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Update on Skip!

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Well, here we are on the 5th day of the new guy being here! He has learned so much in 5 days! He has learned that my shoes being chewed on gets me real excited! LOL But he also has learned what NO and AAAHHHHKKK mean, that Sammy has an attitude, Otis is no fun, Cheyenne is soooo off limits, sleeping cuddled in a big bed is better than with a bunch of other squirming pups in hay, and that Jackson is a pretty cool big brother. He knows when I am eating it is probly better than what is in the dog bowls and that mustard is gross, even for puppy standards, cat poop is fun to roll around the floor, and that no matter what he does wrong, when he "appologizes" mom loves him again! He knows how to use the doggie door, just not when! But we are getting there! Catching the lil sneak is the hard part!


Jackson is now actively playing with him, but only under the table where I can't see them. He's still playing his "woe is me" card! However, yesterday I caught him being an outstanding big brother! I watched from the window as he walked around the yard, Skip following his every move and sniff! Then Skip got side tracted and was following the fence line, when Jackson headed back towards the house. Jackson noticed Skip wasn't following and he turned around and took a few steps back towards Skip and stared at him, I am assuming giving telepathic commands, because soon Skip was looking at him and then came running! As they neared the house, again Skip got side tract and went around the corner of the house, towards the front, Jackson waited a few seconds then followed him. I could no longer see them, so snuck out to see. Jackson was there waiting for him to get done sniffing, then led him back. He actually looked imbarresed, don't know how else to explain the look, when he saw me! Anyway, things are going pretty good. Yesterday, Otis did growl at Skip when Skip went into his room and tried eating Otis's food. I got onto Otis, removed Skip and shut Otis in his room. I know, I know, but I can't tolerate food guarding and I know the pup needs to learn respect. So it will take some time. I just don't want Skip to get hurt learning it! All in all, everyone is learning their roles and Skip is becoming a true member of this thrown together family that we are.

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