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The Hunte Corporation


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I am wondering if anyone is familiar with the Hunte Corporation and the number of puppies that they produce each year?? It certainly sounds like a puppy miller to me, even tho they make themselves sound good.


I was especially alarmed at the fact that they do list ABCA as one of the registries that they deal with.





I was curious as to whether or not the ABCA or some of the other registries they list are aware of this fact.



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Here's something that's has a lot of people in an uproar. Give these pompous, greedy asses in the Ivory Towers of AKC enough rope, maybe they'll do a good enough job of screwing themselves, more so than even ABCA. An exterior supported by a rotting core isn't going to remain standing for too long.




------- Forwarded message follows -------

The first of these two messages was forwarded to me by another member of my all-breed club. The second is the response she got from another AKC delegate. Please read! You are welcome - and

encouraged - to forward this message to everyone and anyone concerned about the welfare of pure-bred dogs, the humane treatment of animals, and the protection of potential puppy purchasers.


----- Forwarded by Patricia Marinaccio/CAS on 07/07/2004 03:22 PM


Fellow Setter lovers -


I want to update you on the progression of AKC Delegate chat line discussions which have gone on between me and at least two of the AKC Board of Directors regarding the fancy's overwhelming

objection to the AKC instituting its online puppy sales racket.


An interesting thing happens on our Delegate chat line, when you state an opinion which is contrary to what the Board members want to hear, you are censored. I had this happen a couple of days ago

in a rather benign exchange with Mrs. Schaefer as she was trying to convince us that the real reason why the AKC is doing this is to

educate all of the puppy buying public about the virtues of well bred puppies coming from discriminating breeders.


I merely said that that was complete nonsense, the AKC Board has no such lofty goals, that this is all about making money and nothing

else, and that the Board of Directors should just go ahead and admit this.


This message was censored by the moderator, who is controlled by the Board. I then gave the moderator a brief lecture on my First

Amendment rights, told her I was a lawyer, I fought for people's rights in the courtroom every day, took my Constitutionally guaranteed rights extremely seriously, and was not going to tolerate

anyone censoring my words, my opinions. I then asked her to forward my post to the list. It eventually showed up on the list.


This morning, after receiving yet a couple more rather inane posts from the powers that be defending this brilliant idea, I went to the

Hunte Corporation's website, out of curiosity. If you click on the link which says "pick a puppy" - the site jumps immediately to our AKC website section describing the different recognized breeds.


Andrew Hunte is a clever business man, and he has duped the AKC'S Board of Directors into providing him with a wonderful outlet to sell his mass produced puppies.


So, there you have it, the AKC, in its never ending lust for money, will now be helping the largest mass producer of puppies in the

world to sell his produce.


Lisa Summers

Delegate Grand River Kennel Club

Painesville, Ohio

NCM Gordon Setters

Concord, Ohio


The message from Lisa Summers is right on target.


Dennis Sprung tried to slip past the delegates in Nashville that

AKC is going to "help" puppy buyers contact breeders. We all

thought he meant AKC was going to link with parent clubs, giving

enhanced visibility to their respective "litter listings" and breeder

referral people.

Luckily, the delegate from the Basset Hound Club of America

was apparently more suspicious, and asked for clarification. It was

then that we learned that AKC was planning to list any AKC-paper-

eligible puppy, even those from puppy mills!

The delegates erupted with a negative outburst, and the

Delegate List has been buzzing with outrage from delegates.

Couple of logistical updates: "The word" is that an AKC staff

member, an executive within the Registration Dept., is the moving

force behind this miserable and misguided initiative--and the Board

is going to be discussing it this month.

I have urged my parent club to write immediately, lodging the

strongest protest possible. The plan is abhorrent, and undermines

everything conscientious hobby breeders have worked for over

these many years!

All breeder referral folks, myself included, spend hundreds of

hours on the phone with prospective puppy buyers, trying to

educate them about the right way to research and purchase a

puppy. As some breeder referral people have said: "Why should

we bother any more???!!!"

So now AKC is going to help Andrew Hunte sell the 85,000

puppies he '"processes" each year? We all know the deplorable

conditions these puppies come out of, and even worse is the

suffering of the brood bitches and stud dogs. And we also know

that it is terribly easy to falsify litter information. I see what comes

in from the pet shops at Smithaven every day, and it is

heartbreaking. Pups that barely resemble the breed they are

supposed to be, pups that definitely are not what they are supposed

to be, and almost all filled with parasites, heart murmurs,

respiratory problems, and worse.

AKC is turning itself into a huge joke---all for the almighty

$$$. And it gets better; they are now "licensing" the use of the

AKC logo (also for $$$). On canine products, that might make

sense. But they are putting it on men's and women' apparel,

vacuum cleaners, lamps, bric-a-brac, etc. etc. Some of us are

convinced that the staff and the Board have been drinking from the

bowl of insanity!

Without exception, delegates have been screaming on line! In

my opinion, the arrogance and stupidity of this particular Board and

new staff are overwhelming. And part of the problem, a big part, is

that many staffers have absolutely no real background in the dog

fancy---just corporate thinking. And even some with a background

seem to be totally derailed.

All-breed clubs and parent clubs must weigh in with the Board

asap--and strongly. I have so urged the Beardie club, and am

copying this to Pat for SCKC. Letters and e-mails should go to Jim

Crowley for forwarding to the proper folks.

Things are out of control. Do plan to act!


? Jodi Arden & Mystical Storm

Our Homepages



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There's always some new wrinkle in the exploitation of dogs, I guess. I gather the Hunte Corporation is a broker or middleman, buying dogs in bulk from breeders and selling them wholesale to pet shops? And putting a pretty public face on it.




No, the hell of it is they don't say ABCA is one of the registries that they deal with. What they say is "Browse the registry resources below." That gives the impression that the ABCA is somehow associated with them, without saying so. The only statement they're making is that the ABCA is a registry (true), and I guess that it's a resource (true--or at least not false).


The ABCA is not associated with the Hunte Corporation in any way. Which is not to say the Hunte Corporation never buys ABCA-registered or ABCA-registerable puppies from a breeder and delivers them to pet shops. It's a wicked world, and for all I know they do.



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Thank you Eileen. I was quite upset to see the Hunte Corp listing the ABCA. I did not want to think that the ABCA had any association with this horrible corp.




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Gee, wouldn't it seem a more productive use of a certain fanatical organizations time and money, to launch a large campaign against this type of corporation, then say, trying to get a town like, say Slaughter, Oklahoma, to change their name (which incidentally, was named after a founding father, and blacksmith/farmer, I believe, not some beef production process -- hmm, what do you think the chances are they'll succeed on that one)? Then again, maybe they are on the case, and I'm just not finding it in my searches.


BTW, checked out this corporations site myself, and also felt like they were not really implicating the ABCA in their organization, but instead, using the ABCA as a sort of marketing tool. They don't say they are linked, but provide the reference to make potential buyers think theres a link. In my opinion, not a very ethical usage, but probably not illegal ('course, I really have no background in law, or marketing for that matter).

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