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Lady's having surgery


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Last March I sought help from the members of this board and another to help save the life of a BC I had found, I was overcomed by the advice, best wishes and prayers that were sent our way. :rolleyes:


Once again I come to you to ask that you remember Lady in your thoughts and prayers. Thursday morning she's having surgery to remove a growth in her mammilary glands. While she's under they'll spade her also. While this is normally a fairly routine procedure because of her age and past health the chance of problems is higher. :D


Lady asks that all her senior citizen buddies say a prayer for her. Thank all of you for all of the support you've given both of us and I look forward to posting a all's well friday. :D

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Consider prayers said! Sara's a prime example that old dogs can and do handle surgery just fine if they are otherwise in fairly good health. Lady's life has been so incredibly blessed since she "found" you. and I'm sure your vet will take every precaution to make sure the surgery goes as well as possible. Looking forward to hearing good news on Friday!

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You know the senior set here is pulling for Lady, Dixie's Dad. In fact, Johnson is having surgery on Thursday morning, too, so I know just how you feel. I will spend Thursday keeping a good thought for both our senior rescue chums. Hey, if they can beat heartworm, these minor surgeries should be a cakewalk, right?


Best wishes for Lady's smooth surgery and speedy recovery!

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Thank you all for thinking of us, especially Linda with the difficult week she has had. After being on pins and needles all day, I just got the call that Johnson came through his surgery fine and is waking up, so I can pick him up in a couple of hours. :rolleyes:


I am hoping to read similarly good news about Lady soon....

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Thank you all for thinking of us, especially Linda with the difficult week she has had. After being on pins and needles all day, I just got the call that Johnson came through his surgery fine and is waking up, so I can pick him up in a couple of hours. :D


I am hoping to read similarly good news about Lady soon....



It's great to hear that Johnson came thru his surgery and I hope by now he's home. :D We will continue to keep him in our thoughts. Lady says to tell Johnson that Grey Brigade Rules :rolleyes:


My good news is Lady sailed thru her surgery and I've just got home with her :D

She's deposited in her pen in the basement and that old demon dog Dixie is laying on a pallet right beside her. Dixie didn't even move to come upstairs with us :D Guess she cares for the Old Girl after all.


They're sending the tumor off to be biopsied and we should get the results in 7 to 10 days so please continue the good wishes till then. Except for keeping an eye on her incissions and a quick return trip to remove the stitches it seems to be overwith. :D


Again I want to thank everyone for their prayers and words of support.

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