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"pet promise" dog food

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wondering if anyone had opinons about this food.

I was talking to one store owner who told me its garbage and is made by purina.. I did do a little research and the company is owned by purina. He told me they play with the ingrediants in order to make the stool hard. He recommends only raw food but if kibble is the only option canidae,wellness inova ect.

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I like the information this site gives, you dont have to listen to all they say but I use it to help with other research and to start to decipher whats in foods. They ahve Pet Promise as a 1 star low quality food.


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I've been doing alot of looking for good quality food and have ordered some Timber Wolf Black Forest as well as some Innova. I've also been told to add some other stuff to the food. Especially Fat. Check out the Feeding post here..



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Canidae is also a great quality food, recommended by alot of people

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I looked at the link posted but, I'm confused what is their criteria are they sponsored by a dog food company? I've fed some of the choices like prarie but, the dogs hated it.


I'd read up and choose from here they use whole foods digest to recommend foods.



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Yes thank you so much for linking that site, although I noticed that they don't have premium edge listed. I have always been told its a good food, but anymore I just don't know!!!

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I dont know who the site is by. It's been said that it's not the best criteria as it bases on ingredients but, that's what I liked about it. I like to know what goin in my dog and found that the food I was feeding, when broke down like that and researching them, just werent good enough.


Bill stressed that the high quality foods they list as 6 star are too high in protein, which is true, so ya have to just look over the ingredients and what ya like. I chose the Timber Wolf Black Forest, a 5 star food, which I am adding stuff to and then the Innova which i am also adding stuff to.


Lots of info on the other post that MyDogMilton started and I kinda took over as I got really into changin foods, but lots of great suggestions over there

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Make sure you read the reviews or editor's notes. Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul is listed at the beginning of August as a 4-star food. However, the final comment by the editor says that CS gets the full 5-star rating because of the use of ethoxyquin-free ingredients. So CS is a 5-star food that hasn't been moved from the 4-star list.

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Hi everyone. I went to http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/dog_food_reviews/index.php Who are these dogfood analysis web hosts? The profile of the 'editor' is blank. I am sure the customer reviews of the product are genuine. This is 'food for thought' about the internet: Can you trust the opinion of an anonymous person who is trying to sell you something? I work in an industry where these 'self appointed experts' can destroy a brand to make money. The opinions of the real people on this board should hold more weight than those of an anonymous web site seller. I would like to hear 'who' dogfoodanalysis is before going with that opinion as an expert answer. BTW, I have not used these dog food brands so I have no opinion on them.

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I wish we knew who it was too. But, I do like whatthey say, they have alot of great quality food listed in the 5 and 6 star that are common knowledge have excellent ingredients, like Innova, Artemis, Canidae etc


What thye are saying isnt really something that depends on experience, the only thing I am looking at are the types and quality of the ingreidients. I like the site for this reason, that's why I posted it.

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