a 24-hour pharmacy which had baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, drove back to my sister's, walked the dog home, and finally managed to give him the treatment by about 7:00.


But when we got to the flea market (roundabout 11:00), everyone swore that they couldn't tell he'd been sprayed, and the smell didn't come back with water, either. I told my neighbor about it, and her dog got sprayed just exactly a week later - luckily, she had bought the stuff and had it on hand. About a week after that, my other neighbor came down to ask me for the kit I'd put together. All dogs scent-free! :rolleyes:


I guess if you wait too long with any remedy, the smell soaks into the hairs, and then you're done for.

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This mixture really works. According to Myth Busters, the oxygen in the peroxide and baking soda combines with the chemicals in the skunk spray to neutralized it. I had to use this a couple of times. The last time we had a skunk, Ruger went after the skunk and our Springer jumped the fence to get out of harms way. Age and experience can be better than youth and exuberence.

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Just a couple more points. First, don't even bother trying to store the mixed solution. It has to be used as soon as it's mixed - within 5 minutes is best.


Second, it's not dying the dog's coat, it's bleaching it - like a peroxide blonde, except border collies seem to turn into peroxide redheads :-)

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We tried this solution on Penny last year, didn't work at all =/ She STILL smells like a skunk :rolleyes: Multiple point blank sprays to the chest of a densely furred dog is a BAD BAD BAD thing :D at least Mr. Skunky wasn't too badly hurt, we were more worried about him honestly, she was 90 pounds then and almost pulverized the poor thing. He got in a scratch on her nose and around 6 sprays to her chest she smelled horrible! Think to get it out now we'd have to shave her chest :D She had ~20 baths in this solution in the month she was sprayed and it made her smell... livable. Now any time its damp we get a skunky dog (which is almost always since we live on an island). The solution DID work great for everyone else we know, our vet thinks that it didn't wrk so well on her because shes half wolf and her fur is 'different' *shrug*

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my oldest son and some of his friends went to visit someone in fla, and the orher boys got sprayed. people-not dogs-

when they got back to the house they were visiting the woman told them to take a bath in tomato juice. it worked on humans, but i don't know about dogs.

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Neil Gaiman - the author blogged about using the solution and apparently it worked for him as well.. he also wrote why he didn't use tomato juice - didn't want a pink dog










I for one.. am thankful that i have or probably will never cross path with a skunk.

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