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Black Jack's leg again

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I have been watching how much he uses his leg for the last week or so to rest it up. But it seems like he gets all better, I wait a few more days then start slowly playing with him more, and more but he starts limping again when he gets playing to much. He'll also be walking and his paw will fall out from under him for a second. I talked to the vet and they said it could be something he pulled, but he could have a hair line crack in his leg too. They were closed Saturday so I have been worried all weekend that his leg is broke. I'm taking him in tomorrow afternoon to have them check it out. What do you guys think? Could it be that bad? Poor Black Jack :D I feel bad for the little pupper. But he's so happy I'm having a hard time getting him not to run on it to much :rolleyes:

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Awww, poor pupper. I would say a vet visit is definitely in order. Your vet will likely want to knock Black Jack out to x-ray his leg, if only to rule out a fracture. That's what happened with my Fergus recently. Turns out Fergus had apparently torn/damaged a ligament in his third 'finger' - had to have the foot bandaged up for a week, and then was on restricted activity - on-leash walking for another few weeks.


In some ways, as my vet explained it, a fracture is a better thing to have wrong than a soft tissue injury - healing can be more rapid and more certain. Either way, Black Jack is likely to be on restricted activity for a little while - good luck with that. Do a search on the forum for mind games to play with a 'resting' Border Collie.


Good luck - and let us know how you go.

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Sorry to hear about Black Jack :rolleyes: . Keeping a young BC calm and quiet is very hard. Has Black Jack had X-rays yet for the injury? If not, I would definitely get them done tomorrow, if you can. Not using the injured bones/muscles/etc. is essential for healing in both soft tissue and bone injury cases, so . . . I don't think I'd let him run around. When Allie was a little over 6 mos. old she had a soft tissue injury of the right shoulder area which would come and go (usually it was worse after sitting for long periods) and we ended up treating it for several weeks with crate rest, and a gradual increase of movement on a leash only for several more weeks. She is fine now and has had no residual problem. I would keep Black Jack off of the leg as much as possible until you get a chance to have him checked by the vet. Good luck!

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Yes let us know how it goes at the vet. Sounds like something is definately going on that needs looking at.


Sometimes, you just never know how serious it is.


All my husband did was twist his ankle Sunday night, working on our van, and we found out later that night, at the E.R that he actually broke it!!! We were very surprised. He is going to see an orthopedic specialist to see if he needs surgery.

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Beth, I can relate to the broken ankle. My dad just had surgery on his. He evidently fell on ice and broke BOTH leg bones by the ankle. He broke one straight across and broke the other one in a twist like motion. Its been nearly 6 weeks, he just had another xray, and it is STILL visibly broken even with screws and plates. It is no fun!!


WyoBC- I'd get him to the vet. It may not be anything serious, but I know how much you love him, and you'd feel awful if you wait and it is serious. Let us know!!

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Well the vet said that he has some signs of Osteoarthritis in his left shoulder. He can't chase anything for four weeks. At least he can walk on his own without a leash. He has to take 1/2 a pill twice a day of Rimadyl for his cartilage, and two pills a day of Cosequin for a joint suppelment. After that if he's not all better he'll get an MRI and see if surgery is an option. I feel bad for not playing with him. Any mind tricks would be great.

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Sorry about poor Black Jack. The Rimadyl should help his pain level, but the lack of pain may also encourage him to do things he's not supposed to (like chase rodents, etc.) When Allie was at crate rest we did a lot of obedience maneuvers (except the "down") and searching games. Dazzle (Kat's Dogs) is a whiz at picking up toys and putting them in her toybox and Kat will probably be able to give you a lot of good tips (Allie will pick them up and put them in, but then pulls them right back out again :rolleyes:) - I'm not the greatest trick trainer. Hide the toy is a good one. I'm sure there are others who will have a lot of good ideas for you. Best of luck to you and Black Jack!

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Dang! I sure am sorry to hear about Black Jack's arthritis. I highly recommend hide-and-go-seek as a fairly quiet indoor game. You can have him stay, and then hide his toy or yourself, and then call him to come find. I will predict that he is soon trying to turn the tables on you and hiding the toy himself! Another thing to do is work on clicker-training him to know the names of his toys. Best wishes.

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