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Working out with your dog?

Guest LJS1993

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Guest LJS1993

How many of you people use your dogs as a workout? In terms of working out I mean running, cycling, kayaking, rafting, hiking, agility, or just merely grappling and playing with them? I noticed that part of my rehab for my knee was simply playing with Freckles. Many times after hitting the gym I will take long walks around the ranch with Frek, thus keeping her in shape and myself. Anyone else find that their dogs either keep or improve their own physical condition?

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I do a two mile jog/walk with my dogs in the morning before work and another one most nights after the sun goes down and it cools off.


Do you live in Riverside,or outside of it? Just wondering. I grew up in Orange county, Brea to be exact, and my grandfather had a horse farm in Mira Loma and I spent every weekend and all my summers there. The last time I was out there it seemed that Riverside didn't have much "country" left to it due to all the new housing editions. You said you had a ranch so just wondering where abouts you are.




p.s. I love Freckles eyes in your sig. So intense!

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Guest LJS1993
I do a two mile jog/walk with my dogs in the morning before work and another one most nights after the sun goes down and it cools off.


Do you live in Riverside,or outside of it? Just wondering. I grew up in Orange county, Brea to be exact, and my grandfather had a horse farm in Mira Loma and I spent every weekend and all my summers there. The last time I was out there it seemed that Riverside didn't have much "country" left to it due to all the new housing editions. You said you had a ranch so just wondering where abouts you are.




p.s. I love Freckles eyes in your sig. So intense!


Well actually we are out in San Jacinto. If you are not familiar with San Jacinto, it's about forty five minutes from Palm Springs and thirty minutes from downtown Riverside. This used to be a farming community, with my Grandparents selling produce to the Kern Company. However, once Kern left that pretty much marked the end of the great produce boon in this valley. We're a very small working produce ranch now, with most of our produce going to small markets and private citizens. Back in the day, when I was a boy, we had pigs, sheep, cows, even a horse once. We used to slaughter our own cows and sheep for meat in addition with chickens for our own eggs. But those days are over, now we are getting surrounded by Wal-Mart, tract housing, and lowlifed from the greater L.A. area. No offense to you L.A. County people who are upstanding citizens, it's just that I'm your typical hometown guy who feels his city has been invaded.

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I had just started biking with both dogs. That came to an abrupt stop after Popcorn's visit to the E.R. for that epilepsy incident.


Vet is leaning toward's Juvenile Epilepsy as a diagnosis. as he ran a comlete blood panel, and it all came back normal.

And he said that Popcorn's heart sounds great!!


So Poppy is not allowed to get as much excercise as he used to.

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Well actually we are out in San Jacinto. If you are not familiar with San Jacinto, it's about forty five minutes from Palm Springs and thirty minutes from downtown Riverside. This used to be a farming community, with my Grandparents selling produce to the Kern Company. However, once Kern left that pretty much marked the end of the great produce boon in this valley. We're a very small working produce ranch now, with most of our produce going to small markets and private citizens. Back in the day, when I was a boy, we had pigs, sheep, cows, even a horse once. We used to slaughter our own cows and sheep for meat in addition with chickens for our own eggs. But those days are over, now we are getting surrounded by Wal-Mart, tract housing, and lowlifed from the greater L.A. area. No offense to you L.A. County people who are upstanding citizens, it's just that I'm your typical hometown guy who feels his city has been invaded.



I have heard of San Jacinto but never knew where it was. That's awesome that you still have the family ranch. I actually buy all of my eggs from a local farmer near my house and in the summer buy all of my produce from local farmers at the city market every Sat.


I did hear that a lot of people are moving out that way and commuting into L.A. and the O.C because it is a little cheaper to live in Riverside County. Of course, cheaper is relative, I still think it is very expensive to live anywhere in Calif. compared to Missouri, or just about anywhere. Did you ever go out to cucamonga up to the swimming holes when you were a teenager? We used to go up there all of the time. I think that is more towards San Bernadino but everyone used to go out there to swim, of course that was a hundred years ago!


I loved Calif. when I was growing up, but it has changed so much in the last 20 years. When I was a girl in Brea, there was a huge orange grove behind our house that is now an industrial park, and a very large sheep farm where the Brea mall and police dept. are now. The high school I graduated from isn't even there anymore, it is a strip mall.


OT, did your girlfriend get her puppy?



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Guest LJS1993

Yes this region is changing very quickly. I remember when there were only dirt roads, potato fiels, orange groves, and farmers all around my ranch. Now we have a damn Wal-Mart across. :rolleyes: My mother was born in Rancho Cucamonga, however I rarely would go over to that area. As for the puppy, we have about two weeks until it is available and Freckles and her can meet up. I'm hoping things go well.

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5 minutes walk from my house there is a steep trail that goes down through a wooded area, with a cliff on one side, the woods on the other, and a trail between them for about 2 miles. I take my mountain bike and lance and will bomb down this trail with Lance trying to keep up. Or passing me and then I try to keep up without killing myself. We take a short break at the bottom where it runs into posted private property and then I run with my bike back up. After that I get to cool off coasting down the hill on the road back to my house with Lance running next to me. It's a really good workout for me and the dog. I wouldnt do it if I didn't have Lance with me cause there are other places to go running. And other places to take him on a leash, but this is the one place that we can both really let loose together, no leash. I've never seen another person or dog on the trail in years. Its a trail where parts and really slow on the way down, over logs and through ruts, etc. And then some parts are pretty fast paced. On the way back up and cant bike up because I'm not built for that, just too steep and im too heavy. I usually have to take a break and lay down on my back out of breath about half way back up. But Lance is always ready to go.

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Guest LJS1993
5 minutes walk from my house there is a steep trail that goes down through a wooded area, with a cliff on one side, the woods on the other, and a trail between them for about 2 miles. I take my mountain bike and lance and will bomb down this trail with Lance trying to keep up. Or passing me and then I try to keep up without killing myself. We take a short break at the bottom where it runs into posted private property and then I run with my bike back up. After that I get to cool off coasting down the hill on the road back to my house with Lance running next to me. It's a really good workout for me and the dog. I wouldnt do it if I didn't have Lance with me cause there are other places to go running. And other places to take him on a leash, but this is the one place that we can both really let loose together, no leash. I've never seen another person or dog on the trail in years. Its a trail where parts and really slow on the way down, over logs and through ruts, etc. And then some parts are pretty fast paced. On the way back up and cant bike up because I'm not built for that, just too steep and im too heavy. I usually have to take a break and lay down on my back out of breath about half way back up. But Lance is always ready to go.



I bet Lance just drools at the chance to roll with you on the mat. :rolleyes:

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I try to go on a 30 minute jog and a 30 walk every night with Black Jack once it cools off. With some playing afterwards for being such a good little guy :D


I would like to try riding a bicycle with him but I'm not sure how that would go. It would probably end with me eating dirt :rolleyes:

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5 minutes walk from my house there is a steep trail that goes down through a wooded area, with a cliff on one side, the woods on the other, and a trail between them for about 2 miles.


BTW, the cliff im talking about goes up, not down :rolleyes: the trail is at the bottom.

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I had ACL reconstructive surgery on my left knee in March 06. When we got Cody in July 06, I vowed I would run again, and run with him. And I now do that, three to four days a week! We run about 45 minutes to an hour, with one minute walk breaks in between and I carry water for him and for me. We run mostly in our suburban neighborhood and a couple of empty country roads. He does great, and when we come back to the house, he's still ready for a quick game of basketball and more running around!


I also walk with him 4-5 miles a day, two to three walks a day.


So I guess he is really my workout partner.

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Guest LJS1993


I had ACL reconstructive surgery on my left knee in March 06. When we got Cody in July 06, I vowed I would run again, and run with him. And I now do that, three to four days a week! We run about 45 minutes to an hour, with one minute walk breaks in between and I carry water for him and for me. We run mostly in our suburban neighborhood and a couple of empty country roads. He does great, and when we come back to the house, he's still ready for a quick game of basketball and more running around!


I also walk with him 4-5 miles a day, two to three walks a day.


So I guess he is really my workout partner.



He must be in some crazy shape!!!!

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We have two bcs and a foster bc. I try to take a 2-3 mile walk 5 times a week with them (only two at a time). I also do frisbee with them andhofully will have freestyle routine for a fall competition. We have recently found some intresting hiking trails we would like to try.


These walks/hikes are a definite help with burning callories (I could stand to lose a few pounds) and physical shape. They are also great stress reducers. I lost about 7 pounds when I started eating better added to the excersize.


I asked our vet if the distance we walked was a concern for the dogs. He kind of chuckled and reminded me that working bcs run 20-30 miles a day. Basically I would wear out before the dogs would.


So yes, we use our dogs as part of a work out and love every minute.



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Actually, whenever my family talks about needing to lose weight, I tell them to get a BC. I think they're a great exercise buddy b/c you're forced to do something with them or they'll drive you nuts. My b/f and I got BC's b/c we planned on having them run with us on the mountain bike trails on our outings. So yeah, they excercise with us. Either on the mountain bikes in the woods, running on the streets or running in the woods. They definitely help keep me motivated!

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Before i tore my tendon a few weeks ago, all of us would go hiking 2 or 3 miles every morning during the week, playgroup on Saturday and then a 10 or so mile hike on Sunday. I loved it and they did too... now, they're tearing up the backyard, the poor things... I just got out of my cast and am sloooowly walking. I can throw the ball and ask for commands but it's just not the same as those nice long tiring hikes. . . then a few days ago one of my puppies broke 2 of her toes jumping out of her kennel. The joy of being injured and having an injured dog at the same time.

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:rolleyes: this is the whole reason I like border collies. I take my dogs everywhere, hiking, jogging, walking, running, bicycling, swimming, camping. I wish Kamali could go on runs with me but she is still so small. my other dog is a rat terrier and she has more energy than my last border collie! she goes jogging with me for 2-4 miles a day, never runs out of energy. I cant wait to teach them to run together!!
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In the winter time I go out snowshoeing around my fields to pack a trail for dogsledding. Of course the dogs go along with me, running and playing. The trail I've been maintaining for the last couple of winters is about .75km and we do 2 laps to make it wider, so 1 1/2km a day, which is just about a mile. I pull a bale of hay on a sled to add some extra weight and give the trail a nicer surface than the snowshoe marks. I'm hoping to extend the trail to include a loop up through the bush for this winter too. After I'm done with the trail grooming I get out the dogsled and hook up some of the dogs to practice and we all get more exercise that way. Sledding isn't all about letting the dogs pull you, there's a lot of work involved with "pedalling" (pushing along with one foot), as well as running along to help the dogs when going up hills etc. When there's no snow on the ground but the weather is still cool enough I also take them out on the roads in my dryland training rig and that can be even harder work. Around the field things are much more level but going up the road there are lots of hills which I end up running up. I'm not the sort of person who would ever just go out running, but when it's for training the dogs it is actually fun. And when you've got the dogs on the rig it's more of a workout because you're forced to work at their pace, not your own. If you're just running and get tired, you can slow down. Running up a hill with dogs pulling, you have to try to keep up to their pace or else you can end up encouraging them to be lazy on the hills (not good when you're training them to race). In the winter I usually end up spending on average 2 1/2 hours outside with the dogs every morning, between doing the farm chores, packing the trail and then sledding, and then they go out with me for evening chores as well.


I don't do as much in the summertime because I don't like the heat and I get busy with teaching riding lessons. The dogs are still out running and playing in the fields though when we're out morning and evening for chores and they get lots of time with the frisbees and balls then, plus I sometimes take them swimming. They also have a fenced backyard that they can run and play in when I'm teaching.

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