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Poor Lacee is at the vet right now getting fluids. She's had severe diarrhea for two days now....it got so bad that it was just running down her legs while she was standing there. I have to admit, I'm worried. I have no idea what could cause this. I've never seen anything so bad.


If you all could just say a prayer for her to get well. Thank you so much.

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Sorry to hear this! Hopefully it is nothing. Red Dog has the wicked squirts right now as well - I came home to liquid shit on my floor yesterday, I turned around from the computer to liquid shit on my floor last night and I awoke to liquid shit on my floor this morning. Fortunately, he tries to confine it to the kitchen. I hope it clears up for your Lacee right away.



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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

I hope Lacee is feeling better soon! This happened to Tally last year AT a flyball tournament. The crap was literally running out of her butt. If I wanted to get her out of her crate, I had to have someone walk her while I walked behind her with a wad of paper towels under her. It was awful. I did end up taking her to the ER vet because it just got to be too much to deal with. It was just one of those silly bacterial things that would have cleared up on its own but I wasn't about to deal with that on the way home in a Honda Civic.

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Thanks all, for your thoughts. Lacee is now home and doing better. She's exhausted from getting no sleep in the past 36hrs, and I just took her out before bed and she didn't have to go. Yay!! The vet gave her all kinds of meds to cover the bases until they get the culture back. They saw some sort of parasite. So I'm going to just throw down some newspapers in case she needs it tonight, but it looks like by morning she'll be feeling a lot better.


Thanks again for letting me vent. I get so worried.

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Poor girl. I hope she's feeling better tonight. Diarrhea is no fun, for anyone. She'll get some good sleep tonight since she's back home with you.

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