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A little O/T - So ironic

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I just have to relate this story.


Hubby and I were having an "argument" today (you know, the fake kind), and hubby was saying how my dog is all well and good, and I'm great, but HIS dog is so much better. He said how he loves Zeeke much more than me, and that he's sorry but I come second in his life.


He said that last as he walked out of the office. Mere seconds later I hear him yell, "You ^%@#@$#!! Get out of there!!" and hear soda cans and garbage crashing to the floor. There was scrabbling of feet (of the dog) and cursing (of the hubby). Zoe peered out from under my desk at the commotion as hubby chased Zeeke into the bedroom and locked him in his crate. I knew immediately that Zeeke had gotten into the kitchen (which is babygated off, but not foolproof, obviously) and gotten into the garbage. So hubby spent the next 5-10 minutes cleaning up the mess in the kitchen.


As he came stomping back into the office he grumbled, "I love you more now."


Oh the ironic timing....

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Originally posted by KrisK:

:rolleyes: :D :D

serves him right!!....btw....you didn't put Zeeke up to it, did you?? :D

Of course not... only reason being that boy wouldn't listen to me anyways. :D


Is it bad that the entire time hubby was cleaning up the (gross, VERY stinky mess - man, what was IN that garbage?!) that I was in here trying SO hard not to burst out laughing at him. I don't think he would have appreciated it, lol!

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LOL Well, Zoe was just confused. She hates it when hubby yells at Zeeke, she gets all flustered and runs underneath me for cover. Zeeke was laughing though - after he got out of reach. LOL He always has this look in his eyes like, "Crap crap crap he's mad....... but nyah nyah nyah I got away with it!" He goes and sits in his crate with big innocent eyes and plots for the next time....


Oh the stories I could tell about Zeeke. Brat. There's a reason his nickname is Zeekinator... as well as D***head. Heh.

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LOL, Zeeke just wanted his owner to love you more. It's funny how dogs timing is always right on. When my husband and I are play fighting, our BC Hondo, will move his head back and forth from one to the other. Just like he's watching a ping pong game. He sits there, with tongue hanging out, and will "cue" us as to who's next.




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it bad that the entire time hubby was cleaning up the (gross, VERY stinky mess - man, what was IN that garbage?!) that I was in here trying SO hard not to burst out laughing at him. I don't think he would have appreciated it, lol!
Well, you have a whole lot more self control than I have...I would have been howling :rolleyes:
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