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Adding the Second Dog

Guest LJS1993

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Guest LJS1993

Okay guys, they played a little on the bed together, chilled in Freckles' pen for awhile. However, Freckles seems a bit depressed or perhaps jealous. She did not eat her dinner and here at the house is acting a little different. Advice on making this transition period smooth as can be would be welcome. I am giving Frek a ton of attention, bought her a new toy, and is constantly praising her for her gentle play with Tucker. What else can we do?

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Things are different, so it's understandable that Freckles will act differently. I wouldn't stress out too much about it. We recently added a second BC to our family and although things really went quite smoothly, it was about a week or so before Allie was at home with Rusty. They got along ok, but they didn't really interact and play at first. However, they are now the best of buds, play kissy-face every morning and night and do almost everything together. Age of your dogs and personality will factor in. We've now had Rusty 2 mos. and it seems like he's always been a part of the clan.


Sounds like you're doing the right things -- just give it time. Good luck!

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Things are different, so it's understandable that Freckles will act differently. I wouldn't stress out too much about it. We recently added a second BC to our family and although things really went quite smoothly, it was about a week or so before Allie was at home with Rusty. They got along ok, but they didn't really interact and play at first. However, they are now the best of buds, play kissy-face every morning and night and do almost everything together. Age of your dogs and personality will factor in. We've now had Rusty 2 mos. and it seems like he's always been a part of the clan.


Sounds like you're doing the right things -- just give it time. Good luck!



"Ditto" to what Allie said....I think they will be fine....it just takes time to integrate a new puppy to the family and Freckles will probably be mothering him in no time. Congrats on the new pup and he is adorable!

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What? I haven't seen him yet. Did I miss a post?


Anywho, I think your doing everything right also. Just give her time to get used to the new dog. It's great that she's playing with him already. Just don't forget to pay even more attention to her for a while too :rolleyes:

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What? I haven't seen him yet. Did I miss a post?


Anywho, I think your doing everything right also. Just give her time to get used to the new dog. It's great that she's playing with him already. Just don't forget to pay even more attention to her for a while too :rolleyes:



The pics are in the pics section....(or what every it's called) gallery maybe?

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Guest LJS1993

Okay guys, I'm up late because my fiance has a big interview in the morning. I am really concerned now because Freckles has very severe diarrhea. In fact, it came out like water. Going to the vet tomorrow for sure. :rolleyes:

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Did she eat any sheep droppings? If so, that could really cause an issue in some dogs. You had strange pups in your home right? Perhaps something came from them. Bring her and the pup to the vet today- pup should be checked too- he is new, and you want to start off on the right foot.


When you bring a new animal into the house- puppies included, it can be disruptive. The key is for you to continue like nothing happened- and treat Freckles like you always have. Don't spoil her, or worry over her- it will only make the transition more difficult. You are the pack leaders- the dogs look to you for how to handle things. Be strong and benevolent. This reminds me of when I got my 2nd dog oh so many years ago- I was sooo worried about so many things. Now- heck, no worries. You have to have the right mindset. It will be fine. He is a cute pup, and he and Freckles will soon be bestest friends.




Okay guys, I'm up late because my fiance has a big interview in the morning. I am really concerned now because Freckles has very severe diarrhea. In fact, it came out like water. Going to the vet tomorrow for sure. :rolleyes:
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If you brought kid number 2 home, you wouldn't expect them to go without incident. they'll be fine, and they might scrap a little bit, but that too will pass. Right now the pecking order has been upset, and they need to work out the rules, when I first brought our dogs to our new house, they acted the same way, it took them 2 days to feel comfortable and that was just a house.


good luck


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Is it possible you could have mistaken Freckles not feeling well for depression?


Also, both our boys like their 'ruts'. They do not like it whenever we move any furniture around. Especially their crates but after a couple of days, they adjust.


You're doing a good job. Keep showing Freckles attention and be patient. It'll work out.

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Guest WoobiesMom

I would take both Freck and Tucker to the vet and watch them closely. The orphans might have been carrying something. Clean everything they came in contact with thoroughly. It's been a stressful weekend for everybody in your house and Freckles is probably picking up on that. Some quiet time for her out and about with you and also in the house (put the puppy away in his crate for a bit) will probably help her. If it's not a medical issue, it's probably just the transition. TLC time with you will probably work wonders.


Keeping fingers crossed it's not medical. :rolleyes:

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Guest LJS1993

Thanks for the encouragement guys. Frek has been a little runny in her stool for a couple of days. However, she was doing so well with the sheep then suddenly last night was just a shocker. I have a 9:45 appointment with our vet in which I will talk about Tucker also. I think I will get Tucker vet appointment later on today if possible. Man, I'm a basket case and this is just with my dogs. I can only imagine when I have kids. I couldn't sleep, eat, haven't shaved, horrible.

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Guest WoobiesMom

Ha! Welcome to my world! Wait 'til you're driving down the road and look back at the car seat and your kid is having a flipping seizure! :rolleyes: It sure is a roller coaster! It's interesting that you thought Freckles was constipated a while ago and now she's runny. Wonder what's going on with her?


Hope all your kids, furry and otherwise, are healthy and happy!

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Guest LJS1993

Okay guys, we are back from the vet. He gave her a "taste test" with some food that was there and she ate it up big time. He said that was a very good sign. She also wasn't dehydrated according to his opinion. He gave us some pills that will serve as Immodium AD and hopefully settle her stomach. Right now as I type my fiance is feeding her a mix of her old Science Diet and Canidae.

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Guest LJS1993



Okay guys things are going better now. I noticed something that really bothers me. It seems that everytime she gets near Tucker with us around she shy's away from him. It's almost like she's afraid we will get mad at her for being around him. What can we do about this? As I type both dogs are in their pen together.

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Sometimes when a dog gets around sheep for the first time it can be pretty stressful which can lead to diarrhea. Not the training per say but the whole experience. Then as they get a bit of experience on them it can be the stress of training pressure which might cause at least that evenings loose bowels. Eating sheep poo might cause a bit but not to much unless they eat loads. Then you add your new wee one and that's a bit more stress. So there you go....loose poop! If the vet saw no issues that's what I'd likely chalk it up to.

The rescue people I used to help in St. Louis always said. 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, those are turning points in adding a new dog to your family. Give Freckles time and I'm sure she'll adjust.


Tucker is a cutie! I didn't read all of the other posts so I thought you were still getting the rescue. Sorry that didn't work out and betting this one will


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Okay guys, we are back from the vet. He gave her a "taste test" with some food that was there and she ate it up big time. He said that was a very good sign.


Sounds like good news over all, though personally that "taste test" bugs me because my dogs are such chow hounds they're going to eat unless they're at death's door. When my sheltie was very ill with recurrent GI upsets (turned out to be IBD due to food allergies) the vet kept saying, "But she has a good appetite." And I kept replying "That only tells us she isn't dead." :rolleyes:


Anyway, hope she is better quick and you can all relax and enjoy the new addition.

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I noticed something that really bothers me. It seems that everytime she gets near Tucker with us around she shy's away from him. It's almost like she's afraid we will get mad at her for being around him. What can we do about this?


Relax, give it time, let the dogs get to know each other, let them bond on their own schedule, and enjoy your little pack.

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Guest WoobiesMom
Sounds like good news over all, though personally that "taste test" bugs me because my dogs are such chow hounds they're going to eat unless they're at death's door. When my sheltie was very ill with recurrent GI upsets (turned out to be IBD due to food allergies) the vet kept saying, "But she has a good appetite." And I kept replying "That only tells us she isn't dead." :rolleyes:


Anyway, hope she is better quick and you can all relax and enjoy the new addition.


Yeah, that "taste test" bothered me a little too. My dog ate when he had bloat! I don't think it's the greatest diagnostic test myself. But, I'm sure the vet looked at lots of other things too.


Hope Freckles and Tucker are penned..... separately. :D Dogs need their "sacred space", it makes for happy housemates (and marriages for that matter!)

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Guest LJS1993

Well Freckles did alot better today after seeing the vet. We crated Tucker and took her for a short walk around the ranch and to my delight her BC smile came right back. After that we took her to eat which didn't go as well as hoped. However, she did eat alot of treats during our walk so I guess that's better than nothing. We decided to put Tucker in her pen to see how it would go and things went great. My fiance and myself acted all excited and peaked Freckles interest in the pup. In fact we told her the same thing we did at the park upon getting socialized with her buddies. Now, things were going okay when Tucker decided to raid the food Freckles had not eaten yet. As I went to take it away the little guy growled at me, so I scruffed him because I will not put up with that. However, the cool thing was Freckles was all over the scene. She didn't hurt him she just put him on his back and sniffed him. Then she began playing with him like she does with the boys at the park. I was amazed at how gentle she was, in fact, hopping over Tucker not to hurt him. This went on for about thirty minutes as we watched attentively. She would look at us and we would both say, "go Freckles". Whenever Tucker would nip hard at him she would roll her head against him and knock him over. What a trip.

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Guest LJS1993
Excellent!!! When you still have one-on-one time with Freckles, you're showing her she's not being 'replaced' with Tucker. Good job!!



Yes, it seemed to really be a good thing for her. Today we will leave Tucker in the pen while we take Frek to the dog park to roll around with Piper Airedale. I think she will love some "adult" companionship. :rolleyes:

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