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Missy had to go to the vet

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We found a "lump" on Missy's right elbow. Right where they normally have "laying down calusus". I thought maybe she was just worrying the callus, but it was a definite lump. Kind of squishy. So straight to the vet we go. My vet said he had the same thing in college due to an injury in karate or something. He said there is a sack like thing in there and sometimes it can burst. He said there is nothing to do about it. He said it would eventually harden. He put her on antibiotics just as a precaution. Has anyone had experience with this?

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Yes,we had the same problem years ago with our ST Bernard.

It just eventually hardened. Both his front elbows were that way.

Never seemed to bother him,just looked ugly.

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Sounds like the "ganglion cysts" I used to get. I'd have a jelly-like lump on the inside of my wrist - bigger than the lump of my wrist bone on the outside.


Got different opinions from two doctors (went on for some years). Should we drop the medical book or the Bible on it? They said they could aspirate it, but that it was just as likely to go away without that. And just as likely to return with it. I just got used to their arriving and their leaving. Then, they stopped arriving.


Wonder if a dog could get that?




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JJ had a hygroma on his right elbow when we adopted him. When his leg started swelling, we got really scared. We were lucky enough to find a vet that was familar with them. It turned out the reason JJ's leg was swelling because it was healing.


We wanted to make JJ comfortable so we had padded his crate to make it really comfy. Even though we have hardwood floors, we have throw rugs. After the seeing the vet, we put padding under the throw rugs. I also asked the vet about limiting JJ's exercise and he said no. JJ's hygroma was the size of a golf ball and he was sleeping on soft padding for about 3 weeks when his leg started healing.


What you don't want to do is have anyone give Missy a cortizone shot in her legs. That is a big no-no. If a vet suggests that, turn around and walk out.

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Kelpiegirl, YES! That is what he said it was! Jeeze, my memory! But when I saw it, I knew! Thanks!


Erin, thanks for that link. If we can't get it under control, I think it would be worth the $100.


Brenda, thanks for that info. Pretty much what my vet said. He never mentioned doing anything for it. He only gave the antibiotics just as a precaution, but said other than that it will heal on its own. IF the people take the girls, I will mention not letting them get cortison shots.

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Our sweet Rush had one on his elbow, freaked me out the first time I noticed it. It never hardened but the swelling did disapate over time, although it did reoccur a couple of times. It never caused any problems or pain so we just left it alone

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